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Everything posted by chloegirl

  1. False Tpbm has had sex in a restuarant or bar after business hours
  2. Aiden, you are truly one of the most inspirational people here....always thinking of ways to take your relationship to the next level and you make us all try to further ourselves as well. Enjoy all the great, positive things in your life with that hubby who adores you....every single bit of you!
  3. Hubby's tried the Cialis but it made him wake up the next day with a totally stopped up head and feeling like he had a bad hangover. Doc's have adjusted his meds and that helped the original ED problem ALOT! Now if they could just invent a "stay hard" pill!
  4. True Tpbm has masturbated to phone sex while parked in a public parking lot
  5. Aiden I think most of us women are usually our own worst enemies...we see every little flaw and exaggerate it in our heads until it balloons to huge proportions. We have to fight that no matter what or it will have the power to shut us down and repress us and when that happens and you let your sexuality go it will affect your relationship and it all snowballs into a self-fulfilling snowball to hell. Is your man an absolute "Greek God"? perfect in every way? Probably not....we're all just human and most of us don't get paid to spend 8 hours a day working out to look like models. If you care about each other I really don't think people judge each other that harshly and he obviously does love you. We've all said or done stupid things sometimes without meaning any harm, but the other person takes it wrong. Don't let those negative voices in your head get the upper hand....you are wonderful, beautiful, and giving and that makes you sexy as hell! Own it!
  6. I agree with you totally IHA. It's absolutely ridiculous to say that she should not have had her cell phone at school. Barring drugs and weapons it's nobody's business what she keeps in her purse or on her cell. You can still be a good teacher and have a life outside of school....people that are too hypocritical and self-righteous to accept that are idiots!
  7. don't you hate it when you've been working out like a fiend and then standing under those horrible lights in the store dressing room you can't hardly tell?
  8. First off is it firm enough? I've got one of those realistic skin type vibrating ones that I would love to use but the tip is just too "soft" to be able to penetrate easily so I usually go with a nice firm plastic vibe. And when you use one of those larger sized ones I find it easiest to sort of "twist" it in....once it passes that first tight sphinter it should go with no problems. Never force it and lube, lube, lube!
  9. Yes, definitely wash it before you use it and everytime you finish with it. I just use liquid anti-bacterial soap and HOT water but some may require special care depending on what they're made of.
  10. Yeah, it amazes me now that people can get to be middle aged and still be holding back sexually.....it's now or never, let go and enjoy it!!!! I hate that I let so many years get away from me.
  11. I'll take a couple of small dollups here...is it cold in here and does anyone know how to read "braille"? hehe!
  12. Major hot fun in person or with webcams! Start out just hands, but the toys invariably always come out....but it's watching your partner really get off on it and the back and forth "comments" that really fuel the fire!
  13. mmmmm sounds fun....we'll make a nice slippery sandwich and I get to be in the middle...woohoo!!
  14. This is one of those hurdles that I've been slow jumping....grew up with that "don't let anyone think you're a whore" schtick rammed down my throat, but thank goodness all that bull is being shed like old snake skin these days. I've found it's been really helpful having those major intense solo sessions...you let yourself just really get into the fantasy and before you know it you're spouting stuff that you've never let loose with before...it's amazingly liberating and then from there it's just an easy transition to letting it out with your partner! So much hotter than just thinking it to yourself and I can't imagine a man not liking it....if he doesn't I'd have to worry about him!
  15. Synirr you crack me up! I have no doubt you are "THE" rainbows and happiness girl! I've been doing the clean foods/fruit thing for awhile now and even gave up coffee for a little over a week but I decided screw that....I'll just double up on the pineapple....need my caffiene!
  16. Ok, I'm late to the game as usual....damn you guys all look so hot and slippery....I wanna play!!!! hmmmm looks like the required uniform is bare minimum....better strip down then but I'm with Sun....hate to let go of the stilettos! Ok somebody oil me up and let's get this party started! What round are we on anyway?
  17. Sort of true (depends on what kind of "victims" are around hehe!) Tpbm has given a strip show for their SO
  18. Ladylove I'm with you all the way. I love my girls dearly (19 & 16) they are very good kids, but I am so looking forward to them being grown and out. It will be so nice to have my whole house stay neat and clean and most of all to have my privacy! I swear there are teenagers hanging around here constantly and they all call me Mom and want to talk my ear off...I can only stand it for so long before I have to shoo them off....I dread summer vacation....if the youngest doesn't get a day job there goes my nice, private lunch time "sessions" and man do I need that relief during the busy season at work!
  19. Sad to say it's NEVER happened with hubby but sometimes I can get a really good solo session going and it will knock me out of the park! It's almost like my whole body goes into convulsions and even when I stop the stimulation at that point I can lay there and those waves will just keep racking thru my body for several minutes....I'll be twitching like I'm having seizures....it's soooo great and relaxing and after I am so jazzed I feel like I could take on the world! Doesn't happen every time....don't know why but it seems to have alot to do with how aroused I allow myself to get in my head more than anything.
  20. Oh honey....we've all been there...that waiting game really sucks! If only we could read minds or they'd just be up front about it huh? Stay strong!
  21. True Tpbm has had sex in an elevator
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