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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. So, when recieving oral attention, what do you like, what do you dislike? I'd love to get both sides here (ladies & gentlemen).
  2. I've used Tecnu on hubby, and I put it in his laundry when washing his clothes after he breaks out. That stuff ROCKS!!
  3. I guess in this case, it's ok if it goes off while cleaning it?
  4. *Purrrrrrrrrrrrr* very much so!!
  5. I love the carrying case. How many batteries does it take?
  6. I too, am working on loosing weight. I was a size 6 when me and DH met, and, I'd like to get back to at least an 8 (had a baby, so I'm not seeing a 6 happening ever again). For the better? I've become less of a doormat, and more assertive. I stand up for myself & have stopped letting people take advantage of me, though, since I've done that, no matter how nice I've been about it, I am a *BITCH*. Oh well. During my divorce from my 1st husband, I learned that jealousy is a serious waste of time & energy, and rarely do I allow myself to feel it now. Y'all know my philosophy: if someone's gonna cheat, there's nothing you can do to stop it. I became a mother, and a pretty good one at that. I've become *slightly* better in the kitchen, but not by much. LOL
  7. So, which vibrator do you have that is the apple of your, um, eye?
  8. .. .. .. ..Hillbilly Medical Terms .. .. .... .. .. .. .... Benign................What you be after you be eight. Bacteria...............Back door to cafeteria. Barium.................What you do with dead folks. Cesarean Section.......A neighborhood in Rome. Catscan................Searching for the cat. Cauterize..........Made eye contact with her. Colic...............A sheep dog. Coma...............A punctuation mark. D&C................Where Washington is. Dilate.............To live longer than your kids do. Enema.............Not a friend. Fester............Quicker than someone else. Fibula............A small lie. G.I. Series.........World Series of military baseball. Hangnail...........What you hang your coat on. Impotent...........Distinguished, well known. Labor Pain..........Getting hurt at work. Morbid..............A higher offer than I bid. Nitrates............Cheaper than day rates. Medical Staff.......A Doctor's cane, sometimes shown with a snake. Node....................I knew it. Outpatient..............A person who has fainted. Pap Smear................A fatherhood test. Pelvis...................Second cousin to Elvis. Post Operative...........A letter carrier. Recovery Room....Place to do upholstery. Secretion.......Hiding something Tablet..........A small table to change babies on. Seizure..........Roman emperor who lived in the Ceasarean Section. Terminal Illness....Getting sick at the train station. Tumor...............More than one. Urine...............Opposite of mine. Varicose............Near by Hospital............The biggest building in town, other than Joe's feed warehouse or Franks lumber mill.
  9. My hubby USED all of this stuff on himself in the shower. I didn't realize how much he'd used until I saw the bottle in the trash!! I was upset cuz it was FLAVORED and very good!!! HIS loss I guess. LOL
  10. My hubby just had this issue. He's uber sensitive to poison oak and sumac, I don't get it. Even if I roll around in it, I don't get it. I am allergic to TONS of things, but not this stuff!! Weird, I know. Anyway, he just used regular calamine lotion all over the place, including his penis, and it cleared up. My mom recommended that he use BF powder (I think that's it, it has squares on the front in blue and green with pics of hands and feet on it) for any open sores that may ooze, to dry them out. He's so dramatic (he's worse than a teenager girl at times), that he said it huuuuuurt, but I think he just gets that in his mind to make it happen. Yeah, I don't sound sympathetic, but when you work all day long it it, in a t-shirt and no gloves, and then wonder HOW you get it, knowing how allergic you are....you'd think you'd learn!!! Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!
  11. What to expect: Nice, REAL, everday people, from all walks of life: rich, poor, and in the middle. Folks that like to discuss sex and the use of sex toys, sexual issues, sharing all sorts of photos, and more information on sex that you could find anywhere else on the WWW. Plus, it's MATURE and educational sex talk, not the "hook up and flirt" sex talk. Welcome to the site, and I hope you enjoy it here.
  12. You've gotten some wonderful advise here in this thread. Hormonal treatments can really zap the body into doing (or not doing) some odd things. It's normal for all of these things to happen. Your doctor should've told you all of the side effects of these treatments. Usually, they give you some pamplets, or websites to check out so you can learn what you can expect. I would read them carefully, so you won't get so worried about all of this or shocked by what's going on. Ask your doctor in charge of the fertility these questions too. That's what they're there for. Trust me, they know you're having sex, so this shouldn't be embarassing to ask. I'm sure they've heard it all. And, your doctor will know best what may happen as far as these feelings and sensations go, AND how long it usually lasts. And, I'm going to ask you a personal question: when y'all are having sex, is it to try and get pregnant, or is it to have fun and pleasure? Yes, yes, I know "fertility treatments", but, are you having sex with that goal always in the front of your thoughts? Even if you're chanting "get pregnant, get pregnant" silently to yourself, you could be putting mental blocks on your pleasure center. You know, pressure to perform? Men get it too. Failure to really relax can cause orgasm trouble. Chances are it is probably the meds, but it could be a mix of both. Good luck in getting pregnant, but remember to have fun with your hubby too! *HUGS*
  13. They remind me of the Doc Johnson's GEMs, remember, the ones made of sil-a-gel? At least with these, there's a solid vibe inside the sleeve, giving extra "backbone" for the back door......
  14. I also wanted to point out something. You said "to wash off the packaging dusting." Well, yes, they packaged it with the "dust", but as many people may not know this, that is actually talc. It's used on cyberskin to give it that "real feel" softness, and it's recommended by most cyberskin producing companies, that you dust some back on the toy once it's washed, to maintain it.
  15. The same thing goes with the DVDs, you gotta make sure that no review already exsits. This was the DVD of the month a couple mos ago, so there are several reviews on this. Under Contract Reviews I still LOVE the comments y'all made!!!
  16. I LOVE the top responses!! LMAO Great review!!
  17. I LOVE mine. And I did a review on it. Here's the link for that: Double Delight Please remember to check to see if your item that you got sent to review, has had a review done on it, and post it under the ORIGNAL poster's thread, as a REPLY, then post it like you would all other reviews. You can check the item's page, and if there's a review by a Reviewer, then you know it's on the forum. I did a search in the Sex Toy Review section, at the bottom where there's a little box, and you can type in whatever keyword or item name, and usually get a variety of items. It only takes a few minutes to find them, if they are there, but we all need to do it. I would've liked to have seen a slightly larger dildo for the wearer of the harness, but other than that, I loved it!!! Did it work for you and your partner? Were the vibes in the larger one strong enough for you? Was the size comfortable for you? Did it stay put? Here's another tip: Make sure that you put the harness away totally dry (cleaning the attached one can cause the harness to get wet or damp). Cuz the black WILL bleed onto the toy, creating some weird effects....LOL
  18. Love his highlights, LOVE your hair. I wish I had the face to carry off such an elegantly simple style!! Who spends more time on their hair in your house?
  19. My husband is the "uber man". He is a guy's guy in other words. His philosophy use to be that if the sex was good, then you don't need sex toys. It took me a very long time (and becoming a reviewer here), to show him that sex toys can be FUN. And that they are enhancements in the bedroom, not replacements. What peaked his interest was a toy I got that was non-phallic looking, cute, vibrated, AND had lights. Why not ask him WHY he doesn't like sex toys? If he says he doesn't know, which sometimes in itself is an honest answer, where other times it's a brush off, then ask him to think about why he is so against it. Then go from there. If he's willing, have him help you pick out a toy together. Good luck!
  20. My son came home from school one day, With a smirk upon his face. He decided he was smart enough, To put me in my place. 'Guess what I learned in Civics Two, that's taught by Mr. Wright? It's all about the laws today, The 'Children's Bill of Rights.' It says I need not clean my room, Don't have to cut my hair No one can tell me what to think, Or speak, or what to wear. I have freedom from religion, And regardless what you say, I don't have to bow my head, And I sure don't have to pray. I can wear earrings if I want, And pierce my tongue & nose. I can read & watch just what I like, Get tattoos from head to toe. And if you ever spank me, I'll charge you with a crime. I'll back up all my charges, With the marks on my behind. Don't you ever touch me, My body's only for my use, Not for your hugs and kisses, That's just more child abuse. Don't preach about your morals, Like your Mama did to you.. That's nothing more than mind control, And it's illegal too! Mom, I have these children's rights, So you can't influence me, Or I'll call Children's Services Division, Better known as C.S.D.' Mom's Reply and Thoughts Of course my first instinct was To toss him out the door. But the chance to teach him a lesson Made me think a little more. I mulled it over carefully, I couldn't let this go. A smile crept upon my face, he's messing with a pro. Next day I took him shopping At the local Goodwill Store.. I told him, 'Pick out all you want, there's shirts & pants galore. I've called and checked with C.S.D .. Who said they didn't care If I bought you K-Mart shoes Instead of those Nike Airs. I've canceled that appointment To take your driver's test. The C.S.D. Is unconcerned So I'll decide what's best. ' I said 'No time to stop and eat, Or pick up stuff to munch. And tomorrow you can start to learn To make your own sack lunch. Just save the raging appetite, And wait till dinner time. We're having liver and onions, A favorite dish of mine.' He asked 'Can I please rent a movie, To watch on my VCR?' 'Sorry, but I sold your TV, For new tires on my car. I also rented out your room, You'll take the couch instead.. The C .S.D. Requires Just a roof over your head. Your clothing won't be trendy now, I'll choose what we eat. That allowance that you used to get, Will buy me something neat. I'm selling off your jet ski, Dirt-bike & roller blades. Check out the 'Parents Bill of Rights', It's in effect today! Hey hot shot, are you crying, Why are you on your knees? Are you asking God to help you out, Instead of C.S.D..?' MOM (Mean Old Mamma) Send to all people that have teenagers, have already raised teenagers, have children who will soon be teenagers or those who will be parents someday OR ANYONE WHO'D JUST GET A LAUGH.
  21. Well, I guess the saving grace for that article is that it's in Penthouse. Though, I am not saying that everyone that reads Penthouse will cheat or is inclinded to do so. Where the advise is good advice if a man is going to cheat, and probably stay with is wife, I just don't like it. I mean, if someone's gonna cheat, men or women, they will cheat, no matter what. Nobody can stop them from doing so, no matter what their SO does, a person that is going to cheat, will. So, in that aspect of the article, then the advice is sound. And, in instances such as this, if the man sounds like he's going to cheat, not leave his wife, and wants advice how to do it, then what I gathered, it was good advice. Of course we're all expecting a "HER" to go and try to say things like "counselling, don't do it" and whatnot. That's the moral thing we want everyone to say. But, if we look at reality, and I can't say it enough, a person that is wanting to cheat, will. In many cases, yes, it is kinda both spouse's fault if someone cheats. I mean, there's lack of communication, lack of sex (which is also grouped into the lack of communication). But, I've known several couples that one of them have cheated, and yet their sex lives and personal lives seemed very much on track. I also think that many men (not all) don't ALWAYS see their wives as life-partners, companions, friends, as well as lovers and mothers. It's when they forget that, and think about getting their nuts off, that things really digress in the relationship. I LOVED iha's statement "I cling to the hope that my struggle for fidelity and frustrated desire is for a higher cause than the satisfaction of my penis..." That is ONE mature man for you. What many male cheaters don't do is think with their BRAIN. My ex was excellent in planning stuff out for trips and stuff, but what he sucked at was thinking about what might happen if he did something, after it happened. My ex husband cheated. And, trust me when I say, it was NOT due to lack of sex or communication. When I was irritated, concerned, happy, or sad, he knew all about it. Probably sometimes too much. The issue with my ex is that he has a HUGE ego that needs feeding constantly, and one woman can't satisfy that. He has to feel desired by someone else. It's his "thing" I guess. He was A LOT of maintanance. He did all of the suggested tips (didn't have a cc at the time), but, I was able to delve into the computer and find proof, so yes, that part of the advise is true. Plus, he bragged. So, I found out a lot with some research. So, anyway, that's my $1.00 worth anyway.
  22. Hence why you won't see Tyger moving anywhere near there or Cali!! Sorry to those that live there, but I like good, solid earth (says the girl in hurricane and tornado land). Anyway, I hope you and your family stay safe and that you have fantastic insurance!! Good luck!
  23. HISTORY LESSON (bet you didn't know) Most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellmann's mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York. This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico. But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York. The ship hit an iceberg and sank, and the cargo was forever lost. The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of Mourning, which they still observe to this day. The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5th and is known, of course, as Sinko de Mayo. Admit it you smiled
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