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Everything posted by raniedaize

  1. Sorry, pappy. Apparently I'm a little too exhausted at this exact second in time to fully understand all of your idioms. I'll read your post again in the morning after my coffee. But seriously, if I have in any way detracted from anything anyone has said, I apologize. I only meant that underneath a person's tone--whether mean, nice, or blunt--is a point that is trying to be made and that is what ought to be focused on. And when I directly addressed the other posters, it was merely with the intention to get people to speak in an easier to digest way. Perhaps I did not convey this properly, and I am sorry for that. Korn, I have no idea how you take the things which I say. If you wonder if I see you as a child or an adult, I'll be honest. I see you as being in that crazy stage of transition where life's gimbles are all messed up, and it can be really difficult to tell top from bottom and left from right. If you would like more of my input to aid you in finding/getting/maintaining your bearings, I don't mind receiving PMs. Otherwise, may you always find many reasons to smile throughout your life! I hope it is a good one.
  2. Korn, I will try my best and follow my own advice to speak in a calm, cool, and collected. I won't mean it as a rip, but PLEASE sit and THINK on what I have to say. You may be upset by the way in which Chuck addresses you. That's your perogative, and yes, it was a bit blunt to say the least. But, when he shares the information that he is a retired Marine Corps Command Sergeant Major, that should be able to put what he said and how he said it more in context for you. Remember how I said some points are valid but hurtful? This is a prime example. Yes, Chuck could have phrased things differently, but No, he's not perfect either. And given his background, it's not a mystery why it came out the way it did. We've all seen war movies. Do you really recall them speaking in a dainty fashion? Face it, babe. Sugar is not their first language. You may as well be expecting Japanese to spout off in German! (Sorry, Chuck; none of this is meant to offend you). My advice from earlier? Remove the tone and see what pearls of wisdom may lie beneath. Now that we've discussed THAT, there is something else. Yes, your "maggot" comment. If you are angry, fine. If you want to namecall, iffy. If you are going to bring innocent bystanders and make them your victims, NEVER is this okay. Words may as well be bullets, and they ought not be aimlessly thrown around. Calling Chuck a maggot would still have been completely unnecessary, but at least we could have understood that perhaps you just got caught up in the heat of the moment. And yet, that's not what you did. People you do not know ALWAYS deserve respect. Plain and simple. Have you met each and every person in the armed forces? If so, did they ALL prove themselves worthy of the term "maggot"? Surely not! While some do indeed deserve such an insult, the many whom I know are wonderful people. I am obligated out of the love I have for them to take a stand here. So, in the future, avoid broad generalizations. Not all soldiers are maggots, not all Germans are Nazis, not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all 19-year-olds are immature teenage punks. Fight the stereotype, Korn. You can overcome it.
  3. Hey, I didn't rip you to shreds either! Honestly, I DID remember the crazy postings on your previous thread, and the insane drama that took place was quite on the side of ridiculous. I tried to generally stay out of it. I was hoping that this thread wouldn't turn out the same way for you, but apparently it has. Now, dear, perhaps you are like me and yelling at you will do absolutely NOTHING constructive. I would almost even put money on us sharing that trait. So everyone, please lay off. You're on MY nerves now. Once is enough. Twice? I wouldn't be able to blame him if he never came back to the site. So, speak decisively but objectively if you feel like the kid needs a good talking to, okay? And while we're at it, this is a site primarily about SEX is it not? Now, I've come to enjoy the company of you folks, so don't take this the wrong way. But, if people can openly discuss details of intimacy to threesomes to bondage and anal and husbands getting buttfucked by their wives with strap-ons and NOT be met with a judgemental eye, why can't this guy ask for an opinion or some advice without getting "ripped to shreds"? He's young! Everything he's mentioned are TYPICAL issues for his generation! I know that because it's quite close to MY generation! The mere fact he's even been asking about anything at all shows more maturity than he's been given credit for. Maturity comes with experience, and experience comes with age. Give the boy a break. Now Korn. Here's what I have to say to you: Everything is relative. 19 is young but still old enough. I don't know you personally, and I don't know any of the women you have mentioned. So, I'm not going to sit here and make judgements of your or their character--it's simply not my job or place. However, a little bit of advice might not hurt either. A.) Always be completely honest and up front when dealing with women. Maybe this new woman wants a real relationship, or maybe she's only interested in the sex aspect. Just make sure that whatever y'all decide, you're actually on the same page. B.) Take everything with a grain of salt and see what helpful lessons you can glean from what others say. Sometimes people have good intentions but fail miserably at pulling it off in a nice, effective manner. Some people's points may be hurtful but valid. Just try to see it from their perspective. A little empathy can go a long, long way. C.) Given your age, I do agree to wait a little while before getting into anything too serious. You'd be amazed at the difference you will see in yourself after even just a year or two. Sorry. But, I've also known some couples who were already married by your age with more successful marriages than others who waited. Either way, marriage is supposed to last forever. Your single days are few in comparison. Enjoy them while you can And D.) Like I told them, Maturity comes with experience, and experience comes with time. So, don't lose heart. Everything will all eventually work out in the end; you just have to get there first. Meanwhile, go live and love your life, but love and respect yourself primarily!
  4. raniedaize

    Sad Face

    Ah, so you like that do you? Now time for your hands. They need some lovin' too. I'm sure they've been aching and throbbing for a while as well under the tough working conditions in which they must slave, being forced to type away like they do! But OHHH, what fine results you do produce!!!
  5. raniedaize

    Sad Face

    Here I am! Come, DADT, and let me make you feel better. Come, sit on my lap. Only straddle me when you do, and don't worry--I like your weight on me. Let me run my fingers through your hair, starting just below the line on the forehead. A few strokes going deeper and deeper, farther and farther back each time and then I stop. That was just a warm up. I now have my thumbs positioned just above your eyebrows, going in a mirrored circular fashion of each other. The rest of my fingertips are still in that marvelous hair of yours! They too are at work massaging the home which houses all your deepest, darkest, and smuttiest thoughts which you do indeed share with us from time to time. Of course, my hands aren't staying in the same places too long. You know them--they like to go travelling. They even yearn for such adventures! Naturally, they go to visit their good friends (your temples) to relieve them of those terrible Throbs that just seemed as if they would never leave! Relax, my dear, those nuisances ought not return for quite some time. And as you do find more and more relief in the meanderings of my fingers, you find it harder and harder to keep your head up on its own accord. But don't fret; I happen to posses the perfect nook in my neck for its placement! As you lean forward and rest there, ever so soft moans escape with your breath and easily find refuge in my nearby ear. My hands continue to the back of your neck, releasing the tension it also had. And as they continue their path down the length of your back in smooth spirals of different sizes and depths, your body comes closer and closer to mine from the perfectly manipulative pressure behind you. Finally, they reach your base and then start moving forward. Oh yes, DADT, they remember that session of overtime between us. And look at how you just happen to be so wonderfully and conveniently positioned for a thing in which I wholeheartedly believe--reciprocity! Soak it in, baby. Don't fight it. Go on ahead and arch your back, DADT dearest, as I caress your loins, your inner thighs, giving you the most marvelous massage amidst those lengthy legs you have wrapped around me.
  6. You ask whether to leave it as a crush or pursue her. Honestly? No one can truly answer that for you. Just keep in mind that age difference has nothing to do with attraction. Trust me; I know all about it--been there, done that. My suggestion is to not come on too strong but definitely start by putting some feelers out there. If she's receptive, there you go! If not, what did you really have to lose anyway? The answer's No if you don't ask!
  7. Aw, a whole hour? How nice. But just only an hour? Kind of heartbraking, DADT. I guess that's just what we get when you make us share AND take turns!
  8. I'm on my back laying down with my legs up, and he's on his knees. I'm sure it's a horrible diagram, but some people are better with visuals. It might also work with the girl on the edge of the bed and him standing up. But, I haven't tried it that way. ...._o.........._o........._o........._o ....l l...........l l..........l l..........l l o_/ l_....o__l l_....o_/ l_....o__l l_ PS--Sorry about the periods. It didn't look right without them. Let's just say they represent the screams of orgasms in the air! haha
  9. I discovered one recently that I really, really, REALLY enjoyed, but I can't find it in any site to know what to call it. So, I'll refer to it as the YO-YO I guess. If anybody else knows differently, please tell me! It's a bit similar to Deep Stick. However, my feet are at a 90 degree angle, ankles crossed. The guy then takes a hold of them. With the grip, he bounces me up and down kind of like a yo-yo. It's quite fantastic and great for when you want to keep going but are too exhausted from thrusting. It allows for deep penetration, g-spot orgasms, and he still has a free hand to go exploring wherever he'd like to play!
  10. FALSE--my only kids are a German Shepherd and a black kitty cat. TPBM still hasn't filed their taxes yet.
  11. haha. I love the banter on this thread! And, of course, bonjour Pierre! Since you're already remembering names, does that mean I can skip the part of introducing myself? heehee
  12. raniedaize

    Sad Face

    Yes, my dear, in whatever way you deem necessary. My fingers are your eager and willing slaves! And if you'd like a little brain stimuli, well...I'm good for that too.
  13. grass (ahh, walking barefoot in a patch of clover)
  14. TRUE! Lots of people needing ambulances today for some reason. Hmm.... TPBM has found a good, acceptable compromise to propose.
  15. TRUE TPBM is ready for some loose ends to be tied up (and not talking about apendages)
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