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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. With all due respect, do you think you could possibly have a disorder of eating, which is different from an eating disorder. I've been blessed with a fabulous metabolism and can eat whatever I desire. However, I have many friend that don't have great metabolisms, one recently had to acknowledge her disorder of eating. Just a thought. *Not meant to put you on the defense in any way.
  2. Ohhh! A mystery to solve. I hope I'm up to it... Rereading.... hmmmm?
  3. Interesting question you pose. First let me just say, Everyone deserves happiness. Next, Each couple negotiates their own relationship rules. If you can agree on said rules, and are fulfilled and happy within said relationship, great. Problems arise when one or both parties are dissatisfied with said rules and a new mutual agreement can not be negotiated. So If your relationship allows for extra curricular sex, it's not cheating, provided you stay with in the confines of stated rules. If monogamy is essential to the relationship, and one or both parties breaks the monogamy rule then yes, it's cheating. Two very basic emotions, we as humans, get from any relationship: 1. To feel good about ourselves when with another person, 2. Not to not feel good about ourselves when with another person. One is healthy the other toxic. Which do you want? I choose 1, however that plays out.
  4. Thanks, Tyger! Always nice when you get a winner!
  5. OUCH!!!! I think you can come up with something much better than that....
  6. No.... Will it make you hot if I told you to meet me at a bar, pretend you don't know me, show me what you have going on by trying to pick me up?
  7. It's morning... not amy more. TPBM - has many questions?
  8. Good to have you back Samma Bear! Still seeing the same young man from before?
  9. The weather's been wacky everywhere. Here in the North east one day it could be snowing, the next we don't even need to wear a jacket,. I could easily get use to a warm winter .....
  10. face down... not sure Will it make you hot If I told you not to move, I'd do all the work necessary.
  11. I believe one has to actually take them for them to work.....
  12. No problem, but I believe it's the unwrapping I need help with.
  13. ... some is just play, but some not. It's for you to decided which is which
  14. Oh honey, there is nothing wrong with my listening or comprehending skills..... Now stop this shyness and get to the point!
  15. Yes Will it make you hot if I decided to tie your hand together and you could only use you mouth
  16. no! TBPM - is hoping tonight is filled with erotic fun
  17. No thread for secret life..... guessing that is really your private life. DARN!
  18. Okayyyyyy! I'm headed of to read about your secret life. Thanks for the tip.
  19. close your eyes and it will all go away
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