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Everything posted by chloegirl

  1. Wow! Love to hear good news like this! I am so happy everything is working out for you!
  2. Hey I think you just hit on what's wrong with our whole society and economy....it all goes back to the fact that it looks like the majority of us are screwed by NOT getting screwed satisfactorily and thoroughly! This is oh so damn wrong! Perhaps a national public works project needs to be developed. First you have to teach the "slackers" how to do it right and enjoy it. Then some kind of sexual reward system as incentive to spell correctly and whatever other behaviors you want to enforce. I volunteer my services! The line starts here!
  3. Love your pics Synirr! I love fish! If I ever get to quite working all the time and be home to enjoy them I'm getting some! Peaceful meditation!
  4. I'm surrounded by them! Can't for the life of me understand their way of thinking. They completely cut themselves off from any sensuality. The most physical thing they want to do is stuff their face and complain about all their problems and how bad their SO's are. Why would you want to live like that? You just feel so much better mentally and physically if you allow yourself to take pleasure in being a viable sexual being! Attitude is everything!
  5. Just wondering before I place another order....How do you get coupon/discount codes on here?
  6. There are also situations where there is no actual abuse. The other person is not mean, out-rightly belittling, or anything else like that. You know that they do love you as much as they are able to love but for whatever reason they are unable to express that love with any real passion, desire or physical fire. Your life is not neccesarily "bad" enough to warrant leaving and living alone yet you are settling for less than you want or need because basically you are living without those needs of yours being met. In a new relationship my advice would be to get out and find one that fulfills all those needs, but when a big chunk of your life has already gone by like that it's not such an easy decision to make unless you already have something or someone better waiting in the wings.
  7. If you can keep it all in the arena of playing and just having a good time why not have some fun until you meet someone IRL that will fill that void. But if you find yourself being more upset or unhappy because of it then quit the game. The whole point is pleasure....if you have more negatives than positives it's just not worth it. Good Luck!
  8. Haven't really got to go there yet but I am oh so ready, willing, and able!
  9. I believe that....every woman I know who talks about having no desire or need for sex is a chronic hypochondriac who literally thrives on negativity and whining about their health problems....never mind the fact that every single one of them creates these problems by their own bad and lazy habits.
  10. Of course we've been affected. We're making more than ever before but EVERYTHING has gone up at a time when for the first time in 20 years I'm spending on yummy things for myself. Plus still have 2 girls at home, you can imagine how that goes! I've been working a part-time job in addition to my full-time one for years now and just when hubby and I both have had all I can take of that double duty and I'm ready to quit, times get tight and so I'm reluctant to give it up yet....I like having that safety net. And yes, I'm sure it will get alot worse before it gets better. Just hope we can all hold out without going under. Ggggrrr....hate this....didn't they get the memo that I'm ready for my mid-life crisis convertible NOW?!
  11. Man.... I go AWOL for a few days and all kinds of stuff goes down. I feel like I've missed some major episodes in our personal little show here and I want in on it! Spill guys...pretty please! Oh baby! You ARE in love! Good for you! Thought I saw this coming but when did it all go down? I'm so glad you're happy! Think I know what you're referring to and shoot honey, we're all just human, but you are one strong woman. I know you'll handle it right! Luv Ya!
  12. Wow! Amazing.....to have someone else put that much thought and effort into it! I'm impressed! Way to go guys!
  13. Oh I get ya completely! I want the down and dirty action like that myself....guess it's just residual reflex from how I was brought up to consider being labeled a whore/slut one of the worst things imaginable and on the same level as being the lowest of the low. Believe me.....it's just words....it doesn't hold me back from any and all potential erotic activity.
  14. Wow, it's gotten worse as the day has gone on....takes forever to load a page and it's kicked me off twice! What's up?
  15. Aaah Suzy! If I could fill out a top like that...!
  16. hhmmm, Pappy I seem to fail all your tests....should I be worried?
  17. I think if you're with someone and you both are truly compatible sexually as well as in your everyday life the money issue doesn't matter that much (as long as you can get by without the worry and stress of making it eating away at you every waking moment), but if the relationship is lacking in some way then the lack of money becomes more outstanding....the dissatisfaction spills over from one problem to the other and it all just mushrooms from there. Quite frankly, I think good sex can overcome all the other bullshit problems that life can throw at you....but if you don't have that, hell yeah....you're going to want to "buy" your happiness/pleasure.
  18. Was on another website reading about men's fantasies and I was surprised to see so many men post about wanting to watch their woman with another man or even more than one. Now the 2 women together one I was expecting, and even the one where they want anal, but this one surprised me the most and it seems to be very prevalent. Personally I think the idea of it is very hot, I use the theme in my fantasies quite often, but at the same time I wonder how you can watch the person that you supposedly love having sex with another person and not be jealous or threatened by it. Does it mean that you really aren't committed to your partner 100% so can therefore easily compartmentalize sex to be nothing more than a physical act? Can you truly live your life together and not have that come back to be used as a weapon later on? What do you guys think about it? Like I said, I think the idea is very hot but I don't know how it would really work in real life. Educate me!
  19. If you both REALLY want to make it work you can....That doesn't mean it will all be perfect, happy ever after, with no ups and downs....that's totally unrealistic, but as long as the love and commitment is equally strong on both sides your chances are good. Just what obstacles are you facing? Children or a wife? Hope this works out for you!
  20. Now see I'm all into the dirty talk when you're in the zone. Love hearing and saying all the nasty details as we go at it no holds barred; don't even have a problem with being called bitch or cunt, but I absolutely can NOT stand being called whore or slut. It's one thing to inspire that animalistic lust that calls forth that hot and erotic dirty dialogue but quite another to have them come at you with those derogatory, hateful, low-life descriptions....maybe it's just me...but I'd rather be a bitch any day than a low-life whore!
  21. False, but it's on my list of things to do and soon! TPBM is ready for bathtime fun!
  22. Do be very careful. There has been a documentary on here lately that mentioned the danger that women can get into after placing ads on Craigslist. Also to consider.....you may think you're just interested in a casual encounter and then actually meet someone you like who's not psycho....if you get involved emotionally and he's a serial player (and let's face it....it's a 99% chance he is) you're going to get hurt! Take care of yourself and good luck!
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