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Everything posted by Shariana

  1. I ignored his jackass comments (this was before we were dancing) because I was used to them from my previous relationships. After an incident in swing when he stood in the MIDDLE OF ANOTHER COUPLE I decided to no longer dance with him. Finished the swing, hit him on the chest, cussed him out and he went and cancelled my registration. Luckily everyone on the team saw him being a jerk to others, so I was found to be in the right. I am an enabler. I make excuses for people even when I know I shouldn't. Maybe this will teach me for next time!
  2. To make a very long story as short as possible.... I was at a dance competition over the weekend. The guy (who I thought was a friend) I was dancing with for some of the time essentially called me fat, gave me a hard time for refusing to sleep in the same bed as him, and pressed himself against me when I told him I wasn't comfortable doing some of the more intimate dances with him. (I have self esteem issues as it is, don't need to be called fat. I know I am a bit. Don't need you to tell me. >.<) Then he got to "correcting" my mistakes (he's danced for less time than I have.... and I KNOW my damn tango, thank you very much).... He would ram me into couples as we were dancing, purposefully block them from moving, and swear if we messed up (all in front of the judges). THEN he got to cursing at me if I didn't catch his lead into steps, shaking me by the shoulders, grabbing my arm forcefully, and crushing my hand as he led me on and off the dance floor. I broke down after a point and the situation is going to the university group in charge of club sports. He will probably be off the team. What on EARTH makes it seem even remotely ok for someone to do this? Guys: I will personally kick your ass if you do this to a woman. Ladies: DON'T TOLERATE IT, EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS! All I could think through this is that thank GOD I wasn't dating this jackass! If he ever gets a girlfriend she will be black and blue!
  3. Just moved Grandma into her nursing home today. gonna be interesting...
  4. Why do guys think it's ok to manhandle a woman? >.< And to ask me if my dress would "even fit me"? Uhuh, no way. You DON'T do that. Jackass. (not my boyfriend. Dance partner. >.<)
  5. lol I'd feel terrible because it was my stupidity.... I can probably fix it, just need to know exactly what it looks like.... if I can't fix it, I'll let her know though.....
  6. Anyone in the Boston area that can lead ballroom dance? I desperately need a partner for MIT. >.<
  7. I just got this as a freebie..... but the batteries I put in it were dead and got stuck.... I flicked it to try to get the batteries out, but the metal where the batteries are came out too.... Can someone post a picture of the inside of the vibe without batteries so I can see how to put it back together? LOL
  8. Anyone ever heard of adrenal burnout syndrome? Saw a link online about it and it TOTALLY explains how my body works (or doesn't.... o.o). Anyone have this, know someone with it, or know of it? Any imput would be greatly appreciated before I go to my doctor with some random idea about what could be wrong with me..... lol
  9. (for once in my life) false! ^.^ TPBM loves something s/he can't have
  10. True, to an extent. TPBM needs to get away from it all, even for an hour.
  11. LOVE it Em! I have the same sorta flowers for ballroom! Great pieces! ^.^ So. Grandma tried to escape AGAIN! We were going to move her into the nursing home May 4th.... but are now hoping for Thursday. My mom will have a life again!!!!
  12. if he does something sexual or romantic (that he would normally do with me) with someone else without my knowledge (and approval...), that's cheating. Cybering and camming for sure. I know some people that think of porn as cheating.... but as long as he doesn't expect me to look like the porn stars, I'll even watch it with him! I personally love porn!
  13. I've never been able to find it on my own, but boy oh boy did my SO find it this summer! I still can't get it on my own.... that'll be something special for him then! =D
  14. Will do! I haven't posted any pics of me on here before, have I....? I have to get on that! The competition is the 25 and 26th of April, I believe.... I'm excited! Grandma decided to "go home" again today.... I walked with her up and down the hill and led her back into the house. Mom and I just went to look at another nursing home today. Mom's gonna try to get her into one by May 1st. We can't keep her safe anymore.
  15. In high school, my friend started a "meet you at the pole" prayer group.... first wednesday of each month, we'd go outside the school and sit around the flagpole and have a quick message and a group prayer. Some students told us what we were doing was illegal.... some teachers too. Our principal at the time told them to leave us alone. Thank GOD he understood and actually joined us! It's crazy. Makes me very sad.
  16. HA! Good point! I think I have ONE pair of red panties..... and one pair of red socks! That could work....
  17. Can't WAIT to look DAMN hot on that MIT ballroom competition dancefloor! ^.^ Just got my new smooth/standard dress! A little too short in the torso (blew a few stitches trying to make it sit higher.... luckily it's double seamed!).... but IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE HEMMED!!!! I'm 5'2". EVERYTHING has to be hemmed for me. Yay for Rainbowshiu! ^.^
  18. oh wow! That's a GREAT idea! My SO is GREAT at checkers.... I suck at it!
  19. I decided to count how many friends I have in the military that I went to school or church with or who are in my fire department. I have over a dozen, most overseas right now. I would wear red, but I have to wear blue for my fire department duty night on Fridays. Still a patriotic color and many of my military friends are from the CVFD. I love them all dearly, even the ones I don't know. They ARE the ones that keep freedom free.
  20. My second boyfriend was the first I ever had sex with. I joined TT while I was dating him and got a few toys. He enjoyed them, but once I started getting more toys and more ideas from here, he said that I was a bit "obsessed" and started backing off a bit. Granted, I am very passionate about passion..... but he wanted to be "one, done, that was fun".... My SO now LOVES it! He's had girls that don't make a sound. I love being able to express myself and be open about sex with him. Haven't gotten any technique books yet, but I'm planning on it!
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