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10th Anniversary



Today is my 10th Anniversary! Whoo hoo!

My hubby and I are going away for the whole weekend..the whole weekend ALONE! I can NOT wait! My hubby's Mom is going to watch our son, and we are going to go and have a weekend of sex, food, sex, shopping, sex and more sex!

I have a little suitcase FULL of toys - luckily we are driving - I have to go get batteries! I can't wait to surprise my hubby with a new outfit and some new ideas. I even packed the bedspread restraints.

After all these years of ups and downs - it is wonderful to be married to the man I really, really love. This weekend, I am going to show him exactly HOW much I love him....

Stay tuned for details!!!!



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Congrats from me as well. Hubby and I will be celebrating our 12th on Sept 10. God how I wish we could go away for a whole weekend ALONE....but with three very active boys hrs seem like days to my mom and his....so guess until they calm down ( LOL ) no overnights for us. Well have a good time which I am sure you will.....and yes share the details when you return
bye and have fun
Hrnychick wink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

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