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Everything posted by cmwise1

  1. Thanks for all the reviews. I just bought a g-spot vibe, but looked at this one for a while. I'm glad i went the other way.
  2. Thanks, Mikayla. I just didn't want to be doing any damage to a very important area!
  3. It's just radiant heat and doesn't get hot, just warm. I was just worried about the vibration part.
  4. I have used 1% hydrocortisone and then baby powder to avoid chafing. And no panties or tight clothing. Has worked for me...and i just started shaving so I've had the chance for trial and error!!!
  5. i had the same question. How do you stand it while the hair grows back? It's worse than chin stubble and lover practically gets a rash!
  6. Wow. Sounds like you are going through hell. I was in a custody battle and they can be vicious. My thoughts will be with you. Blessings and good luck! You are doing the right thing for that poor baby. She doesn't deserve what happened to her.
  7. Some of them must have taken many hours...OUCH!
  8. I think it sounds great! I'd see it for sure. I could see it done in a very classy yet explicit way. good Luck!
  9. I have a vibrator that isn't really a sex vibrator but a muscle massager. It has 2 speeds and will heat up. This thing gets me off in no time at all and works EVERY time. My question is: can there be too much vibration and can it "numb" you over time? I don't want to use the thing if it might damage sensitive nerve endings, but it works SO well. I can have 3-4 Os in about 15 minutes. I can get a "real" vibrator but do I NEED to?
  10. 46% pornoified...but I guessed on a lot!!
  11. I have had really good Os during phone sex along with masturbation. My lover would tell me what he would be doing if he were there, minute-to-minute, and I would act out his wishes. It was very sexy, his voice low and husky on the phone. I had my array of toys and he would tell me which ones to use, when and how. Between the toys and his voice, well, it was a great time.
  12. I think gravity can help you here...if his cock is above your mouth then if he can hold still that last second, it should stay in the back of your throat. This sounds crazy, and I don't know if it would work, but if you have the presence of mind at that minute he cums to hold your nose, you won't taste the cum. The nose is needed for taste-- pinching your nose closed while you swallow will allow you to do it without tasting. Texture issues? Practice with other foods...similar in texture. Ask your pharmacy if you can have a syringe used for giving children medication, then fill it with texture-similar foods. Practice shooting it into the back of your throat and swallowing all in one motion. Practice makes perfect and this may help you along your path.
  13. No, I would do things differently. I wouldn't be in such a rush to "grow up", so focused on my career choice that I left no time for enjoying life as it happened to me. I would spend more time making relationships and keeping up with the ones I made. I would be more adventurous and not save that part of my life for the last half! I would have chosen a profession that did not take so much time away from family and friends. So, yeah, knowing what I know now, i would do things differently. And along the path of those differences, I'm sure I would have met different people and had different experiences so it would ultimately change the me that i am today.
  14. The rope knots and diamond patterns look beautiful and dangerous( in the good way!).
  15. It sounds like his parts are in working order again..maybe better than before. BTW, be careful how close he Cums ()to your vagina...those little critters can swim a long way and until his sperm count is zero, the possibility of pregnancy exists. In the meantime, enjoy your new adventures!
  16. Beautiful bright colors...and nice legs too!
  17. I agree totally. He should be awake and alert and interested. We used to say in the medical field: Alert X 3...oriented to person, place, and time.
  18. LOL It's crazy that the stuff is so expensive since it's only worn for a few minutes..... Sorry, what I MEANT to say was that lingerie is expensive for being kept on minutes, but it is very sexy. Go, girl!
  19. I agree. Any relationship requires intimacy on some level to be satisfying to me. A lover must have sex with me...that would be a requirement. Frequency depends on life circumstances.
  20. That's kind of scary, too. Makes me wonder what a post like this will look like in 20 years.
  21. If I hear an accent, I'll take a second look. Especially if the accent is scottish, irish, south african or australian. So the appearance of the individual matters a bit but the accent just spices it up. There have been studies that show men and women, alike, are attracted to individuals who they perceive are "as or more" attractive than themselves. This means, to me, that each individual has a perception of relative beauty that is what they call "attractive". It is not bigotry but perception. This perception includes everything..hair color, eyes, lips, accent, body shape, you name it. It also contains the notion of one's own beauty/attractiveness. It is fascinating to think all this goes on in a person's mind when they look at another's face/body. In a flash of moment. Does this make any sense?
  22. I 'm in...this will be so much fun! I belong to a mommies chat and received a warning because I was talking about clitoral O's vs g-spot O's on the shoutbox. I thought, well, this is a women's group...so talk about women's issues. It was not appreciated by someone in the group. Anyway, i too, will wait anxiously for the chat room to be up and "on".
  23. Thank you, Mikayla. I checked out the site and had a good time looking at all the women who look just like me. They looked very sexy and I am feeling much, much better about myself. In fact, perhaps i have a bit of big labia pride going on. My lover had never said anything about their size one way or the other, but he must have noticed during all the time spent down there. I was the one who was surprised after shaving. I AM excited to see what he thinks about my well-groomed kitty.
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