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My First Blog



Well I have done a blog before but I think it may be a good thing with all the things going in my life.

Things have finally calmed down after the last few weeks, and that is because I broke my foot and I can't really do anything. Which is actually a relief between work, my sister being very ill, football practice and cheerleading pratice, I was getting burned out. I think breaking my foot was gods way of telling me to slow down.

My hubby has been away all week and is finally coming home tonight...yippie!!!! I guess we are going to find a way to have sex with a cast. Could be fun or I am going to get really annoyed, I am hoping for the second one. Well I will find out shortly he should be home in about 3 hours or so. I hate when he leaves it always seems like something happens when he leaves. Last year the car died, so we had to buy a new one when he got home. This year the first day he was gone I did this to my foot. I think I am cursed...lol

Oh well, I think I am going to try and clean the house before he gets home.

have a nice day,



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