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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. A Tisket, A Tasket, I want a Naughty Basket!!! LOL Or, how about: Baby Bunny Vibrating Egg Good luck!
  2. Absolutely! Glad I could help. Yes, if a toy says it's waterproof, then it is. However, with toys that have remotes (on cords), the remote usually isn't. I always take my vibes apart after shower play, and remove the batteries, allowing it all to dry out easier.
  3. Most of them you just wash with warm, soapy water, just like with vibes and other sex toys. Granted, you may have to stick your finger in the hole and swish the water and soap around, but that's better than having a "crusty crotch" the next time! My husband uses his in the shower so it's easier to clean up after.
  4. I have the camera, and camcorder if need be. MOHD, I prefer Jell-o Shots, can you handle that?
  5. A 3 YEAR OLD One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me and my brother who is four years older than I am. I was maybe 3 years old and had just recovered from an accident in which my arm had been broken among other injuries. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a get-well gift and it was one of my favorite toys. Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news and my brother was playing nearby in the living room when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home. My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she watches him drink it up, then she says to him, 'Did it ever occur to you that the only place that baby can reach to get water is the toilet??' ...Mothers know!!
  6. Great review!! Just to let you know, a lot of waterproof toys have some sort of cord at the base, so you can put it around your wrist, in case you loose your grip on it in the tub. EAsier to retrieve than loose it in a tub, shower, or hottub. Plus, if you're in the shower, they can hurt if you drop it on your toe (yes, this is from experience LOL...I'm a clutz), or you can break it by dropping it. At first I thought it was word/letter play when you typed Wabbit, but I LOLed when I saw that it was ACTUALLY the name!! LMAO What a wasckally wabbit it is!
  7. Manly men? Well, darlin', you're in rodeo country just like I am! Go to a rodeo or 2!! Lots of cowboys out there still lookin' for a good woman. Or, go out to a few of the country bars. Yes, you can find love in a bar, though you have to be careful, of course. Hell, I found my hubby at a "cowboy bar"!! Yes, really!!! And, IMO, nothing is more "manly" than a guy that knows how to handle a horse, and a truck (and has a great ass in jeans!!)!!
  8. I'm glad you came here for some suggestions. And there have been a few good ones already. It says a lot that you're willing to do this for him, however, you should point out to HIM that you are recovering from knee surgery, so, long term recouping should be your ultimate goal. DO NOT push your knee into doing things you KNOW you shouldn't be doing. Momentary gratification is NOT worth a lifetime of issues that this can cause. He may not know that he's doing it, so, you need to tell him that he's being inconsiderate of your health, and that, he can, and will, survive not getting his way until you're all healed up. I'm sorry if that came off a bit harsh. But I really get frustrated when people push and push their SO's, knowing that there's something physically wrong, and that, in doing so, could hinder up the healing process. Keeping your SO's happy is important, but you only get ONE body, so, until that heals, HE should be doing EVERYTHING to make you feel more comfortable, happy, and pain free. That said, why not try him sitting on a chair, or on the edge of the bed, where you can put your knee in a comfortable position, using your other leg to brace. Take care of YOU!
  9. Welcome! Welcome! Glad you finally joined in!
  10. I'm sorry we misunderstood you. This is a great post to point out that we can only discern what is written in a post, and can't read things into posts. Unfortunately, "tones" are inferences don't come across that well in text on a screen. The way things were written, it did sound like you were a bit concerned, and possibly jealous, that he masturbated alone. I mean, it is entirely possible that he doesn't masturbate. Some men don't. Most men do. If you want to get in on the Masturbation Nights, why not suggest that one night you want to watch him, while he watches you, and you can just masturbate together. There's nothing to say it can't progress into something more, or, have a rule that says that neither one of you can touch the other. It's all up to you, and it's all about fun with your spouse with Adult Play Time!
  11. I am so glad to hear that! It must be a relief! *hugs*
  12. No, you're not weird. Some women just don't like anal sex, and do it just to please your men. Of course, in this particular forum, you're going to read of people that love anal sex, want tips, and are curious about it. If you had a bad experience before, even 13 yrs ago, that may be what's holding you back, but you said you were relaxed, and it didn't hurt, so I'm not really thinking that may totally be the reason. It's like anything else, you may or may not like it. Just like some women like their breasts played with, some don't, some like being spanked, others don't. Same idea. You just may not be one that particularly cares for anal sex. Even if you don't, but your hubby does, and you do it, that says a lot about your commitment to pleasing him. And, it also says a lot that he wants you to have your orgasm first. You're both very lucky to have each other.
  13. I have to agree with Aiden here. Being younger and/or insecure can make you wonder about things that you're unsure of. As far as your SO masturbating, or not. The majority of men do. Just leave it at that. It's not like he's having an affair on you, or replacing you with his shower time, right? He obviously wants private time, for whatever reason, to masturbate, if he's doing so, and should be allowed that, guilt & pressure free. You masturbate when he's not home, what's the difference? People masturbate, whether it's for the quick release, the endorphins, the release stress, help then sleep, whatever. It's really not a big deal, unless you make it such.
  14. Astrodlide X was just added to the site, and it's latex compatible, and a silicone lube too!
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, but wouldn't this be more along the lines of an open relationship? To me, being "Poly" is having more than one SO on both parts. I knowyou put "Semi-poly", but to me, the term is open-ended, especially if HE doesn't have any sort of relationship with the women you do?
  16. I'll try and line some of my earrings up and take a pic.
  17. Yes, silicone lubes stay slicker, longer than water-based. And, yes, you are correct, silicone lubes WILL break down condom material, as well as silicone toys, and some rubber ones as well. There ARE silicone lubes out there that have been specially designed for total usage, but they also specifically state that they are "condom compatible", or something similar. Astroglide (the regular water-based stuff) is really good, and stays slick pretty well. There's also Eros Light Love BodyGlide, which is latex compatible silicone lube. The TooTimid Pleasure Gel is water-based, and has the consistency of say, K-Y jelly, but not as "gloppy". There are more out there on the market, that aren't offered here (yet) too. Just be careful to read the box, to make sure that it's either "latex or condom compatible". Best wishes!
  18. They look like those big wax lips we could get as kids! LOL
  19. Yeah, I've seen "Froggy Fallout"....it ain't pretty!!
  20. OMG!! This must've taken a while to type and get straight!! Jeez!! You made me laugh so hard!! Thanks for summing it all up!! LOL
  21. To applicant: I need to measure the size of your erect penis, to make sure that you will be a good "fit" for me.........
  22. Those positions allow the penis to go in deeper, so this is not a rarity. There is not much that can be done. It's the cervix that he's probably hitting, which is obviously, a part of you that you can't change. Or you may have a tipped uterus, which will affect the position of your cervix. You just won't be able to have him go as deep/hard.
  23. Ready for some high-powered fun? Looking for a different kind of dual action that is actually worth the money? Well, fill ‘er up, get to the starting line, start your engines, cuz this dual action is sure to take you to the finish line! I have many different dual actions. But, they all are similar, rotating beads, clit stimulator in different shapes & colors, some light up, some don’t. My biggest problem is that I like direct stimulation, as well as thrusting, so I sometimes end up giving one or the other pleasure up. It’s like looking at rows and rows of sedans…. or so I thought, until I got this one! It’s a sports car version of the dual action (in a sporty red and white even)! High Octane has the clit stimulator, in the shape of a hand with fingers giving the peace sign, but, instead of a rotating shaft, with or without beads, this one has ridges instead of beads, and it THRUSTS!! Yes, I said THRUSTS!! The jelly-covered shaft is a healthy and filling 7”, with a diameter of 1.25”. The box does say that you should always use a rubber compatible lube with this toy, so steer clear from the silicone ones. So, I make a pit-stop after the toy wash, and get it fueled up with the 4 AA batteries that needed to be under the hood. Snap the backing in place, and we’re ready to get to the starting line. This is no simple piece of machinery either. It has 7 glow-in-the-dark buttons on the base. I had to go over with the owner’s manual (aka the box), to figure out what does what. Safety first, and you should always know your car (or vibe) before operating. Vroom vroom!! This toy is slightly loud on the highest setting, and it is NOT waterproof. I loove that new toy smell… I discover that the 3 buttons on the left side operate the vibe. The middle button that says VIBE, so that’s a good clue to which setting that operates. LOL The top button with the Up arrow increases the 8 levels of speed of the Magic Fingers vibes, and, as you can guess, the Down arrow decreases the speed of the vibes. The vibes have different gears: Revving, Racing, Throttle, High Torque, and High Octane. Then there are 5 different “penetration” levels. The buttons controlling the thrusting are a bit confusing, going by what the box says: “Penetration Controller (labeled C) must be pressed before the Function Controller (labeled F) can activate the different functions. Pressing (F) before © will deactivate the different functions available for penetration.” Ok, so, slot C goes in F…and…..what? Yellow flag! Yellow flag! OK, upon further experimentation: The C button controls how it THRUSTS, so it really should be labeled T for Thrusting, IMO. F controls the SPEED. If you press the F button, you’ll only be stuck with ONE speed. So, never press F first! Much, much simpler, don’t you think? Hey, I do what I can for y’all! There are also indicator lights to tell you what level and speed all these settings are on. Ooooo…..blinkie lights! Oh, sorry, I got distracted. The vibes are very strong, which is a major selling point for me. So, with that all figured out, I am ready for my test drive around the track! With the other dual actions, you have to manually thrust, so I was really excited to see how well this baby works. I loved how I was able to position the clit simulator just so, and that was about it. The toy did all the work, all I had to do is set the cruise control, and hang on for the ride. The ribbed shaft fell so good, and it had just enough length & girth to give me that full feeling, and it had enough power for me to feel the thrusting too. Yes, we have a winner!!! Our sponsor, Orgasm, was very pleased with our success! I was too tired after my session to do the victory spins after the checkered flag flew, but, I think that in itself is a testament to this toy’s capabilities. Ready, Set, ORGASM!
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