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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. I have no idea what my phone is called. It can do everything but the laundry (darn). I don't use it to it's max, but love it. Everyone else in my family has an Iphone (or two) and androids. I don't have a case around it anymore, I hated having my hair get caught around it.
  2. No Fair Em, What is "Miyavi" and in which language?
  3. DH is tall dark and handsome... so not Irish, but wouldn't want to miss any opportunity.
  4. The man likes to separate work and pleasure.
  5. Who?.... Wendy and I?..... nooooooo.
  6. Did anyone notice the pink bows?, cute.
  7. I'll go ahead and mention... IT'S ME! If you are like sally when you order your food then we are alike in that manor. I know what I like and it's not worth eating or drinking if it's not the way it's ordered. I just thought of a sexy food. King Crab legs.... think about how much fun you could have with that.
  8. sounds as though some one might just have experience in this area.... If not you should do it!
  9. DH thinks since he missed the "real Steak and BJ Day" that today should be an honorable substitute day. Corn Beef, Cabbage and BJ Day, in honor of Saint Patrick who would have wanted it that way.
  10. Bird is you man better with this, since you first posted this?
  11. Glad you found something to give you that "ohhhh so smoooth"feeling! How did it all go?
  12. :D DH fully supports this "most important" holiday.
  13. With the above mention of candle light: I think it's so sexy the way the candle throws the light and flickers. We also have a tiny sexy light next to our bed for light on so it's sultry. Sex in the daylight with blinding light... it's all good!
  14. yes it looks interesting, but I have a few more to write reviews on... so sit tight I think I have some winners to post.
  15. I can not pass up cotton candy.... ever! A guilty pleasure for me too.
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