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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. Love Nantucket.... There was a man from Nantucket who.....
  2. Yes I did!; and I'm away trying them out. TPBM - wants to try something new?
  3. Why is he resistant? Do you think he's intimidated by the whole sex toy thing. or is he just not use to the idea of sex toys? How about clitoral stimulator that's a bit more generic, any finger vibe would be fun and non threatening.
  4. Sorry Tyger..... Take care of you!
  5. E, what do you want in a a cockring? Maybe I can suggest another one that is more cost effective.
  6. The one we've tried is extremely similar the one you've asked about. Take a look and see if it helps any. http://www.tootimid.com/neo-ring.html
  7. Below is the like I googled for you. It's the best I can do, hope it helps. http://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip_60/69_love_tip.html
  8. More, more!! and I always water skiing was the most fun one could have on a boat......
  9. Congratulations!!!! Of course your a little nervous, it new and unknown to you. How Exciting! I'm sure you'll be fabulous!
  10. You may offend him, sooo instead of telling him he's a horrible kisser take the lead. If it feels like he's trying to take over pull back shake your head no and tell him to relax then continue to kiss him the way you would like to be kissed. If that seems to forward then anytime he gets to aggressive pull back, then start kissing him the way you would liked to be kissed. It may take time and patience but if you really like him it will be worth it. Let us know what happens.
  11. No my Husband did not, however I could envision my daughters boyfriend asking my Husband......
  12. Can't wait for the story. As far as soft limits, I have to have more time to answer.
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