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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. I MOST CERTAINLY AM NOT CALLING YOU OLD!: we're about the same age. I am however calling you a man, not a boy.... A big compliment.
  2. I once read: A boy learns of love though intimacy, A man learns of love by getting to know the women inside. Something like that, don't think it's an exact quote. You get the point I'm sure.
  3. You just have to dig into your past lifetimes to figure it out.
  4. Do you ever have ill feeling towards your wife, because she has a higher sex drive?
  5. We'd all love to read a hypothetical story
  6. Watched/heard by my DH, absolutely! By unknown peepers....maybe Will it make you hot to be tied to your bed so your at the mercy of your partner.
  7. Tried maybe...... Sexually frustrated most definitely!
  8. True - like most days TPBM - Is making arrangements for something important?
  9. Well, that can only mean we've met in another lifetime...
  10. May not be wise, but sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind...... Signed, Ms. Conservative
  11. You seem to care deeply for her, I hope it works out the way you'd like it to.
  12. My sex drive is definitely higher than my DH. What I'd like and what is realistic are two different things. Everyday, twice a day isn't realistic, I'd be thrilled with every other day, but that maybe a stretch too.
  13. For as long as he needs.... and he never tires. As for cutting him short, I kid you not, I never have. If it wasn't going to happen one way we try another.
  14. I believe anonymity breeds honesty. Gotta' love ladies lunches!
  15. I hope you will be too. It has to be just hell in every way to have a LDR. I give you both tons of credit.
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