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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I was in Wal-Mart buying a large bag of Purina for my dogs and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog........ Duh! I was feeling a bit crabby so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IV's in both arms. Her eyes about bugged out of her head. I went on and on with the bogus diet story and she was totally buying it I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her. Horrified, she asked if something in the dog food had poisoned me and was that why I ended up in the hospital. I said no.....I'd been sitting in the street licking my butt when a car hit me. I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door.
  2. I have to agree with Mikayla and Kat on this. My husband and I enjoy each other immensely, though sometimes are timings are off, so one of us masturbates for the release. I don't know any man that would say he doesn't masturbate. Most men will raise their hairy palms proudly! Just kidding on the palms.....maybe. But, if someone says they don't, I guess there's no proving otherwise (without getting arrested for being a peeping Tom that is). More power to ya!
  3. http://www.tootimid.com/island-fever-4.html Director Joone, along with Digital Playground take you on an erotic trip to Bora Bora and the Bahamas in this hot and steamy 3 disc DVD collection. 2 discs are all sex, and the other disk is all of the bonus features. No plots, fake sets, or even bad dialogue are in this film. Straight, hot, steamy sex is all you get! And, believe me, it’s more than enough!! I loved the way it was shot too. Like flash scenes, not complete, yet not lacking either. Colorful, beautiful, tropical scenery, and some great effects also will treat your senses. There is actually no dialogue in the feature itself. Instead, you are entertained with a great soundtrack, that, if I had to describe it in one word, it would be: Tribal. There are a lot of drums to stir your innermost primal side. No cheesy music that most of us have become accustomed to in adult films in this one. I would love to have the soundtrack to play on my stereo, it was that good! And, for those of you with kids, it’s great, because you can watch this DVD almost anywhere, and they wouldn’t know what you were watching by the sounds. The film starts out with girl-on-girl action, then the format goes from that to you seeing one of the girls in a solo scene. She turns, flips the hair, looks at you slyly, plays in the sand and water, touches herself, and struts her stuff. Then you have the lengthy sex scenes, whether it’s with a man, or another woman. I got a voyeuristic feeling when I was watching this steamy disc. Like I was actually there, and they knew I was watching. It was very erotic. Familiar faces, including Jessie Jane, Sophia Santi, Teagan Preasley, and Jana Cova will fulfill all of your sexiest fantasies. Beautiful bodies, several girl on girl shots, 16 sex scenes, and a great 4 girl orgy will satisfy your craving for eye candy. I would say that this is one of the most TASTEFUL adult films I have ever seen! I would even say that it’s also a film for those looking for a ROMANTIC adult film. This film is great!! It’s a great addition to any collection.
  4. The flames looked raised? Did you/she feel them?
  5. I was also gonna sing "...and a partridge in a pear tree!!!" Or I could go with John Valby's adult version and sing "...and a hum job in a pear tree!!!" Let's see..... * a couples board game * a dirty deck of playing cards *2 adult VHS's (my DVDs are in the living room, in hiding) *my old silver basic run-of-the-mill vibrator *my Rock-It clit stimulator (love that thing!!) *my Infinite Pleasures kit ( I think there's 7 pcs) *The Hot Stud (hubba hubba) *Ultimate G-spot kit (3 pcs) *Astroglide *TT pleasure lube *remote bullet and control *my first egg/bullet * a silk sash *a blindfold *adult dice *condoms *hubby's Pleasure Pal *a slender g-spot vibe *Jessica's strobing g-spot vibe *a a really big vibrator that lights up and I can't remember the name of it!!! 12-16-I just got a new box, and so now I have 7 more to add..... *Blue Swirl glass dildo *Remote Future Bunny and the rest I will add as I try them out......
  6. I got to looking at my growing toy collection, and thought of the Taco Bell Chihuahua, a few years back, when they were promoting Godzilla, and how he was trying to temp the big lizard in a box...here leezard, leeezard, leezard.......ROAR!!! I think I'm gonna need a bigger box....... So, in the words of the TB Chi, I think I'm gonna need a bigger box..... I know, I can be SUCH a geek!! LOL
  7. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Wow, Howard, thank you for sharing your obviously painful experience with your ex-wife. I guess if one person has learned about a controlling person, it's you. I would also like to mention that there are career centers out there that will help train you and find a job. Some are free. You mentioned being Hispanic, are you also bilingual? If so, you are already marketable!! You can type, spell well, and navigate a computer. So you can put on an application "some computer skills". Retail stores like Wal*Mart, K-mart, TJ Maxx, Sears, CVS/Rite-Aid/Walgreens, or any of the other "mall" stores hire all the time, and provide great training for customer service and computer stuff. Registers are just that, computers. Just like your mother, you have to be willing to change and get out there and make something of and for yourself. Nobody is just going to hand it to you. Good luck!!!
  9. I'm sorry your mother treats you the way she does. You are an outlet for all of her failings. She puts you down so she can feel better about herself. I think it may be the best thing for the both of you for you to move out to your Dad's house. He sounds like a positive influence in your life, and you need that to get back on track. I understand you feeling like she needs a sitter. But by being there, taking care of her, you are enabling her behavior, since she knows she's safe, she'll do what she wants, when she wants. Plus, you make her feel better about her lack of a life. She's a sort of bully to you. I'm not trying to insult her, so please don't take it that way. Think of it this way: she's your mother, true. She gave you life. But now is taking it away from you. Also, she has lived her life, however she chose to do so, and is now preventing you from living yours. Her alcholism is her problem that only she can get help for. But she hurts everyone around her with it. Get yourself out of it. All it's going to do is poison you and what little self-esteem you have left. She isn't acting as a mother right now. She's acting like a spoiled bully child. You need to live for you. Leave during a time when she's gone shopping or even drinking. It will avoid any confrotations. You may have to be a bit sneaky/creative about it. Enlist your father's help. I'm sure he knows how to deal with her and her outbursts best of all. There is a whole other issue with the whole ordering stuff in your name, but that's really not for me to say, especially here. About your orgasm trying. It sounds like you're trying too hard. And if you're constantly stressing about someone walking in, then you're not going to be able to fully enjoy yourself. You need to feel comfortable and safe before you can relax and really get into it. Just practice slow breathing, and pace yourself. If you do something that feels good, keep doing it, or remember it and do it more. Exploration, relaxation are both very important. I hate to say it, but there ARE other places you can get adult toys *sorry Rob*. If you're worried about her opening up a package, go to an adult store. Or, if you want to order something here, ask one of your friends if you can send it to their house. Your name will be on it. Be sure to have a In Care of (who ever lives there) so it'll be sent to the house~i.e C/O Jean Smith (under your name). Good luck, and I hope you're able to find happiness. EVERYONE desrves to be happy.
  10. I gotta agree with Mikayla. A bullet/egg is the perfect little toy for a little extra stimulation without getting in the way of much. When purchasing one, have your wife first start by thinking about what kind of stimulation she prefers on her clit~soft or more agressive touch. I prefer a stronger, more direct touch, and love love love a harder vibration clit stimulater. Lucky for you, we have many reviewers that are pretty blunt as far as what they prefer, and how each toy worked, or sometimes didn't work, for them. A lot of places that sell adult toys don't have that. And you can't go buy the toy's description most of the time, because, of course, they're going to say that you WILL have an orgasm with THEIR product!! Good luck!!!
  11. I was watching Dr. 90210, which is a show about plastic surgeons and the work they perform. One woman went in to have what is known as a G-shot. From what I found out, there is an injection done IN the G-Spot to make it swell . So, no matter what, a woman's G-Spot is stimulated and she is able to get a g-spot orgasm every time. The "procedure", if it can be even called that lasts about 8 whoppin' seconds. They didn't say how much it cost, but they said it would last up to 4 months. Anyone thought of doing this? What will they think of next?
  12. Yes, I am sure that with all the stuff you went thru as a kid has turned you against sex. You were taught that sex was dirty, and that married couples don't do it. And when they do, they get into trouble. Girls that put out a lot DO get more boyfriends in high school and early 20's. But if you notice, the QUALITY of their relationships is ZERO. They see a lot of action, but did you ever see them earning any sort of respect at all? Most likely not. They were probably the butt of every joke. I'm sorry that your parents were so selfish to put you in the middle, and keep you informed and probably as a pawn in their marriage. I will say this again. There are at least 2 parts to a marriage: the husband and wife-sexual aspect of the marriage. And then, if you have kids, the father-mother aspect. The husband-wife aspect is NONE of the children's business. Neither is an affair, sexual prowess, or lack-thereof. If your father is willing to talk to you about sex, as wierd as it may be at first, talk to him. Ask him questions from a male POV. He could teach you his experiences, opinions and how other men think. Very useful!!! Some of us women are just GRACED with looking a lot younger than we are, Howard! Actually, not to that extreme, but I am usually thought of as about 25 or so. I get carded, and want to kiss the person asking me. Just kidding~maybe!! It's usually due to the way one dresses and lack of makeup that makes women look a lot younger. That, and if they haven't been in the sun a lot there are less lines. I will say that if you think of yourself the way you say you do, it's no wonder nobody wants to hit on you. I'm not trying to sound mean here. just please read on....Men LOVE confidence in a woman. How you feel about yourself truly does show thru. If you want to just disappear into the woodwork while you're in public, you do. Nobody will pay attention to the mope sitting in the corner. Or, if they do, they'll be a bit wierded out. To get out of this, I would suggest trying to up your self-esteem. Accept compliments gracefully, say thank you, and try hard to believe them. If you think you're fat (I have no idea if you are or not), then start going for walks. Or join a woman's gym, like Curves. If you don't know how to dress, get some of your friend's advise!! The best-dressed one. I bet she'd literally start salivating if you asked her to help you pick up a new outfit or 2. You are still young!! It's truly a time to be as selfish as possible!! Especially since you have no children or a boyfriend to rely on you!! Do stuff that makes you happy!! I'm glad you like the forum. We try to answer questions as openly and honestly as we can, given what the poster says, so sometimes interperatation can vary. Good luck to you, and try hard to love yourself. Start with LIKE. Because, if you don't like yourself, how can anyone else?
  13. I did the first review on this product, and I really liked this toy a lot too!! http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=1907
  14. So she couldn't feel it? Did you try several repositionings? Were the vibes not strong enough? How long did you try it? Did you try lifting the hood over the clit for more direct stimulation? Did YOU like it?
  15. I totally agree with Howard. A lot of women I know, when the subject of anal sex, respond with and "EW!!!". So, cleanliness is a big issue. I will tell you & her that there is bound to be some, um cast-off. There is usually some signs of it. If this bothers her (probably), but she still wants to try, keep some wet wipes in the bedroom, for quick and easy clean up. They even sell antibacterial ones. This way, fingers and/or toys can be cleaned quick and easily and reused. Remember, don't insert something in an anus and then into another oriffice. The condom idea is great too. Quick and easy disposal!! And the starting off small thing is a great suggestion too. I mean, you want to feel pleasure, not like a Rotor Ruter victim. LOTS AND LOTS OF LUBE!!! Relaxation, and a bit of a sense of humor is also important. Good luck, and I hope you get what you wish for.
  16. Like, for instance, playing a sport, going hunting, shopping...ect? Something that makes you just feel so good you get horny?
  17. I agree that loosing one's virginity can be a great experience. I know my post probably had a bit of a negative tone to it. I just hear a lot of girls say how disappointed they were with their first time. But then when I hear what they expected, it's like, well, you need to be a bit more realistic. I actually advocate sex before marriage, to a degree. That's just my opinion, which I may catch hell for. I've had many friends marry their firsts, with no other lovers in their lives, and then, later on either have affairs, or are constantly wondering what others are like in bed, what their missing I guess. Now, I'm not saying go out and have a ton of lovers. Each decision is a personal choice. I married my First, but only after we'd been together, then apart for almost 10 years, obviously having other relationships in between. I never ever regretted my choice of him being my First, nor the timing of it. I knew that if I'd wanted him to stop at anytime, he would've. And I knew he'd be gentle. We played it safe, I was on the Pill and we used condoms, which he didn't fight. I will say, I wish we had been a bit more romantic, but overall, it was pretty good. Nervousness and self-consciouness abounded, but it felt good after a while. So I wanted to try some more. Anyway, we're getting a bit off topic here. I just hope that Virgin can understand that trying ANYTHING new can be scary.
  18. OK, I will admit that I got this idea for the topic from a book I'm reading, but I thought it to be pretty good. There were several descriptions in it from the author's site. So I am curious: What do you consider to be the perfect orgasm?
  19. First, let me CONGRATULATE you for remaining a virgin this long!! Being a virgin at any age can be a good thing. You have chosen to wait for the right guy, I'm assuming. Which takes a lot of will-power. Trust me honey, if you just wanted to "Pop your Cherry", there would be plenty of men out there to just fuck you, and I say it as vulgar as that cuz that's what it would be. Just go to a club or bar, you will find a willing dick. BUT if you do that, the chances of your fear of having it suck would probably come to pass. Not all first times suck. For a woman's POV, it, IMO, is a momentous occassion, depending on who you choose to be intimate with for the first time. Now, true, it may not "rock your world", due to nervousness, self-consciousness, and lack of knowledge. But, if you choose the right man, one who cares for you, it can also be one of the most tender experiences out there. A Truly caring man will take his time. When the hymen tears, there will be a bit of pain and/or discomfort. Some women barely feel it at all. It's not like an earth shattering pain. There will be some blood usually, but any man knowing you're a virgin will know that. I'm probably telling you some stuff you already know. LOL In everything in life, some people have good experiences, some not so good ones. Such as driving, going to school, even walking down the road. There are good experiences and bad ones. Some you can avoid, others you can't. The best pieces of advise I can give you are: *You will know when/who you want to loose your viriginity (too). Don't rush it. It WILL come. *Be safe about it~safe sex is very very important. Don't believe anyone that tries to tell you that thinking about using birth control/safe sex "ruins the mood". Sex is suppose to be fun, yes, but you also have to be responsible about it too. The one you choose to give yourself too will understand that. *Don't over-think it. A good man will take it slow, and let you know if something feels good. And if he is doing something that feels good, you need to tell him too. You're opening yourself up in the most intimate way, that is NOT the time to be shy and coy or embarrassed. Be honest. *A good man will know, since you're a virgin, and not experienced at all, (be honest with him about that), that you don't have much of an idea of what you're doing, so he won't expect you to be like a porn star! *Keep your expectations fairly down for the first time. Meaning, don't expect what you may see on soap operas: candles, satin sheets, and perfection in every way. Romance is good. And hopefully there will be an effort into it. But your first time can be awkward, and even humorous at times. People and bodies make noises. People sweat. Hopefully, you will have an orgasm, but many times, on a woman's first time, as mentioned, it doesn't happen for all of the self-conscious reasons. Some women can orgasm more easily than others. Having sex is a learning & teaching experience. You have to learn how to please yourself before others can please you successfully. And, finally: *Sex is suppose to be fun! Relax as much as you can, keep it simple, enjoy the sensations, and literally go with the flow.
  20. I use to be SUPER ticklish. Unfortunately, it was due to an abusive BF that I trained myself not to be ticklish anymore. However, the point is, is that you CAN train your body NOT to be ticklish, with a bit of practice. It may slip thru every once in a while, where I'm ticklish again, but for the most part, I'm not anymore. Also, he may be the type that likes a bit firmer touch. Not the feathery touches, but almost like a massage touch.
  21. You're very young to be experiencing something like "shifting". How many kids have you given birth to? Where it is true that parts may shift during transport (sorry, couldn't resist), everything should go back to normal fairly well. Unless there may have been a lot of wieght gain, bed rest, problems with birthing, or lack of physical fitness. My mother's bladder is now free-floating because, after she gave birth to me, somehow, the tissue that holds the bladder into place, weakened, and over time just disintergrated. So, these things can happen. If you think that the problems you're having are due to some of your organs not being where they're suppose to be (and you're really the only one that would physically *feel* it and know), then you really should talk to your doctor/OB/GYN. They'll be able to feel, and probably x-ray you to make sure that everything is where, or at least in the right area, of where it should be. Express your concerns with your healthcare person, and hopefully, you'll be able to figure something out. I would recommend, for now, that you do your Keigels religiously. You can even do them while you're reading this post. I am doing mine right now. Since I see it being recommended so much on here, and I am on here a lot, I get a lot of 'em done! Anyway, this will help tighten any loose muscles that have lost some elasticity from child birth. And I also recommend that women that haven't had kids do them too. I had a c-section, so I didn't have to deal with the stretching that goes with child birth itself, but I still do them as often as I can. My hubby loves loves loves the control I have down there, and can really feel me clamping down on him. As far as Howard, or any other posters go, just remember that we are giving opinions and life experiences from what we READ on a particular post. I know I try not to read too much into a post, but take it for what its worth. If there is something missing from the post, that the poster may think is obvious, we just don't see it. It happens, and such is the online recommendation process. I hope you're able to find something that works for you. Good luck, and please keep us "posted".
  22. I LOVE NASSTOY toys!!!! Great review, thanks for sharing!
  23. LOL You made me laught Mike_d cuz, here I am in TEXAS, and the BBQ sauce made me think "how appropriate for this area!!" We also send a male masturbator as a semi-joke to a friend of ours. He'd complained that his pregnant GF hadn't wanted to have sex. Let me add quickly that he's a dog, and cheats on pretty much everyone he's with. Well, he told us he wanted to try to be monogomous with the mother of his first-born. So we sent him that, along with a BIG note on the top that the gift should probably be opened in private, or infront of his GF. Well, his GF put it under the tree, and all her family came over, and pushed him to open it. He told them that his friends wouldn't have put that note on his present if they didn't mean it. But they forced the issue, so he did. Out comes this male cyber-skin masturbator, shaped like a woman's mouth, fairly good sized, and oh, so deliciously obvious what it was for!!!! I guess there were gasps and whatnot, and all he said was "I told you to believe them". We found out that his GF got offended and threw it away before he even got to use it!! I was soooooo mad, cuz it was fairly expensive (almost $50).
  24. *HOP HOP* I get to educate HOWARD!!!! OK, if you want to add someone to your FRIEND'S list, just go to the left, where the poster's name, and other info is, on a post, and click ON THEIR NAME. A drop-down list will appear, and you can choose a few things to do, including adding them to your friend's list. The list is to help send messages a bit more privately to other members. That way ALL the people on the board, unless their profile is checked out, the whole world won't see it readily. Also, I believe comments can be deleted on your own profile as well. Bonus. Hope that helps.
  25. Thanks for the positive feedback. I can be quite wierd LOL!! It's a gift. :)

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