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just going day by day

Entries in this blog

The Last Month....

I am very sorry for not keeping up with everyone at tootimid, I have missed all the forums and talking with everyone. From my last blog I mentioned everytime my hubby leaves for a conference something bad happens. Well this year took the cake. He safely arrived home on time and I was thrilled to see him home. We had a wonderful night of great sex and when we woke in the morning started all over again. I thought this year would be different. That is when everything hit the fan, his offic



My First Blog

Well I have done a blog before but I think it may be a good thing with all the things going in my life. Things have finally calmed down after the last few weeks, and that is because I broke my foot and I can't really do anything. Which is actually a relief between work, my sister being very ill, football practice and cheerleading pratice, I was getting burned out. I think breaking my foot was gods way of telling me to slow down. My hubby has been away all week and is finally coming home ton



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