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About hot4hubby

  • Birthday 11/20/1976

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Sweet. Fun. And Sexy
  • My Favorite Toy
    Who needs a toy when my husband is so yummy.
  • About Me
    I am Travel agent so lets start planning!
  • Location
    A Army post
  • # of sex toys you own?
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    33 female

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I love to spend time with my family. And funny to say on here but I love Disney.
  • Location
    Some Army Post
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • ICQ
  • Website URL

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  1. Thanks. Allot has gone on in our lives. I had weight loss surgery lost 100 pounds I am now at goal. I am now in Culinary school and we are now living in Washington State. My husband has gotten himself fixed NO MORE KIDS!
  2. Hi everyone! It has been a very very long time since I have been here. I need allot of help and I thought this is the best place to get it. I don't know where to begin so I will post again later. Just wanted to say hello.
  3. Hey ladies and Gentlemen I am doing a fast check in. My wonderful hubby is back. Has been for a month now. We tool the kids to Disney World for a week. it was awesome. We both are looking into going back to school. ready to be out the Army. We also might be making a move later to another post. So keep your fingers crossed for us. I am working hard in trying to get my travel business off the ground still. We are just blissful with life. I had forgotten what is was like being married. He was gone for 16 months and I am so happy with the man that came home to us. We grew so much as a couple while he was gone and I am indeed so happy. I hope every one is doing well. Also if anyone is looking to book a vacation let me know. I'm your gal. Well talk 2 everyone later. hot4hubby
  4. False I'm dark enough without help from the sun. TPBM has been away from their SO for more then a month.
  5. Can't wait. doing the Happy dance
  6. Happy Birthday and welcome. Get him reading on this site and he will turn around. My husband and I both read this site and it works.
  7. I hope you are feeling better. HUGS TO YOU.
  8. I want to try that on my husband, but I don't like cum in my mouth. So it may get a little messy
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