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Partners In Life...



Happy noises arise from the foot of my bed
Time for my baby boy to be fed

Two sets of feet I hear on the floor
6:30am 2 little girls open the door

Good Morning they squeal as they both jump in the bed
He caresses my back and kisses my head

He's making breakfast it takes a while
Mickey Mouse pancakes always make them smile

We're off to the park, it's a beautiful day
Breezy and sunny as we watch them play

Kissing boo boos and drying tears
comforting, consoling and chasing away fears

Laughing and teasing they play and they run
The sun's going down the day's almost done

PJ's and baths get ready for bed
Hugs and a kiss for each sunny head.

Now it is night, time for us two
Holding my breath till I'm alone with you

Passion consumes, as we embrace
time stands still, all I see is your face

Partners in love, partners for life
Sweet overwhelming love, husband and wife

My soul mate, my heart, my lover my friend
So strong is our love and will never end

My everything my life my hearts desire
I long for the evening to feel the fire

Spouses and parents, a family are we
All I could ask for, contented and free

Though never perfect through trials and tears
We'll prove it together, till the end of our years.


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