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Everything posted by chloegirl

  1. You know those little jelly ones with the vibrators may serve their purpose, but there it nothing hotter to look at than just your basic metal rings on a gorgeous shaved cock...then there's the ones with the leather straps too! aaahhhh! forgive the drool please
  2. Haven't really got to go there yet, being in control would be a blast sometimes, but I really yearn for a really hot and agressive Dom that I could Sub to.
  3. Love giving it...seeing just how far and fast you can take them to a place of no control! Hearing that moan is music to my ears and just spurs me on further. I want him bucking and groaning for mercy! Love getting it if they can stay on target and you can tell they really enjoy being there, but really want that additional finger stim with it too!
  4. Bought one of those for hubby and he has yet to use it....says that's what I'm for.....what a dunce!
  5. Oh Aiden you lucky, lucky girl! May you have many more nights like that one!
  6. I am 4 months older than hubby, but he may as well be 10 years older. I'm ready to grab life by the balls right now and milk it for all it's worth and he's content to quietly vegetate but we still make it work.
  7. oooh I agree. I absolutely love to watch a guy masterbate!
  8. Men: Imagine you are back to a point where you are just getting intimate with a new partner. 1. Do you expect her to have the perfect bod? You know what I mean....your average woman past the teen years is going to have imperfections. Do those imperfections (cellulite, poochy belly, flabby ass, whatever) turn you off and make you lose interest even if you have a pretty hot chemistry going before the unveiling? Or can you still have a strong sexual attraction to her despite all of it? 2. Do you prefer a woman who is upfront and confident and maybe even a little agressive in her sexuality or the shy "you lead the way" type? Just wondering because when we're young that kind of stuff can really hold alot of women back and it's not until we're older that we can get past all of it, but what is a man's opinion?
  9. Ok I want input from all you men out there. When you fantasize do you usually crave one certain act more than any other? I always assumed that guys mainly just thought about getting to the main course of intercourse or maybe receiving oral, but from what I have been seeing and reading it seems alot of men get really hot on the thought of a hand job (either you doing it with a woman watching or her doing it for you)....Anyway..... just want to hear the men's perspective on the most fantasized about acts that really get you hot.
  10. Oh please, please, please, honey do NOT give up on your dreams! You have no idea how you will regret later giving in to any compromises that will kill the passions and dreams you have for what you want to do in life. Your first obligation is to yourself so don't let anything or anyone stand in your way....keep pushing and trying....you WILL make it and be so proud of yourself. I will be rooting for you all the way and sending as much positivity as it takes!
  11. We usually don't do anything but go out to dinner, talk, and then come home hopefully to an empty house and I pull out all the stops & props, and try to have a seduction night. Doesn't work out as well as I wish 'cause hubby is just not that sensual a guy (more of wham, bam, thank you mam kind of guy) but you gotta try to keep something going if your gonna stay right?
  12. At least once a week for full blown sex....oral another 1-3 a week. The rest is solo sessions anywhere from 2 - 4 day if time permits.
  13. SuzyP, I'm sorry, I went thru your posts but I couldn't find where you said anything about how long you two have been together and how serious you are about this relationship so what I'm about to say may have no relevance at all, but looking at it from twice your age my advice to you would be to give this a fair shot, but if he doesn't come up to scratch soon (meaning fulfilling you exactly the way you desire it) I would run like hell and never look back before you invest too much time, emotion, and the possibility of lifelong "complications". The fairy tale image we are all brought up to believe in of diligence will produce a "happy ever after" effect is 99% bullshit. I will be the first one in line to tell any young person that although your sexual identity is a lifelong growing process there are some people who are just never going to "progress" in a way that may be truly compatible with your wants, needs, and desires and wasting a lifetime trying to make it happen is just not worth it. Sex should not be "hard". If you have to put that much effort into it the chemistry between you is just not right no matter how bad you want it to be. Sorry to sound so cynical but facts is facts. I'm talking about a new relationship here where you haven't invested years and built a life together yet. You deserve to be happy and pleasured your whole life long....don't waste any time just wishing for it! Good luck to you!
  14. I think I'll just stick with the razor. I just do it every night when I have my bath so it's no trouble and I'm always smooth with no regrowth at all. Am looking forward to a mutual shaving session next week...see how erotic we can make that!
  15. Cybele, as Pinky44 said there are more than a few of us here around the same age bracket and I think that may have something to do with this as I too feel like I just recently "woke up" and for the first time in my life my own sexualilty and desires are raging and formost in my head....can't get enough! I personally think it has alot to do with the fact that we spent our younger years nurturing everyone else around us and kind of fogot about ourselves....now we're just at a point in our life where we can focus on ourselves a little more and yes taking care of ourselves, exericising and releasing those endorphins makes us feel horny as hell all the time.....yay!!! Go with it girl and enjoy every minute and every experience you possibly can....we have definitely earned it!!!!
  16. I agree with you all that breaking the vows of fidelity in marriage is cheating and let's face it....no-one wants to be on the recieving end of betrayal. It is the ultimate slap in the face. But to further the debate I wonder how you can say this is cheating but indulging in threesomes or group activity is not? I'm not saying it's wrong, I just wonder how it can be ok to share your goodies in one situation and not in another even if the other partner is in on it.....after all you are allowing someone other than your spouse to have access to that "sacred" part of the marriage bed and sexual gratification is the bottom line in each situation here. And yes, right or wrong, sometimes the need is just that strong. Just want to hear your ideas.
  17. Go Synirr! I love to watch a man can work it ... and you can tell when they are really comfortable doing it....so erotic!!!!
  18. I just picked up a tube of Adam & Eve Anal Lube Slick Sensation and it is awesome. Stays very slick and not expensive.
  19. And of course a really big factor is where your head is at....if you can really get into an arousing fantasy the hotter the better, then you are going to have those intense "O"s alot more easily. I've found that to be almost as important as the stimulation itself!
  20. He's not big on actually giving stuff except on special occasions, but he's constantly doing little thoughtful things for me in everyday life....even if it's just cleaning my car, emptying the dishwasher, helping with laundry....he goes out of his way to help me out and we never go a day without hugs, kisses, and telling each other how much we love each other
  21. Have you all checked out the new toys for May? There are some REALLY hot and interesting items that look very tempting....(would post some links but I can't figure out how) Shoot...now I'm gonna have to decide between new toys or a new corset! Decisions, decisions....
  22. To each his own I guess, but personally I would hate all that crap getting in the way! Not attractive at all.
  23. Littlemissnoname, Please don't let anything cause you any undue worries about this. Just make sure that when you do finally go for it make sure that it is with someone you trully care for who cares for you as well and of course if you don't really feel that lust with this person then that would be another sign to hold off. So many of us jump into it just to see what all the fuss is about, but if there is not a real connection there, especially when you are young it might tend to leave you feeling empty and disappointed. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with some sex just for sex later on, but I trully think that you will have a better experience if your first time has some romance and depth of feeling there. Best wishes for a hot and happy future!
  24. It really pisses you off when you are trying desperately to have a child and having to work so hard at it, then you hear about all the "accidental" pregnancies coming so easily to people who have no need or business procreating....it can make you sick!
  25. OMG Ladylove that is the best one yet!!! Am definitely gonna pull this the next time he gets off track!
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