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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. "People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” A. Lincoln
  2. Where are all you orgasmic men and women? You can't all be faking it... chime in
  3. It's all about feeling sexy and having your partner think you look sexy... It's all good, just nosy.
  4. It will only allow me to like it once...... that's not enough
  5. Rant: I'm mad as hell about it...... Rave: .... life is good
  6. Are Abe's thoughts real or perceived? I have read all but the hunger games which my daughter said was even better than the movie. Right now I am to busy to really sink my teeth into a good book, I'm keeping a list for later.
  7. Sunday what a great idea! Love the idea of it, may see if my DH would like to do the same. Wendy, I really think you'll enjoy the books. As Sunday said, it isn't literature, but it is very titillating!; and once you read one you'll just have to read them all. One of my GFs read some of the excerpts to her DH and they had their own evening of fifty shades. I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for that update.
  8. I'll go first to break the ice so to speak. I love vaginal orgasms. Feeling my DH pulsating, filling me with his hot juices is the most incredible feeling for me as well as me orgasming while he'd inside me. Mine is so much more delicious when having him to squeeze, pulsate down on.... love that hot hard resistance! Yummy!
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