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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. Thanks! I hope we get loads of input. Satisfying each other is the way it should be, however I'm not sure this is the norm.
  2. WOO-HOO Square! You did good!
  3. I just read an article that stated: ~ There's a low desire spouse and a high desire spouse when it comes to sex - and there's one of each in every marriage. Here's how it works: 1. The high desire spouse makes most, if not all, of the overtures and initiations for sex. 2. The low desire spouse decided which of the sexual overtures he or she will respond to. 3. Which determines when sex happens. Giving the low desire spouse de facto control of sex - whether he or she wants it or not. The above makes sense. In the beginning of our relationship DH had the higher sex drive and he did most of the initiating. At some point it became more equal, evolving to now. Initiation's great if you have a receptive partner, disappointing (at best) when the initiator is constantly shot down, and yes the lower sex drive person most definitely controls the amount of sex in the relationship. After many, many years of being turned away, I told DH I will not initiate anymore, it's all up to him now. He has to in some way let me know he's available and then I will either initiate or wait for him. He's fine with that, happy with the frequency he controls, me not so much. He thinks everything is honky dory because he remembers to have sex when he notices our cleaning crew has come. I have not left anything to chance, letting DH know this is not enough. However.... he's to busy, to stressed, to tired, to ...... and it seems it's becoming less and less as the years progress. I do have a some solace in that this board is proof I'm not the only women who is the higher sex drive partner in their relationship. However being in this situation can still be isolating in other ways. Especially with all the socially common place thought and jokes, around the idea, wives never want to have sex or be intimate etc., it is unthinkable to even consider the reverse, for obvious reasons. Higher sex driven Women, and lower sex driven Men how have you dealt with this in your own relationships? Have you come to the understanding that sex nights are T-TH-S, like it or not, do you leave it to chance, what do you do? What are the coping mechanims you have used and how has this effected you and your relationship?
  4. It's a story suburban gossipers, fan the flames of. You didn't say if you are happy or not. Are you happy?
  5. I was looking for a juicy story called secret life.... This is pretty juicy! Anytime you want to write me us an erotic story of "secret life fantasy" feel free.
  6. You are a naughty girl! Good for you! ( I filled out all 500 ?'s very repetitive )
  7. Cute... It made me smile.
  8. Yes, it would be nice to see you there sometime.
  9. I did the test last night, I think it was 77. ? something. Ok, I passed or failed depending on how you look at it.
  10. come on you can do it....
  11. Wait, how did you do that. I changed it before you answered? Late here.
  12. Hmmm... never took anything that BIG in the back door. A bit inhibiting. Thank Goodness I don''t take the pill.
  13. LOL!!!! Well, go find yourself a clit to tickle
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