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Everything posted by makasha1

  1. Great news!! Now you can get on to more positive things.
  2. Whitefang, It might be worthwhile to see a Naturopathic Doctor, too. I've heard there are alternative treatments and herbals that may not bother your allergies. I may have some info in old magazines, I'll look for you. Wishing you the best.
  3. Yup, Tyger, my time is here!! "Growing old is like being poor, it's no disgrace but it's damned inconvenient."
  4. Whitefang you surely are a QT. There are so many lovely ladies on this site, all ages, shapes, sizes and colors. You are all beautiful, loving, caring people.
  5. Good one IHA. You can also flip the ruler over and use the metric side.
  6. I'm not a great shoe enthusiast but I think I like #1 the best. Then #3
  7. I think you really have to watch these kids shows, they are pushing the envelope big time. Glad it wasn't so bad when my girls were growing up.
  8. False TPBM loves to give "happy endings" massages
  9. Oh Yeah, Dudley loves Little Nel. And she loves him to!
  10. Here goes....Boomers Boomers Good old fashioned home made baked beans.
  11. Good for you Suzy...I'm sure everyone here is proud of you for sticking it out and fighting back. You should be double proud of yourself!!!!
  12. IHA Thanks for the compliment to all us guys. Now if DW thought I was a "highly intelligent, enlightened gentleman" I would be in 7th heaven. LOL. Seriously, I've been married 40 years and the ladies have given me so much new insight into how female minds work. I hope to never stop learning.
  13. I like to imagine myself as Sean Connery. Handsome, suave, unflappable. But Dudley Do Right is probably closer to the truth. Sigh!
  14. Don't you hate it when you go to take out the bag of gooey trash and the bottom breaks open.
  15. Thanks Thur. Even though your pics look like nice buns your not my type. I'm Probably straighter than you!
  16. True....1955 VW beetle.....not the best sex ever TPBM has had sex at the office/workplace
  17. False....Would like to be but am afraid people would just giggle. TPBM likes to hang around the house naked.
  18. I have no problem with mixed marriages. I've known a few, though not well, and they were nice folks. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with it pesonally, neither daughter brought home a boy of different color. But I'm sure if they loved each other it would be OK. My biggest problem is that I grew up in the whitest state in the country and I fear that out of ignorance I will say something to offend a person of another culture, with no intent. Oh Yeah, when I grew I got grief for dating anyone who wasn't a Baptist! And if they were Catholic, Hang Onto Your Hat!!!!
  19. Thur, I'm a died in the wool voyeaur so I watch from the sidelines with you. But PLEASE keep your hands at home!!!! LOL
  20. Suzy,I don't know the whole story but nobody deserves crap at work! They don't have to like you but they gotta respect you. If you were my kid I'd be right there giving you all the hugs and support I could. Hang in there and don't give up. It may be tough but you will be a stronger person for it. Bon Chance!
  21. Nope.......I was married with a family at 20. Too busy keeping the bills paid and trying to be a good husband and Dad. Now I think I'm just plain too old. More power to anyone with the inclination and the stamina.
  22. What's the difference between an Old Maid and a Bachelor Lady? A Bachelor Lady is a woman who never got married. An Old Maid is a woman who never gat married...................................Or Anything.
  23. Pappy, those are funny. The best one I heard was the blonde who thought Grape Nuts was an STD.
  24. False....DW was on her way to Peru last night(S. America, not NY). And I'm not into oral with the cat, the only other female here. TPBW likes their apple pie at room temp, not heated
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