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Everything posted by Glorious

  1. My teddy bear in the corner's been giving me the eye lately... Maybe I'll go over there and teach him a thing or two
  2. I'm interested to know if most of the people on this site are similar types or not! Eminatic, INTJ's are supposed to be GREAT natural leaders! Alot of them are supposed to be very interested in the science fields and incidentally, the INTJ personality type is pretty rare, worldwide you can only find about 3-4% of people who are true INTJs. Here are a list of your strengths: Not threatened by conflict or criticism Usually self-confident Take their relationships and commitments seriously Generally extremely intelligent and capable Able to leave a relationship which should be ended, although they may dwell on it in their minds for awhile afterwards Interested in "optimizing" their relationships Good listeners And Weaknesses: Not naturally in tune with others feelings; may be insensitive at times May tend to respond to conflict with logic and reason, rather than the desired emotional support Not naturally good at expressing feelings and affections Tendency to believe that they're always right Tendency to be unwilling or unable to accept blame Their constant quest to improve everything may be taxing on relationships Tend to hold back part of themselves So what do you think, eminatic, does this all sound like you?
  3. I also want to make the point, that I like Shoop, have experienced this, and tend to believe that it is true. Maybe not for ALL men, again we can't generalize, but for a majority of men, yes.
  4. I have to say that I have always encouraged my partners to view and engage themselves in porn as often as possible and I myself do the same, and alot of the time, my SO and I will do it together! In my opinion, I think porn allows your creative juices to flow and that creative energy in a relationship is NEVER a bad thing. I'm a huge fan, obviously. That being said, I am the first to admit that I think porn ABSOLUTELY skews how men look at women. I think it sets unrealistic expectations of women. I also think that after years of watching porn, (considering most men probably began masturbating at an early age, high school or even younger) its unreasonable to think that they won't have internalized those images! I know they're airbrushed, I know that these women's jobs is to look good in every angle, in every way, and if it were my JOB, yep, I'm getting paid to look that toned, tanned, and plastic, and I were spending hours at the gym, then I'd look this way too. But I also think that the expectations for women to look this way are 10x higher than it is for women. I don't expect my SO to look like the muscular 8-pack men on porn, so he shouldn't expect me to look like a Porn star. Besides, I much prefer a real life, natural, curvy women anyday. Also, can we get started on the t-shirt idea! I'm totally down to order a few for my girlfriends and I. Maybe tootimid can somehow arrange this?
  5. So I have been reading alot of the threads on self esteem and what everyone thinks that they need to improve on and how they can go about doing it. I'm a HUGE advocate of self growth and for that reason, I would like to introduce this link to some of you: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp Probably half of you may already be aware of this, its a very well known test. This is a psychology/personality test developed by the famous psycologist Carl Jung and then adapted by pyschologists Isabel Meyer Briggs. Everyone who takes it finds that it is almost eerily accurate. It subcategorizes you into specific types, like, for example I am an INFP. Each of those letters stands for something, and rather than try to explain it to you, I have posted the following information below: The theory is that every individual has a primary mode of operation within four categories: 1)our flow of energy 2)how we take in information 3)how we prefer to make decisions 4)the basic day-to-day lifestyle that we prefer Within each of these categories, we "prefer" to be either: Extraverted or Introverted (relates to #1 above) Sensing or iNtuitive (relates to #2) Thinking or Feeling (relates to #3) Judging or Perceiving (relates to #4) Our Flow of Energy defines how we receive the essential part of our stimulation. Do we receive it from within ourselves (Introverted) or from external sources (Extraverted)? Is our dominant function focused externally or internally. The topic of how we Take in Information deals with our preferred method of taking in and absorbing information. Do we trust our five senses (Sensing) to take in information, or do we rely on our instincts (iNtuitive). The third type of preference, how we prefer to Make Decisions, refers to whether we are prone to decide things based on logic and objective consideration (Thinking), or based on our personal, subjective value systems (Feeling). Are we organized and purposeful, and more comfortable with scheduled, structured environments (Judging), or are we flexible and diverse, and more comfortable with open, casual environments (Perceiving)? Take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions at this link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp When you've received your personality type, INTJ, ESFP, whatever it is, go to this page for information about yourself: http://www.personalitypage.com/high-level.html Also, if you are interested, at the bottom of each page, there is a section titled "personal growth" that allows you to effectively target your strengths and weaknesses, how to improve upon them, and also, insight into your love life, career, and other relationships. Its extremely helpful, I swear!!
  6. Manofher dreams, Why does it seldom happen anymore?
  7. SuzyP's backbend idea sounds incredible! I have never given it a thought but I've catalogued that idea away in my head for the next appropriate time. I might have to do some stretching before hand! (how totally unsexy lol) If I had to choose one over the other, I would pick Vaginal sex, because its more inclusive and intimate. I've had a difficult time in the past lying there and being on the receiving end because by nature I tend to be more of a giver, and I've had trouble relaxing enough to let partners perform oral on me. Its gotten better now, but its still something I need to work on! Also, it feels amazing, but I've never been able to orgasm through oral sex!
  8. Delicious! Since Christmas is coming up... can we expect more pics?? haha, sorry, you can't blame us for wanting more!!
  9. When are you going to bring her out to play??
  10. I absolutely cannot deny that this thread has appealed to my exhibitionist side and I do have to thank all of the brave lovely women that have come forth with their own pictures, (yum) and since they have posted their own pictures, I'm willing to go ahead and post my own:
  11. My significant other and I are both into this. I especially love it when we're finished having sex and he'll cum inside me and then immediately bury his face into my pussy. The first time I had experienced this was with him and the equisite shock of how "taboo" it was left me breathless. There is a great freedom to be found in stepping out of your comfort zone, so for those of you who haven't tried it, I suggest easing into it.
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