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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, it went really well!! I didn't have to bring up the flipping off stuff, because he basically made an ass out of himself, without my help! LMAO He blantantly lied and said that I actually called in Sept. and said he wasn't allowed on the property cuz we didn't own it yet. Well, news flash, my mother had a copy of the check that was CASHED in mid JULY (of last yr.), and the deed filed in mid Aug. of last yr. I also said that "what would the point be of clearing a lot that wasn't ours to begin with?" Then the idiot made mention that he had had back surgeries and on heavy duty pain meds, so he doesn't remember ever SPEAKING with "the woman" aka my mother, about fixing all of this, and then trying to say that my DH had made an agreement to finish it for the balance owed of $300. Funny, if he had no clue how much we were going to sue for, then how the hell would my DH all of a sudden come up with a $300 figure to finish the lot with? Totally off base. My mother never put a price tag on what was owed until May of this year, which is WELL after when he stopped trying to communicate with hime. I think he actually confused another person with our situation. I think someone ELSE may have told him he wasn't allowed on THEIR property, and in his medicated fog, he thought it was ME. LOL Jackass. I had all that paperwork, photos, and a statement, and he had ONE measely little carbon-copy of a check that he wrote for a dozer rental on Sept 1st. Well, he stopped coming to our property in mid August!!!! And he said THAT was when I called him (in Sept.)....after he rented this magical dozer. I said that i never called him (which was the truth), and that I never said that to begin with cuz the property was paid for by that time!!! He also sounded so stupid, cuz the judge asked him if he had had a witness to prove that I had called him, cuz, at that point, I had all the proof, and he had nothing. He said, and I quote, "If I have to go get one, if this goes to trial, then I can bring one in." The judge looked at him like he was an idiot and said, "Sir, this IS your trial. If you don't have one, then it's too late now!" I could almost feel my IQ going down! LOL I tried to be as nice and agreeable as possible, even trying to get this man to agree to stuff that was TOTALLY obvious, like the status of the lot when he got there, which was fully wooded with small and medium trees, and that I'd personally walked the lot with him, and gave him a lot map so that he could see where what was. He tried bringing up one specific pile, that he said he couldn't move cuz of where it was put. I told the judge that that specific pile wasn't even in question, and that he had put it exactly where he had been asked too. I was trying to be as nice and accomodating as possible, and I was trying to give credit where credit was due too, to be totally fair, which I think impressed the judge. Anyway, he showed his ass, and the judge saw thru it, so it was a win for us, and he actually PAID it today! Cash even! I was in total shock. Although, now, he's going to retaliate and try and sue DH for some deal he says DH renigged on, about paying for some part for the Jeep he traded over 2 years ago!! It was stupid, he and DH trying to go at it like children, outside the courtroom. I kept trying to stay calm, and said "C'mon guys, please let's just stop this. It's over & done with, and let's just move on." I swear, they almost took out their dicks, and peed right there!! Ugh!
  2. What a PAIN IN THE ASS this is turning out to be!! My mother, me, and DH had hired a man to clear her lot adjoining ours last year. He was suppose to clear a lot, and all he had left was a small part of the property, then pile everything up for us so we could burn it. He came 3-4 times, and that was it. Just stopped coming, then wondered WHY we were upset, even when he admitted to it not being done. Fast-forward a year later, still no attempt on HIS part to rectify this, and was PISSED off when we filed a small claims case (actually my mother did). So, tomorrow's the big day!! LOL Mom asked me last week if I was nervous, and I said, no cuz we're going to win, he never fulfilled the contract. Then she asked me what I was gonna wear, hell if I know....clothes...then she proceeds to tell me HOW I should dress. I told her that I knew how to do this, and how to behave myself in court (since I was able to be VERY civil with my divorce with my ex husband). Then she told me to just watch what I said. HELLO??? Yes, I admit, I can get pissed off easily, especially when I know one is lying, however, I can handle myself with decorum and professionalism when I have too. And I told her as such. I mean, if I can act cordially with my ex in the room, then this will be a breeze! Thankfully, DH's going with me tomorrow, so I don't hafta do this alone. This man's been so stupid about all of it too. Coming up with excuse after excuse, and came up with a new one just a few months ago, using my neighbor's father's dementia as an excuse (we bought the lot from our neighbor's father), saying he was denied access to the lot, the lot wasn't ours, and some other bullshit. Then, about 2 weeks ago, he actually FLIPPED me off, while I was taking DD to school!!! How mature is THAT?? I mean, I'm 35, and I believe he's in his early 40's maybe. Who actually flips people off they have these petty issues with? C'mon! He also flipped off my DH about a week ago too. Like I said, very immature. This man even CONFRONTED me outside a convenience store, while I was trying to just keep my distance, my mouth shut (believe it or not I can do that), until after the court date (then it's on like Donkey Kong). At least he waited until AFTER we were out of the store to do so. He kept saying that we didn't need to go this route. I told him that I wasn't going to speak with him about this, since we had a court date. He tried again, and I used my "don't give me shit/teacher voice" and said "Charles, I am NOT going to speak with you about this NOW, we have a court date, and it's inappropriate for you to try and pull this on me NOW." He said "whatever Meaghan", and walked off. (Yes, my name's Meaghan too.) My mother is actually filing the suit, but, since the date is when she can't be here, and my name's on the deed too, there's no point in prolonging it, or trying to reschedule, since we can't be guaranteed that another date would hit when she'd be here. So, I'm off to court after I drop off DD at school Yay me. Why can't people just do as they say they're going too??? I mean really! And, if you can't finish it, admit to it, pay some sort of restitution and MOVE ON!!! MATURELY!! JEEEEZ!!!
  3. Tyger


    Hey there!! I'm trying to play catch-up with everything/one on the board, after the hurricane and all, so welcome, and I hope you enjoy it here!!
  4. Tyger

    New Guy

    Hey! I'm playing catch-up, so, sorry I missed welcoming you before! Anyway, welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy all the information here!
  5. It lights up AND is a bullet??? How awesome!!!
  6. LOL I saw that after I posted it (copied from an e-mail). So I fixed it.
  7. 2008 Tax Code The only thing that the IRS has not taxed yet is the male penis. This is due to the fact that 69% of the time it is hanging around unemployed, 10% of the time it is hard up, 20% of the time it is pissed off and 1% of the time it is in the hole. On top of that, it has two dependents and they are both nuts! HOWEVER, effective January 1st, 2008, the penis will now be taxed according to size: The brackets are as follows: 10 - 12" Luxury Tax $ 300.00 8 - 10" Pole Tax $ 250.00 5 - 8" Privilege Tax $ 150.00 3 - 5" Nuisance Tax $ 30.00 Males exceeding 12" must file capital gains. Anyone under 4' is eligible for a tax refund. ** PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR AN EXTENSION ** untitled.bmp
  8. To update, DH has cut down all of the bad trees, including the one that's all split at the bottom (which made a big boom when it hit the ground, and shook the house). He got them all cut up, piled up, and whatnot. BTW, red oak STINKS when it's cut, but smells good when it's burning. Go figure!! LMAO I've cleaned up the deck, repotted a few plants, and swept the back landing, where the pine tree it the house, but did NO damage to the landing, railing, lawn mower it was on top of, or the freakin' wooden drying rack that it was over either!! LMAO It's depressing how many trees we lost though. I LOVED all our oak trees. Thankfully, the dogwood didn't get damaged at all. Fridge & chest freezer was cleaned out earlier last week, with the coffee (unused) grounds in bowls placed in them to keep them from smelling (works better than baking soda!!!!). Laundry's getting caught up, things are getting accomplished, slowly but surely.
  9. That's very true Pappy. Many men have no clue that they're carriers of anything at all, unless they have an open sore right out there to see, or yes, even up inside their urethra! Then they KNOW something's wrong. Men are visual creatures. They like to SEE what's going on. If they don't SEE it, there's no problem. Actually, most people STILL have that way of thinking!! "That person LOOKS fine, so they MUST be safe to sleep with." And, did you know that it's harder for a MAN to catch herpes and HPV than it is for a woman? That's not any reason to not protect yourself, but it's there.
  10. That is awesome!! It's too bad it happened, but it's great when people own up to their responsibilities, and take care of stuff that they should!
  11. You know what's a good idea for next year's holidays? Go and get the mugs and stuff that always end up in clearance. Use those as the holders for next year's stock. Great places to get cheaper containers now (which will help keep YOUR cost down), are dollar stores and places like Big Lots, and if there are any surplus stores around you. Also, sometimes places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, even yard sales, will have new containers, mugs, jars, and the like.
  12. Maybe since you listen to me, even when heavily drugged, I need to take a trip to AZ, and scream at your body, immune system, and heart? Maybe that would help? I hope things get better, and that your doctors have a Kitty Pow-Wow, so they can come together and figure out what's wrong with you, physically at the very least!!! I TOLD you to always get that extended warranty!! But, did you listen? Noooooooooooooooo!!! Love ya girlie!
  13. Wow, this really sucks!! I know where Suzy's coming from, since she got HPV, and I also got genital herpes with a guy that either didn't know, or didn't disclose. It can cause a lot of bitterness in these cases, when we hear of stuff like this happening to others, especially when someone already KNOWS they have something. I'm not, in any way, saying that you shouldn't use condoms, however, I got herpes and had used a condom with this guy (it slipped off). Nothing is 100% against protection against STD's except total abstinance. No matter HOW LONG you go with someone, you should (though many people don't), get tested for everything you possibly can, before going bareback. YOU are the only one responsible for your own personal sexual health. I contracted herpes while living in Texas. My doctor told me that, in the state of Texas, I am LEGALLY obligated to forwarn any future lovers of my STD status. I can be held accountable, IF I withhold the information, NOT giving the future lover a CHOICE as to whether or not they want to risk contracting it. IF said future lover decides to take the risk, then I would NOT be held accountable. Being held accountable means that I would be responsible for any/all of the medical issues (bills) that person may have due to contracting herpes. I believe all one would have to do is check with the CDC, since these kinds of diseases have to be reported, to prove prior knowledge. Most people go to a doctor and have a test done, when they're hurting/having issues, and get diagnosed. Most blood tests for herpes are recommended to be done 12-16 weeks AFTER exposure according to the American Social Health Association. Just a normal pelvic exam (with vaginal scrapings) won't show anything, herpes wise, unless you have an active sore, and trust me on this, she would KNOW if she had an open sore!!! So, I would advise that she go and get retested again in another 3 mos or so. These tests, depending on which one they use, are 90-98% accurate. I wrote an article on the forum, about living with an STD, as did SuzyP. Mine's called Living and Loving With an STD. I hope that she doesn't have it, but if she does, please show her that article.
  14. I lived in Maine during the Ice Storm of 1998! That was pretty bad! In addition to no power, there was no heat for most people (since most people have oil heat and furnaces need electricity to start and run). And the slippery roads were dangerous due the ice, snow, and foolish people trying to drive in all that mess!! This is my 4th bad storm that I can remember living thru/dealing with.
  15. Yes, you made a BIG boo-boo with the skillet, and could've done a lot of damage. You know that. So, she's made her point, and chances are, that was a one-time mistake. However, her belittling you is ridiculous. Though, it seems as though you DID make your point those few days cuz you told her that you didn't want to hear her complain or comment on how good your sister has it, or whatever, or harp on the stuff that irritates you, cuz she didn't talk at all. Your little mistake has knocked you back down to "child" in her eyes. So, you've got some "make up" assertive ladder climbing to do again. I've had to get really bitchy with my mom, and I'm 35!!! I don't know if she does or not, but if your mom continually harps on the same stuff, she may have a form of OCD. Some OCD sufferers "obsess" about certain things. It's not all about the little rituals. My mother's OCD affliction is mostly my Dad (who's been dead almost 10 yrs now), and personaly hygeine, mostly antibacterial stuff. However, I have literally, after several attempts at being polite about it, told her to shut the fuck up about my father, and that if she continued she's no longer welcome in my house. If told her to shut up, clam it, close it, and to stop it now. I can get a deadly quiet, yet serious tone in my voice (which she graced me with), and she is getting the point. But it's taken me growing some balls when it comes to her as my MOTHER, and about 20 yrs. Now, you don't have that particular option (telling her to get out), however, you can stick to your guns, and when she starts in on your sister being so perfect, you not being perfect, or whatever, you can just WALK OUT. If she tries to follow you, shut your door in her face, turn up your radio just enough so she knows you are deliberately not going to listen to her. Maybe that will help. Best wishes!!
  16. No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work without electricity. (I admit, I did this ONCE LMAO) Vienna sausages only appear on the food pyramid during hurricane season. Gas mileage is recalculated based on miles per fume. Lovebugs do not disappear in 100 mph wind gusts. Despite protests, kids can re-live their parentsʼ youth when there were only 3 tv channels! Cats are even more irritating without power. Houston without traffic lights resembles Mexico City , Rome , Los Angeles and New York City all rolled into a single snarl. A 7 lb bag of ice will chill 6-12 oz beers to a drinkable temperature in 11 minutes, and still keep a 14 lb. turkey frozen for 8 more hours. There were a lot of really big trees around here! (WERE being the operative word here) People will get into a line that has already formed without having any idea what the line is for. Calories consumed during a hurricane or power outage do not count. Telemarketers function no matter what the weather is doing. New Delhi does not check the weather report in Houston. Most popular text message after September 13: do u hve pwr or How R U doing? Twenty-seven of your neighbors are fed from a different transformer than you, and they are quick to point that out! Crickets and cicadas can increase their volume to overcome the sound of 14 generators. Dirty clothes in an unsupervised hamper multiply at an exponential rate. Coffee, spaghetti and frozen pizzas can be made on a grill. He who has the biggest generator wins Tree service companies are under-appreciated, except after hurricanes. There are a lot more stars in the sky than most people thought. If you owned a store that sold only ice, chain saws, gas and generators, you would be rich!!
  17. How very fun! I love jelly toys, since they're so pliable and "squishy". It helps make them more comfortable! Thanks for the great review!
  18. When you told me that you'd picked that one (knowing you as I do), I was wondering WTF? LOL Glad it was a fulfilling experience!!
  19. The BANG on the house was very loud, and it's really indescribable, unless you've heard it before. The snapping of the trees almost sounded like really big branches snapping off, muffled by the house. You could feel the thumps of the trees that did fall though, thru the floor. Hearing the wind whistle on parts of the house was kinda nerve-wracking too. Thank goodness we had text messaging, and cell service for most of it. I texted most everyone, since I didn't want to overwhelm the towers, in case there was someone that had a real emergency, and needed help ASAP. We got a chainsaw today, and hubby got the one tree that was leaning on the other, right next to the house, which was a big concern, down today, and a couple of the others down. Some were cut up, and we will be taking care of all that in the next few days. What a chore!
  20. She (Asia) also stars in Snow Leopard, which is also a sci-fi porn, and it's very good too. I reviewed that a while ago. Thanks for the interesting review!
  21. This is the shot of the big oak & DD's swingset.... This is the front before the hurricane: After: This tree is split at the base, and the top is caught in the fork of another tree: A billboard on the highway that got blown over: This tree was in the front yard, and since the ground got so saturated so fast (it was almost bone dry before the storm), the roots gave up, and the tree basically said, "Yeah, I'm done, TYVM".:
  22. Top Ten Reasons Hurricane Season Is Like Christmas Number Ten: Decorating the house (with plywood). Number Nine: Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season. Number Eight: Last minute shopping in crowded stores. Number Seven: Regular TV shows pre-empted for 'Specials'. Number Six: Family coming to stay with you. Number Five: Family and friends from out of state calling you. Number Four: Buying food you don't normally buy . . . and in large quantities. Number Three: Days off from work. Number Two: Candles. And the Number One reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas: At some point you're probably going to have a tree in your house!
  23. I hope you have a good time, and that you let us know how it all went, and what you got!
  24. See? Just goes to show you, the saying "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy" has a lot of merit!
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