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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. LOL I've already forwarned my hubby that if he EVER got me a household appliance for Christmas or b-day, without me specifically saying I wouldn't mind having that for a special occassion, I'd divorce his ass. Seriously, I HAVE warned him that if he wanted mto keep my happy, NOT to get me appliances. Cuz, for me, the few times of year where I am allowed to think of myself, should be my b-day, and I think Christmas is about kids and fun...not helpful appliances.
  2. Best wishes with that. I hope your daughter finds what she's looking for. I'd put the police department's phone number in that area, right in your cell number, that way if there's any problems, or if you feel like you/daughter is in danger, help is a phone call away. I wish you and your daughter the very best with all that! *HUGS*
  3. Pretty AND successful!! Gotta love it. It's definitely different!
  4. It's been my experience that there could be a couple of main things going on here: She may like it, and do it with herself, but it's the LACK OF CONTROL she would have if you were to be the one that was stimulating her. Or, she may be thinking that, for some reason, having someone other than herself put something up inside her anus is just WRONG. Since she DOES do it, and y'all do this every so often, I would really try, gently, to ask her is it one of these things that prevents you from penetrating her anus.
  5. Welcome to the forum! I know how hard it is when you get into "Mommy Mode".
  6. I agree with Thurisas on the cockrings, and so does my hubby. So long as you don't leave the cockring on for more than 20 min, he should be fine, and they work for my hubby. Vibrating ones can be fun for BOTH parties too, though cockrings/couple's rings tend to enhance the man's sensitivity, and hardness, so the woman reaps the benefits of that too!! Most any toy can be fun for both people. My hubby use to be the kind that thought sex toys were for those that have a less-than-stellar sex life, and that if you have a good or great one, you don't NEED to use toys. I told him that it's kinda like the accessories he put on his truck. Did he NEED to put a new muffler on a brand new truck, to make it sound louder? No, but it's fun to enhance it, right? Exactly. So, when used either solo, or together, sex toys can be fun either way. Now, my hubby LOVES to use vibrators/dildos on me. He loves pounding me, and able to get right up in there and SEE it, while he's doing it. Slapping in a lil oral now and again too!! So, even though I'm the one getting penatrated, he's having a lot of fun too. There's also things like Thur mentioned, such as oral gels and edible lubes that you can rub all over, torture and tease with. If your man is into anal sex, there's another realm of possibilites for both of you too!!
  7. *Spank Me* I've been a very bad girl! LOL
  8. Nope, they weren't meant to be "backhanded". All in good fun, dearie. *hugs*
  9. Honey, there are a few things that you need to do: Please understand that you had no control over their rent getting paid. You were asked to leave, so you did. Y'all broke up. So, therefore, where or how he lives is on HIM, not you. Really think about it; how are you responsible, really, for his mother being irresponsible?? You're not. As women, a lot of us feel responsible for what goes on in the lives of the people we care about, when in fact, we have little to no control over it. So please don't blame yourself for his mother's stupidity. Thankfully, you got out before you had no place to live, cuz it does sound like she missed more than one month. He sounds like theype of person I am, when I go thru something bad, I am very quiet about it, so I can deal with it MYSELF. Sometimes it's bet, other times, I realize I should get some help & support. He internalizes stuff, blocks people out, and he tells people things once stuff is getting better or things have been really thought thru. It sounds like a good thing that y'all seperate and not talk for a while. He confuses you with his words of "Let's break up" then "I miss...". He's playing games, and may not even realize he's doing so. He likes the fact that you are there pitying him, concerned for him, and "mothering" him. Time is the only way you'll really be able to get over him, and get the desire to truly move on. It's hard getting over your first love, but it's possible. Just give yourself some time. If he calls, just tell him that you agree with him, that this relationship really is over, and to please not call you anymore. Maybe in time you can be friends, but right now, you need to concentrate on YOU. Y You are young, free, and unattached in anyway, NOW is the time for you to be rightfully "selfish", and do stuff that makes YOU happy. Grow, become a stronger woman, leave that boy to grow up, and you become someone that a man will do anything to keep....including open up.
  10. There’s no girl like a Vivid Girl! And this film, directed by Paul Thomas, you get to see them getting down, dirty, and oh, so naughty! Starring Dyanna Lauren, Tricia Deverauz, Missy, Jon Dough, and more, we get to delve into the realm of Bad Wives, and bad husbands, for that matter. First go to the office, where a sexy secretary teases her boss, Steven, and gets teased & pleased in the conference room. Where they may have locked the door, but they forgot to draw the blinds! And the only sounds you’ll hear will be the panting, slapping, and a heart beating. Then we go to the grocery store, where every housewife has to go now and again. Browse the aisles for what needs to be restocked at home. Let’s eat some cookies & flirt with the bag boy, Roy. Tracy-Jo doesn’t quite know what to make of him. She just wants something different to happen. She’s tired of the same ole, same ole things happening to her. She wants to experience something that she never thought of, dreamed of, or imagined before. Fantasize with red-headed, confused Elizabeth, another of the bad wives, about the bagboy, and all you may want to do with & to him. He really knows how to pack...meat. Is there something in the fudge cookies, or does the bagboy have some sort of power of making women overly horny…and hungry? Safety, or chaos, good, or evil? You decide. Lots of multiple angles to enjoy, great sex scenes, you go back & forth between couples & 3-somes, this film will make you wonder. Bad lines, BAD graphics, terrible plays on the occult, halfway decent lingerie, great hair, hunky guys, and beautiful women, this film will get your blood boiling, the wind howling, and probably even put a smile on your face. It also has a lot of fun extras & mulitple angles to choose from. Put it in your grocery cart.
  11. Girl, don't worry about what the "Norm" is for dancers......I'm sure you're good, and, I'm sure it'll be recognized! Look at all the different body shapes in some of the newer dance movies!! Most of those girls have BREASTS!!! Be true to yourself, and just do what Tango says, if they piss you off....thump 'em in the nuts! LMAO I'm kidding of course.....maybe.
  12. TooTimid HAS a blow up doll.......Luvana Doll I'm not saying that they offer a blow up doll for a freebie or anything, but a good, beginner's male masturbator. Maybe encouraged to get as a gift for the woman's SO, or male customers looking for something for THEM. We've heard several men complain that they feel left out.
  13. It sounds to me, like he is looking for a housemaid, and has abandoned his wife. If you've talked with him, tried, prodded, poked, reasoned, cried, and nothing seems to work, you have a tough decision to make: How much do you intend to put up with? Him saying that he wasn't going to bother with a milestone of a marriage? C'mon! How insensitive can he get? It's not superficial to expect something he's promised to be fulfilled. He's sending messages out there, and it's up to you to interperate. If he wants a maid, tell him to hire one. You're his WIFE, and he's lost respect for that. Unfortunately, even though he is a counselor, sometimes those are the WORST & last to realize how bad things are for them and their relationships! Just because he's educated, doesn't mean he has common sense or decency with treating his spouse with the love and respect you deserve. I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but sometimes, we really need to see how much of a Welcome Mat we've become. You also need to ask yourself if you're upset because the marriage is on the rocks, or if because you love him, and this is hurting your heart. The death of a marriage can be as traumatic as a death of a person. If I were you, and this is ONLY my OPINION, I'd tell him that you need a trial seperation, and one of you moves out. If things don't get any better after that, then you have a definite answer. I'm sorry you're having to go thru this, but life's too short to live it being miserable and lonely, especially when you're WITH someone! *HUGS*
  14. Yeah, I know, sex toys are geared more towards women, but, as we all know, there are more and more men out there that really WANT to try sex toys. And I don't mean cockrings either.
  15. Unless you're replacing real sex, with the toys, then I wouldn't worry about it. You've found something that makes you feel great, so it's natural to want to do it more than normal. Have fun!
  16. FRESH MEAT!!! I mean....welcome to the forum!
  17. Thurisas.....a man's man.....well.....see, that's hard for me to even SEE!! LOL But, I will vouch for him. He's a caring, sweet, loving person (whom my shy daughter just TOOK right too the first day she met him). He's very good to Val (he'd better be!! LOL). And, yes, he is a cutie with a quirky, wonderful sense of humor. I was SO happy to stand with her at their wedding. Even if I towered over almost everyone. *poke poke* (long-running joke) And his wife's not too shabby either!
  18. I'm alot like Mikayla here. I have to have something IN me, & feeling FULL, and my favorite bullet with clit stimulator, and I'm off!!! Sometimes I can "take off" in about a minute. Once you have kids, you have to learn to speed up the O's, if you're looking for a greedy little quickie!! LOL
  19. This question has been posted before, but I think a revisit to it is benificial, especially with all the new members. Yes, my hubby knows. He was less than excited at first, but he's come around to it. No, he's not on here as a member. He considers this "My Area". I've encouraged him to do so, but all he does is lurk under my SN around, and reads some posts every now and again. It's rare, but he does it.
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