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Everything posted by marka09

  1. marka09

    I Wonder

    Tell me what you would like to see and if I have some shots like it, I'll post them.
  2. marka09

    I Wonder

    I'd be happy to go to the cafe. And clothing optional would be fun.
  3. Welcome! Younger women are starting to realize that the older guys have a different standard as far as sex is concerned. They pleasure their partners and treat them with the utmost respect. It's not a rush to the finish, but rather as slow progress to a fulfillment that their partner will enjoy first. Then they take their time to reach their climax, all the while still pleasuring their partner. Speaking from experience...
  4. You look great! They look like they could use a nice licking!!
  5. Looks like there was a lot of enjoyment going on!
  6. You're young so you have more cum than you will when you get older. Us older guys don't usually have a lot of cum, but we make up for it with the way we can give pleasure.
  7. My wife has a wand that has several different intensities including a very strong one. It all has a lot of patterns. She bought the add on attachments for it and they work great!
  8. marka09

    Wild Time

    I'd love to watch and give you some of mine!
  9. Thank you. It's been a passion of mine for a long time now. I completely enjoy seeing people feeling they are beautiful!!! Ever since I gave up my studio for health reasons, my clients have mostly been ones who rent a cabin, do a photoshoot, and make it a romantic weekend. The best of all worlds.
  10. It's no secret, I treat them with respect and understanding. I understand that they are nervous and I try to help then relax and realize that they are beautiful. I've had clients start off so nervous that they were actually shaking. By the end of the shoot they were walking around naked and totally proud of themselves. I love what I do. And I'll do it for free for the folks on here.
  11. That's where I could help. Proper lighting and exposure plus the perfect angle. All you would have to do is relax and tease the camera.
  12. Very sexy! If you ever want to do a photoshoot, just let me know! I'm sure I could get some awesome images of you!
  13. Wish you were closer. I'd capture some that you would love!
  14. Yes, you should! It's a wonderful sensual experience!!
  15. Welcome. Enjoy and share.
  16. Welcome! Enjoy and share!
  17. Many of my clients do the same thing. Starts out as a gift for someone, then turns into a shoot for themselves. Empowered and totally upbeat!
  18. And you know that I'd be happy to give you one! 💦
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