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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. OMG Thurisas, I just dyed my hair a medium auburn color........redder than I normally am, that's for sure. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell Val!
  2. LOL Pappy, I think the ladies meant that the dolls don't make a mess around the house (like leaving dirty socks and underwear all over the place, as well as other dirty laundry), leaving dishes, and tracking dirty in the house! LOL The super-expensive ones are, I believe, made out of Cyber-Skin-like material, so that you can feel as much like being with a real person as much as possible, so they also require more care. Some have optional tongues that vibrate, firm fingers, and vibrating/pulsating cocks!
  3. Well, I used my GC here to buy myself a DVD, so that will be a belated gift to my naughty side!
  4. Welcome, glad you found us. I hope you do realize that this is a forum to talk about sex, as well as the company that sponsors the forum is an "Adult Toy" shopping site, not a hook up place. Looking forward to reading your posts and fresh outlooks!!
  5. So, this gave me an idea, reading from another post. Do you like having sex while on your period? Do you actually HAVE sex while on your period? If you're a guy, do you care if she's on her period, or totally EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW about it?
  6. I haven't tried one, but I did see on a tv show (HBO's Real Sex), that some ladies were trying out the really expensive full size Man-Dolls, which you can custom order, vibe or not, and they, um, test rode it, and said it was wonderful, you never had to worry about it straying, didn't talk back, and it didn't make a mess! LMAO
  7. I would probably take the talk box and have some fun with my friends via phone!! Glad this item lived up to the hype, and that it really just spoke for itself.....or would that be herself......!
  8. Where flavored condoms are OK, at least this person is trying to practice safe sex, and that should be encouraged, and anything to make safe sex better, then go for it, IMO! After all, STDs CAN be passed on orally as well.
  9. As ridiculous as this is, when I was younger, I was told that you couldn't "catch anything" while giving oral. Luckily, I had some education behind me (thank you to my school district that allowed Sex Ed back then), and knew that was bull. I was told men with small feet MUST have small dicks (which, is another BS thing), Italians make the best lovers (again, BS, it depends on the person, not nationality), pulling out prevents pregnancy and is reliable (yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight).
  10. Pappy, no that actually doesn't sound wierd. I get sistitus, which is basically a severe form of bladder infections. All of my DRs tell me to not drink coffee, dark colas, alcohol, and to drink plenty of water and cranberry juices (can be a mix of cranberry and other juice). Darker drinks are harder for the body to digest since they're not as natural as juice & water. Also, yogurt has active cultures in it to promote a healthy bladder as well. So you are absolutely correct. Now, I do treat myself to some sodas every once in a while, but then I dilute it with lots of water later on, and juice too. This works for me, but I guess it depends on the person. I also have issues with the water here where I live. As odd as it sounds, even though the water company "claims" to "go above and beyond Texas Water Regulations", I have a hard time believing it when there are several Boil Water Notices, and you can smell when they treat the water with bleach. I've had more issues since moving where I am (and no, I don't drink the water), then I have all my life!! Keeping clean, eatting healthy, and also wearing breathable clothing, such as cotton, is all key in remaining as UTI free as possible. True, it may not be sexy to wear cotton panties and looser fitting pants, but that doesn't mean that you can't dress sexy every once in a while in something slinky (and even pantyless!! ). If this girl is having issues always after sex, and has never had a history of it, either something is being done wrong, allergies, or like I said before, she may not have the right Rx or following the dosage correctly. She should talk all of this over with her doctor for sure!!
  11. I would definitely have the GYN check her out. 3 in a row means there's an issue. The medication she's on may not be strong enough to take care of the infection she has, she's skipping doses, not taking the prescribed dosage, or the Rx simply doesn't work for her body's chemistry. I've had severe bladder infections all of my life, so, I know what she's going thru, and it's unpleasant to say the least!! Did you take her to the ER, or to a regular GYN? If it was just to the ER, and they are lax in updating records with patients (which many of them are), then she needs to go to her regular (or set up to HAVE) GYN. After the second time, if she's going to her GYN, the doctor really should've seen that there's a pattern, and run tests and/or prescribed a different Rx for her. Yes, not cleaning up afterwards CAN cause UTI's. But, I'm not sure about 3 mos in a row! Allergic reactions? Maybe. It's really up to her dr. to find out the causes of these UTI's and try to get her more balanced. Again, we're not medical professionals here, but if it were me, I'd go to another GYN and get a second opinion. Remember, the doctors actually are working for YOU, not the other way around. If you don't like/trust your doctor, there's NOTHING preventing you from finding one that really does listen to YOU.
  12. Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear about your husband's passing. Men will absolutely look past your age! It all depends how you put yourself out there as well, but there are many men that LOVE older ladies. You are known as a "Cougar", which is a sexy older lady that younger guys will flock too, and won't care about your age at all!! More experience, more knowledge, and more self-esteem all are carried by older ladies. Plus, less drama! Good luck!
  13. Share with us what kinds of myths you've heard about masturbation!
  14. There are a couple that I really love and get me feelin' a lil' randy! And, at the risk of sounding cheezy/80-ish: Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me And, yes, it's true: Britney Spears- Slave For You Low Fidelity All Stars-Battleflag Justin Timberlake-Sexy Back I just love da bass!!! There are a few others, but I think that's good for now.
  15. Let me also welcome you to the board, and offer my deepest and most sincere condolences on the lost of your child. I have to agree with Mikayla with your issues. Loosing a child, and having kids, getting married, and all the other life stuff that happens, especially in only 2 years, is a lot for your mind to handle! It sounds like your body is allowing you to get release in your sleep, but your awake consciousness says no, you've been thru a lot, and refuses to allow you to have your orgasm. There are several stages of grief, and if you haven't gone thru them, and just kept functioning, your mind will continue to keep up the blocks. If you haven't, I would suggest (highly) that you go to grief counselling, and allow you and your spouse to fully go thru the motions and also to help keep your life a bit more sane. Your mind is the biggest sex organ of the body, and if all is not well with that, then the sex life will also suffer. Of course, you have the right to life, and to continue on, but you also have a right to your feelings, thoughts, happiness, and grief. Toys are a great enhancement in the bedroom, but, unless you're emotionally/mentally ready to do so, they won't guarantee an orgasm. Best wishes to you and your family.
  16. Wow! Lots going on here. You may very well have damaged the nerves on the right side, when you hurt yourself. Sometimes feelings come back, sometimes they don't. Your doctor should have been following up with you on that, and making sure you were healing correctly, or, let you and your mother know that this sort of damage is possible, and what to watch out for. I would definitely go see an OB/GYN soon, tell him/her ALL of your concerns (trust me, they've heard it all and that doctor HAS to keep what you tell them confidential by law), and possibly see if there's permanent nerve damage not only to your vaginal area, but possibly the clit as well. If you've been able to orgasm before, and have feeling in your clit, then it's probably not damaged (or at the very least, only slightly damaged). I'm not a medical professional by any means, but it's something to discuss with your Dr. about. As far as your difficulty with orgasming, it does sound like you're over-thinking & rushing into it. These things can not be over-thought and you CAN try TOO hard to reach your goal. The mind is the best, and worst thing when having an orgasm. If you lay down and think "OK I am GOING to orgasm, damnit!!", chances are, you won't. Especially if you're not sure exactly how to do it yet. Plus, if you're getting overly frustrated with yourself, your dooming yourself even before you start. Relaxing really is the key. Not just with the possible outside interuptions, which you've seemed to conquer pretty well, but the interuptions in your head are equally important to calm. Each woman is different. I am like you, I can finger myself til the cows come home, and nothing. Give me my clit stimulating bullet, and I am to da moon baby!! Sometimes I enjoy a nice, fat vibe/dildo to give me that full feeling with the clit stimulation. You said that you're using a vibrator? Are you giving A LOT of stimulation to your clit? 85% of women need clit stimulation (I personally think it's even more than that) to get off, so be sure to give your clit stimulation. It's your job to figure out what kind, and how strong, your clit needs to be stimulated. I need direct stimulation, with a strong vibe. Good luck!
  17. Well, with my hubby, when I first got with him, I told him that I had toys, but he was SOOOO not interested!! LOL So, I'd just use them during my "alone" time. As our relationship progressed, I brought out my bullet. He said "Hell no" to anal toys, and pretty much everything else. He did use my vibrator on me a few times (it didn't look like a dick or anything). He had the view that if you had a great sex life, toys were insulting. Very old school. Fast-forward to a year ago, when I got my first toy box to review, the first few items, I did solo, but then it seemed to spark his interest, and he kinda hinted to wanting to try one out on me. So, I chose one that again, didn't look like a dick, and it lit up. He had a blast with it. I've had to reaffirm with him that toys are an ENHANCEMENT, not REPLACEMENTS in the bedroom. He's finally got it! Now, each time we get a box, he's one of the first ones to get into it and see what's in it. Then HE pulls out a toy or 2 he wants to try on me (in the interest of quality control of course LMAO!!). Some nights, he tells me to pick out a few toys that I want to try out, or re-use, and I'll line up a bunch, make sure they're all batteried up, and go for it. Other nights, I have one or 2 laying on the bed, or handy reach and either hand it to him, or slowly show him how it's done! I guess it depends on the guy/gal, and how open-minded (s)he can be about those things. It's easier for some than it is for others.
  18. You'll have to find out what size he can wear in women's sizes, and then, you can go anywhere to pick the stuff out, together even. If you want sexy lingerie, then you can go to Victoria's Secret, Hot Topic (I'm 34, and I LOVE some of their stuff!! LOL), or any other place that sells sexy stuff (Sears, JC Penny, hell, even Wal*Mart!). Every store sells "sexy" stuff, you just have to find it. Mostly in the Junior size areas. It also depends on what you mean by "sexy". Everyone has a different view on it. The hardest part is to figure out what size he is. You can do this by finding a pair of pants & a shirt in the size he wears in the store, take it with you, and hold up the woman's pants to the underwear and other clothes you and he want him to wear (I'm assuming that he's game for this?). Or you can do it alone, if it's for a surprise. People watching will think you're trying to figure it out for yourself. If anyone asks, and you're embarrassed to tell the truth, just say you have a GF that usually wears boy's clothes, but you're trying to find something more girlie for her to wear. Who's gonna know?? I would suggest, especially for the first few times, getting something with a lot of lycra in it. Men are generally broader shouldered than most women, and, the "package" will need a bit more extra stretching possibilities for his comfort, since ladies underwear isn't designed for a penis.
  19. Everyone is right. It really depends on the woman, and how well she is in touch with her body, relaxed, and if she knows how to let go to have an orgasm! There's no set time-frame for something like getting your "O" on. Both men & women usually know, after they've had regular orgasms, how long it takes them to reach an orgasm, how they get there, and what sort of stimulation they need to do so.
  20. There's nothing wrong with fantasies, and letting your lover in on them. Many men fantasize about seeing their woman with another woman. You kow her better than we do, obviously, so you'll know how to word it better. And, like pappy said, you have a 50/50 chance at a yes there. If things are steaming up, just ask her one day what she would think of being with another woman. Then you need to think if it'll turn into a 3-some, or you just watching. Rules should be established WAY before the event happened, and followed too. Check out the 3-some forum for info for the pros & cons of them. You sound like you have a strong marriage that's stood the test of time, so I don't think that should be an issue, but it's something to consider. Best wishes!
  21. Let me also say, with NO INSULT MEANT towards men at all here, but women tend to be a bit more "loving" than men do, and more sympathetic to other women's plights. So, if you have a female friend that's supporting you emotionally, and you love this woman, well, women associate sex WITH love & love WITH sex, and crave the feeling of closeness. How much closer can you get if you have sex with each other? Women feel the need to share themselves physically. So, it's really not shocking to be attracted to a friend that's supported you for a long time/thru a major traumatic event. As far as the lady that says she's not gay even though she is with a lesbain, that could be true. Again, see my first response. The explanation? CHEMISTRY. She probably means that just because she's with THIS woman, doesn't mean that she'd go into another relationship with a different woman in the future (if this one ends). I've seen a few of these sorts of relationships too.
  22. Where it's great that people experiment, and I'm sure you've heard this before, "choking" (erotic asphixiation) can be very, very dangerous, so, if you're going to participate in this, please be extremely careful. Trying new things is key for an ongoing and connecting relationship. Yes, you may have scared him a bit, having never been exposed to that before. But, if he continues to not like it, that's something you need to consider and respect. There are people that like S&M, and others that it doesn't do a thing for. If he continues to fight not doing it, or comes right out and says he doesn't like it, you'll have to consider whether or not you'll want to stay with him and not have the S&M you like, or find someone that will do the stuff you're interested in. Best wishes and good luck! Be careful!
  23. Also remember that a divorce (or 2) really opens your eyes to what YOU want. You are now a bit "free-er" to do what you please, explore new things, and be a bit more selfish with YOUR time. You're free to go where you want, when you want, and do stuff that you may not have even entertained the thought of while married. You can't help who you're attracted too. You may NOT be "bi" or "gay". You may honestly be attracted to this woman, just because of who they are, and chemistry. Just because it's always been a man that's flipped your twinkie in the past, well, that's chemistry too. Now you've possibly found a woman that just does something for you. Chemistry can't be helped. You only live once, and why waste it going, "What if I had done....."? Find out who you are, what you want, and have some fun.
  24. For my clit, DEFINITELY vibrations are best!! I totally agree, if you have a vibrator, you can always opt to shut it off, so it can be used with or without vibrations. But keeping options open for sure!
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