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Everything posted by mstrpink

  1. We made out in a hot tub on our anniversary at a beach resort. It wasn't very discreet or quiet but we had fun and there weren't people around at the time. We went to one of the outside jet tubs to cool off and someone hollered down from the balcony "thanks for the show". We have also done the whole going down on her on the balcony of a resort and then the final act. It's exciting and fun and makes you feel young again.
  2. Patience has paid off. Reverting to singular activities or more frankly doing what I want to do has led to greater intimacy on her part. She asked me to meet her for lunch Friday. We had a good time and kept everything on the chill. Later that evening she mentioned to one of her friends the balancing act I run in the day to day and how it's hard to keep all my girls happy. She was very flirty and forward Sat. but I kept playing coy and mentioning it was just that, play. So yesterday afternoon after we've played with the kids outside and they're resting she asks me to nap and watch a movie with her. I have often asked to go down on her and she's usually more focused on penetration but yesterday I noticed she had groomed and she relaxed. She let go enough to allow herself and my tongue to make her O all over the bed and my face. And during this she grabbed my hips and blew me away. Literally. She hadn't swallowed since the last kid was born let alone finish me and she did both yesterday with enthusiasm. I can handle the past as such and make note that I need to convey my expectations with the rationalization that they may not always be met. I do feel that intimacy both physical and mental comes form trust and openness and I think we made strides towards that this w/e. The kids were home during that whole episode so she wanted it, too. That's why I think it's wonderful. She wanted to please me and herself and if you knew how hard it is for her to let go of life enough to get to that point you'd be elated, too. Like any relationship it takes work but when two people desire to please each other incredible things can happen.
  3. All three of the above posts are immense helps. To address the first- I'm all about her getting to her special area. We have had wild intense and mutually satisfying moments the past year. We used to have quickies but now no more. Financially we are doing well. We aren't in debt but I have spent money without consulting her to get an instrument or two and caught more hell about that last night. Evidently the meager earnings from my jobs don't hold as much value in our bank acct as her hard earned one's do. Her words not mine. I kissed her this morning and she bitched about being late for work, having a headache and had to pee. Mikayla hit the nail with the thought being important. I feel like I do things for her out of desire to please (not just sexually guys) and get crap in return. I think I'm going to organize my thoughts and write it out in an open-ended way and let her read it at her leisure. Neither one of us is good about talking without letting our emotions go. I can understand how my deception about m purchases upset her but I also think treating me like a child b/c of it is ridiculous. I am a man and I have not put our family or us in any financial straits or trouble. We've had issues in the past with her hormones. I just don't understand how someone can be one way for 5 yrs then change overnight. She has a poor self image and I've tried to train with her and encourage her but she thinks it's too hard or that I'm too know-it-all to be any help. I would think a woman would want someone to want her. Esp. if they're in a marriage and relationship. What do I know?
  4. She may consider counseling. Maybe I'll break it down for her. She isn't having a good week at work. I've been trying today to help her cope with that. Last night we had a bottle of wine and watched some shows together. Again, when I went to bed she stayed downstairs and FB for a while then came up. It's like there's no desire. I didn't expect to get lucky but again I feel like I'm trying to make this work. I'm assuming she thinks things are good but I didn't kiss her goodbye this AM. I've tried to ease up on my affection b/c ignoring her seems to be the only way she gives me any mind. It's not all about sex but when there's nothing else that the two of you share as the two of you the relationship appears over. Last week she couldn't b/c it was that monthly time. I had locked our door so the kids couldn't come in and was thinking I could get off with her other ways and she was like "Oh no, the kids are here". Really? Our old house was more intimate than this one and we used to do that and not think a thing. I just unlocked the door and hit the shower pissed. She didn't care. How do I approach this with her? How do I tell her that the "us" is wilting b/c she's so unavailable? I'm not asking for the moon am I? Maybe you can see why I feel like I'm "needy" when I bring this to her attention. I don't want to be the father and her the mother if that means the us we had before is over. It wasn't like this as recently as last spring. I noticed a pattern though that we only had sex after she was drunk. You know when you're friends things that matter to them are important to you. For her b-day I took her and the fam out to dinner and then she went out with her GFs and drank all night. No nookie that night either but like I mentioned my b-day came and she told me to "take one for the team" and wouldn't go see a movie with me WITHOUT The kids ( who were out of town) and there was no love then either. That's why I feel so unimportant. Nothing that matters to me (whom she's known for 12 yrs) is important to her. She had 364 days to think about Xmas and nothing. No card, nothing. Should I just cut and paste all this and email it to her? At least she can read it without interrupting me to argue a point.
  5. I tried to bring it up after new year's. I told I her I felt like I was a low priority and that I didn't matter. I didn't even bring up sex. Then after some flirting I was dumb enough to mention that it had been 6 wks. I shouldn't be counting. i should be content with this but I feel like there's no connection. Her dad passed over the holidays. I was there for her. I understand that's stressful, depressing and a heap of crap to deal with but I also think that as a team we're supposed to care for one another and sometimes taking your mind off that can help. It didn't. She looked at me with a very hollow stare and cried. She explained it was going back to work but I felt like it was something more. There seemed to be a disconnect. My wife doesn't get emotional. She doesn't confide in me. She doesn't make herself available to be loved. I try tenderness, I try full on horny guy and nothing works. She gets mad if I spend money on her. I can't win. I'm over trying to seek her approval or attract her attention. I've been focusing on my goals and my work and actually hope that by creating opportunities for me to be away (I'm a musician) perhaps she'll seek my company more often. Yes, my mind has wondered if there's something else going on. It hurts to think that may be the case. I don't think she'd do that but I don't know for sure. I have asked her point blank when I mentioned my feelings and she got upset b/c she was afraid the 3 kids heard. I don't care how she feels about that b/c I find it disturbing that she'd rather chat with someone from work online than with me in the same room. I don't want to give up but at the same time I'm not happy. I'm not pleased with the way any of this is going. I understand she has a stressful job and a 40 hr week. I have a much larger home to run and four women (wife 3 daughters) to manage and two PT jobs on top of that. I'm tired of being rejected. Thanks for listening and sharing. I can't bring myself to screw around on her b/c I don't need anything else to mess with my head. I just want her to show me that I matter and for the past 6 mos. I really feel like I don't.
  6. It has been my experience that women don't want a "needy" man. That being said as a husband of 10 yrs. it's hard to comprehend the lack of intimacy and acknowledgment from my wife. She used to be eager to please me and turn me on. We used to make love all the time and now it's a bit obligatory on her part or only when we're drunk which makes me feel cheap and used. As a man I find intimacy to be the "it" factor of defining that she cares and that our relationship is in a good place. Think of it as relationship currency. As I stay at home and keep the house immaculate, the kids fed and dressed, and her dinner ready 5 nights/wk I have a false expectation that she may show a little kindness or appreciation somehow. Should she screw me every night b/c of that? No, but occasionally showing she cares would be nice. She crapped on my birthday b/c we were moving and she didn't want to see a movie with me that night but instead clean the house; she gave me nothing for CHristmas after 10 yrs of always gifting something, and she spent NYE with her family while I was at home alone. If I move in to touch her or caress I'm met with "I'm tired" " I have a headache" etc. I'm tired of chasing her. I'm tired of being nice to her. I'm tired of thinking that this relationship is two way b/c to me it's not. I can't afford to leave her since I only work part time and she can not take care of the kids herself. I'm in a bad way b/c if I bring this up to her she gets defensive and angry at me. She acts like I'm the asshole b/c I feel unnoticed and unappreciated. I take care of myself and her house, kids and lifestyle. Why is it so hard for her to see that? Like I said before she used to make me feel like a million dollars but now I feel like a penny.
  7. Like any good toy it must be sanitary for repeated use. Unless he's wrapping himself up in saran wrap or you're dry like the desert clean the ring like you would any of your other utensils. That's all. Purple bags? Yikes. Try something bigger. I've found there are different ones size wise and I like them snug but not ballsmashingly tight. Think rubberband popping on your hands then visualize his package. Have fun!
  8. They do help. I enjoy using mine occassionally. The big thing is to not leave them on after the act since in essence it's like a turniquet for your unit. Make sure he also cleans it shortly after to prevent any bad juju from using it with you. It should be snug to work correctly but if he's in pain he should stop using it.
  9. The Mrs. and I had last w/e all alone without the kids. We hit an adult store. There we bought the O company's Tri-O cockring. The next evening we decided to put our new toy to the test. She was hot and we had already been there once in a hottub earlier that night. I put the Tri-O ring on. The Double vibrating units had a nice hum to them and the "for the boys part" of the cock ring slid over my package fairly easy after some manipulation. She immediately wrapped her thighs around me and to my surprise was really enjoying the sensation of the unit. We've used another one that has the longer silver bullet style vibe on it and she didn't think it was comfortable. This one however has what look like grapes on the vibes and that and their location really hit her clit in such a way she was in ecstasy. She really appeared to enjoy it and while I took a break from the act I removed it and stimulated her with it on my hand. Both ways worked well. As a man the part that wraps around your package can be uncomfortable when getting it on but after it's on there's a good overall feel and experience. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a different style cockring. The batteries are replaceable and the vibes are small and unobtrusive. Here's a picture of it. The Screaming Tri-O
  10. Interesting point HisAngel. When we married 10 yrs ago this w/e, I was about 30 lbs heavier and had a few bad habits. Now, I'm a SAHD with 3 kids and work PT, hit the gym 3 days/week and have slimmed down and shaped up. My SO doesn't even notice and it concerns me. The sex thing has been that since we had kids. It feels like she sees it as an obligation and not a want. I can't think of a time when she came home drunk and didn't want sex but last w/e that was the case. Sure, we had it sober the day before but she was uninterested and I can't help but feel emasculated. She makes the $$ and recently bought a new house for us but I feel like I'm not on her priority list. I go down every chance I get b/c I enjoy getting her off but there's never a reciprocal action. She doesn't ever just go down on me for the sake of doing so. It's more of "well he did so I will for a bit but then he can fuck me". I can't remember a time when she finished me off since before we got married. She never initiates either and I've talked to her about it. she just sees herself as stressed and preoccupied with other things. I understand that with a job stress comes along and after kids women may not feel like having sex all the time but I do feel ignored. I wonder if she's with someone else b/c she may want more kids (which I don't b/c I've sacrificed my career the past 10 yrs to raise ours). I wonder if she's just that Asexual. I feel that sex is intimacy and in a relationship with kids that's about all the two of us have that is "ours" just the two of us and not our roles as mom/dad. It's important to me but I feel like she sees me as a horn dog. I've had a vas. b/c I don't want anymore children. She's recently mentioned she "never said" she didn't want more. That clouds my mind and bothers me. Sorry to rant. I just needed to let it out.
  11. We have sex often but I'd prefer more frequency. I'm pretty much a walking hormone and can safely say she doesn't always satisfy my appetite. I've spoken about this to her so it's not something I'm harboring ill will over. To me it seems that we ought to "Want" to please each other but the past few years it seems like it's more of when she wants to be pleased. She hasn't finished a BJ since heaven knows when. I'm trying not to place an expectation on that but for every 5-6x I go down on her she might once tease me and then say she can't do it for this that or the other reason. Sure we have sex so I can't complain but seeing as how she would do it all the time before kids it's a bit unnerving and questionable for me. A different girl (before marriage) told me she only liked to perform that for someone she "loved" and my mind can't help but wonder if that's the case here. Sorry to go off topic. To answer the question I'd change the frequency and types of sex we have to bring us closer. I guess I should get to discussing this with her over a sitcom after the kids are in bed. Great thread idea.
  12. My wife wears business casual everyday. She's really hot when she puts on a dress b/s she can't wear them to work.
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