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Well today is a much better day as my knee is feeling a tad better today! It has really been bumming me out, but today I woke up and could walk without pain. So, I took my doggy for a walk and just basked in the nice Chicago weather!

It has also been a bummer for my hubby - cause although he and I are still having sex, even with the knee pain, having pain as such makes certain positions impossible. Even with me on my back if he reached to push my knees back by my head there was a real problem! It got very, very annoying this week trying to find positions that would work! I will say that oral sex was still a big GO!

I have so much respect for people who have pain all the time - I don't know how you live with that pain day in and day out! I am such a walker, and not being able to walk SUCKED! I even gained weight in the short 2 weeks since I hurt myself! I just can't win - now I need to work it off!

Tonight's sex will be much better...I just know it....doggystyle here I come!


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