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Everything posted by raniedaize

  1. Seductive Sexy You've got all the right moves without going over the top. Intimacy is a fun and enjoyable experience for you, so you don't need to force it, and you don't worry about expressing yourself too openly. You are confident about yourself and your sexuality and there is nothing sexier than a girl who is comfortable with who she is.
  2. When it comes to getting naked with a guy, it can be really easy for me to feel a tinge of shyness from time to time because there's nothing to hide imperfections with. That's when I make myself consciously assume that if he's making the moves, he must have already imagined how I look and already come to terms with it. I then feel confident and my body appreciated. Besides, supposed "imperfections" are really just character, and every shape offers different things. So, relax and enjoy!
  3. heehee. Don't be evil to me, DADT. Although, it's interesting that you want to be braced.... Oh, I'm sorry. What was the original conversation about? DADT got me distracted. He was in my head and playing with me. Hmmm? Okay, what was it again? I really am sorry. Touches that drive us crazy you say? Oh yes, I had forgotten one. When my feet are clean and get kissed on the bottom just beneath the toes. Odd, I'm sure, but the reaction is quite unique.
  4. Yes, although I'm not actually planning a trip anywhere right now. Haha! TPBM is working on projects at the house.
  5. Hmmm....I like this thread. For me? Yeah, touching me all over can be nice and fun. Feeling your chest rise and fall with your every breath makes me insanely happy and quite in need. However. When I do the touching, sometimes it's even more powerful than receiving. ESPECIALLY if he's got a little shadow on his face and I can grate my teeth ever so gently across it or run the edges of my nails tenderly through the tiny hairs. Just a time or two. OOooohhhh, and it's pert near instantaneous. Take me, and take me now, if you please. Even if you don't please, do it for me anyway, okay? As I favor. That's all I ask. That's not too bad, right? I mean, I'll make it up to you later. I just need some relief NOW!!! Okay? Thank you!!!!! hahaha. Yes, moments like those are when I'm liable to either plead or pounce. Fine. Probably pounce. Happy now? You caught me.
  6. I feel your pain. When I was at the midpoint of university schooling, I too switched to an English degree. I absolutely love languages! Reading, writing, teaching, learning. Yes, I love everything about them and everything you can do with them. I adored the concentration I was in, but I was also "cheating." Or, so said my advisor; I was taking my upper division courses before finishing the "prerequisites." She banished me from anything that wasn't the mandatory lower division classes. I can handle being critiqued. I can even handle being forced to write until my fingers and brain go numb. I could not, however, handle writing the same paper over and over and over and over and over and over and over again just to "learn" various ways to approach the same topic. I do NOT deal well with mundane redundancy! To add insult to injury, the abundance of ridiculous "professors"--who were really just grad students themselves--drove me to the point where I wanted to pluck the eyes of someone out of their sockets. Not a pretty sight. The end result? I quit, went to get specialized training as an EMT, and now work in a field that I love just as much. I am in no way saying, "Hey, babe! I understand completely. Why don't you quit?" I quit because I did not want to endure the sacrifice of my sanity for a degree that my heart was in no way attached to. If you truly love reading and writing, babe, stick it out! Works of written art take time, and sometimes lots of it. Papers that you write for class do not necessarily constitute masterpieces, nor should they have to. You have limited days, weeks, or months to work with, boundaries you must stay within, and specific structures you must adhere to. When all is said and done, your degree is complete, and you are free to write however you so desire, you may just realize that what you "thought" was good to you was merely the first steps of an ever developing style that is uniquely yours. Just remember that words are a thing of beauty. Cosmetically, people enjoy different looks. Culinarily, people prefer different flavors. Linguistically, people are biased to particular tongues. Artistically, people want different color palates. Now, why would writing styles be the exception? Don't beat yourself up. Take a breath. Drink the pinot grigio, sway and twist and turn to the sound of the music, and then pause for a moment. Pause in order to soak the moment in. That's all life is anyway, right? Moments? And may that moment be one of happiness, peace, and contentment for you. When you find it, and are consumed by it, hold it, grab it, embrace it, write it. All you need is one sentence. And then? You are a writer. You are a good writer. Why? Because you took something innately only you, only yours, and shared it with the world...even if it's with only us. Chin up. It does get better with time.
  7. Oh, I missed that thread! Guess that'd explain the big mystery. Silly me for not keeping up with the latest news, yeah?
  8. Strangely enough, posting that instantaneously fixed the problem.
  9. Hey, everyone! Out of curiosity, am I the only one who can no longer use the messenger feature? I now do not even have an inbox to check, nor am I able to send PMs. Odd, and unexpected. Any thoughts?
  10. It's been sixty-four days of sexual sobriety for me. Yay, but urgh. So, long story made short: stolen virginity --> PTSD and random sex --> awesome sex weekend to face issues --> no more PTSD --> me being the abstinate girl I prefer to be --> no sex the past two months --> hip hip hooray; congrats to me; I feel like I'm dying. May I just say, this is way ahead of schedule! Usually, I would be able to hold out five months before nearly going out of my mind. But two? Come on, Self, this is ridiculous! I've even had to stay away from my TooTimid friends and their posts the past week due to this inner yearning whose screams for attention are getting louder and louder. And they aren't the good kind of screams, either. I simply want them to leave me alone. I mean, honestly, if I plan on behaving myself well, can't God simply take away the need from me for just a little while? Definitely not permanently, but, is it really so much to ask?! This is exhausting.
  11. I'll go with "Ability to give self own BJ at 2 AM and 5 AM, please!" Why? Well, honestly, I often have a tendency to sleep during those times. Now, don't get me wrong; I absolutely LOVE wake-me-up sex! However, if it happens to be at such said hours, it must be remembered that YOU woke ME up, and NOT the other way around!!! Why, OF COURSE, you can have your way with me, but this IS quite likely going to be a situation where I'll be in a more passive mode of mind for a while...not to mention the fact that I'll probably need to get up early too. Sorry, babe, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
  12. I'm so exhausted!!! I spent 9.5 hours on ONE call at work! And then, upon our return to the station, I spent forever on painting one of the bedhalls. They were a horrible drab color, and I got bored one day and completely repainted it. Today's painting was the detailing to break up the new bold black and red walls. Sounds atrocious, I'm sure, but it is quite nice...now! haha. (The designs I put on the walls this evening are in white)
  13. Babe, if I could reach out my arms and hug you, I would.
  14. Airplanes and diesel engines...and anything dealing with astronautics!
  15. I think the voice recorder is a very happy and sweet idea. Alone time might be nice, but how much better when it can be shared! As for actual toys? Sorry, babe; I have no advice to give. I do wish y'all lots of merriment, though!
  16. raniedaize


    I just looked it up on the CDC website. It seems as if it might be easily treated. There are two different antibiotics they recommend for it (metronidazole or clindamycin), and both can even be taken by pregnant women. You just have to go to the doctor, get tested, and then take the prescription. The site says that BV increases the chances for getting or giving HIV, but that generally, it's not much of a problem in and of itself for male partners. However, it can be spread between females. Whatever you do, it is highly recommended to NOT douche. Now, what kind of help are you looking for? And don't worry about being embarrassed; it happens.
  17. We missed you too! I know I did at least!!!
  18. TRUE--my cousin in NY is bringing some of his friends down this weekend! TPBM enjoys days when all the extended family get together.
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