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Everything posted by camel

  1. I just happened to be looking at this site I didn't mean to sound the way I did. But HELLO it did say that we could post our views and that is just what I was doing and the name dodoqueen isn't my user name it is my friends she told me I could use it. And I am not naming any names because I kept my word that I would not use her name just her user name and that is IT! I just thought I could post my thoughts just like you guys and no I am not trying to start a conflict on this forum. I also didn't mean to come off as strong as I did so I am therfore saying that I am sorry if that is the way I sounded. I am also for sure as hell not telling you that if you "masturbate" or "play with yourself" to be more simple that you will go to HELL! If you want I will be more open minded and if you want you may also give me "tips" on how to better my sex life. If you give me "tips" than please don't let them involve sex toys. And as far as sex toys goes I will not mention it again I promise and I mean it! Look forward to your reply soon!
  2. Tell me howard4570 how am I projecting my expierences onto others? Really I was not aware of that if I had known I would not have posted those things I was just trying to express my opions. I didn't mean to be rude. I also was not imposing Christianity. I don't have to tell my fiancee how to please me he just knows. I agree God gave me this body but to me my body is on loan to me and someday He will claim it back. I am sorry for the "rude" comments. I just want to say one thing I don't masturbate when my fiancee isn't around because I spend all my time on the computer, driving around running errands, and doing my homework for my college instructors. How should I open my mind to these sex things? Look forward to your comments!
  3. You guys just don't know how sex toys can ruin your love life trust me I was with someone that used a sex toy on me and it was just stupid it took the exciting moments right out of both of us. Women who use these toys must not care very much. And also I have seen a porno and I think it is just digusting to watch other people having sex. FYI I have had sex education thank you very much and that too was gross. I could care less what you people think but just remember that when Judgement Day comes u'll probably be sorry if you're not christian like me and my fiancee which is what I prefer you guys call him. He does a fine job with out us using sex toys. Furthermore, I don't think masturbation is normal either how gross for a female to put their own fingers in their vaginas and whats more it is even nastier to have a male play with their own dicks. If you guys also have sex with a stuffed animal (laugh) you guys seriously need help or get your own sex ed classes. As far as me bieng on this site MIKAYLA I have every right as a citizen of a free country to give my opinion. Even kind loving, males can be rough. And lastly you're not being resonable you're bieng down right rude mikayla.
  4. I have and its ok if your at home but if your a female and you do it at a bar a or a store than girls make sure you have a pad or your nearby a restroom because it can be embarrassing when ykour walking around with a big wet spot on the butt of your pants. Having an orgasim when your not having sex or when your thinking about sex is totally normal. When an orgasim happens to me that tells me that I'd better find my fiancee and rip his clothes off and fuck him. Let me tell you there is nothing like riding your lovers cock and becoming extremly horney at the same time. So the next time you have an orgasim and your not expecting it enjoy it while it lasts I know I do every time.
  5. I don't think that sex toys are very cool. I think women use them just to stimulate their vaginas so that when their lover pushes his hard cock in there then it won't hurt so bad. I think that the sex toys are degrading and down right nasty. They should ban sex toys and close down the shops that sell them and pornos also. Sex toys do take away the moment that two people share and it can be frustrating. I've had friends tell me that they don't enjoy them because some males are stronger than we are and they may shove it in the womans vagina or their anus and it could hurt or it could make the vagina bleed a little bit. As far as the titty sucking that is ok, my fiance sucks on mine all the time and it feels great. Men should have a greater sex strives than their female partners just for the fact that their penisis get hard quicker than our breasts do. Heres a suggestion if you really want to go for the gold so to speak, take a candy bar with chocolate either on it or in it and rub some on you than rub some on your partner than have your own fun by liking it off and maybe you'll think of other edible things to put on your body and maybe it will be in a different spot like.... oh what the hell you'll think of something. My fiancee also likes to have blow jobs and to have his cum eaten so if your that type of woman than go for it ladies or if your new at the whole sex thing than it would be something new and fun for you to try.
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