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Tannaked last won the day on October 5 2023

Tannaked had the most liked content!

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  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Fun in the sun
  • My Favorite Toy
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    Not Telling
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Proficient (10/14)

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  1. It sure can get the blood pumped to the head and with a vibrating but plug make it more fun tell you shoot the big one
  2. Hot as always might fine dreaming of a peep show with you in it
  3. Ride it tell you can’t ride it anymore I’ll be thinking about you on it with extra lubricant
  4. Or slide off for too many orgasms in a row
  5. Then you can have who can ride the Symbian the longest maybe sell tickets
  6. Hope your Symbian didn’t get overheated thinking about him
  7. Watch out for those fins
  8. Hot soapy shower and a shave
  9. Wish I was down stream on that flood
  10. Hope you have a automatic not a standard or you might forget which one to shift
  11. Or lucky to get a pat down all the way
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