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Everything posted by whiskeywoman

  1. 12 Gauge ....I belive *WEG* is wicked evil grin or wide evil grin...I could be wrong though. And Angel...congrats hon, sounds like your on the right track!
  2. vanilla bourbon?? sounds yummy.. got a straight bourbon scent? I love woodsy/ musky smells yummy.
  3. I know how nice it is to finish together. I also knows what happens when teh condom breaks. Trust me, staying up all night trying to get a fever to go down, yeah... no fun. I would suggest that if you want to finish together, go see your OB/GYN, get on a secondary form of birth control, your man will never be able to fully relax and finish with you if he is keyed up and overly worried about you getting pregnant.
  4. Joe, that kinda looks like a wind scorpion. Tango, I dont recognize that particular type of Tarantula, what kind is it?
  5. You know, when I was 30 and got my first grey hair, I was all excited too. I felt like it made me part of the " Adult's only club" Now that I have more, Well, I am still proud of em, cause I earned every damned one of em. And no, I am not gonna try and color my hair again, las ttime I did... yeah ok, we won't go there, I am still having therapy for that one. *shudder* Maybe she sees it as being part of the " real moms club" Dunno. It won't last though, once she gets about 20 or so, she will cam down.
  6. Unfortunatly, we only have 1 hospital in town. the next nearest hospital is an hour away. The hospitals no longer give out crutches, we now have to buy our own. Luckily I had a walker that belonged to my grandfather. That is how I managed to get to the truck and into the house. Getting in the house and back out is a bit trickier than I had thought. I don't think I am gonna be doing any driving any time real soon. So now I have to figure some way to feed and water the animals. This really sucks big fat rotten goose eggs...
  7. So earlier this morning, I had an appointment to get my truck fixed. It needs a new serpentine belt and to have the brakes checked. I had an hour or two to spare before going to the shop, I figured, now is an awsome time to go get water for the animals, not too hot, and while I am watering them, I will feed them too. So I load up the 150 lb tank, climb up in the bed, flip the tank over and turn it the right way. I begin pulling it foward so I can get the valve conected and put the lid back on. I took a step back and met air. Lemme tell yalls something, the coyote lies, there is no hang time in the air, you just fall straight down. There is no time to hold up a little sign that says "Oh shit, I am gonna feel this." When I fell, I landed on both feet, but my foot found a sinkhole. I bent both knees, and when I did, I felt something pop. So I have spent about 4 or 5 hours in teh ER. The doc twisted my knee and made it do all kinds of un natural tricks. In case no one is aware of it, the leg is not meant to snap, pop, grind or squish, nor is it supposed to sit NEXT to the knee cap. Good news is, it ain't broken. Bad news, I have to see an orthopedic surgeon monday. They think I dislocated the lower halfof my leg from my knee. So now I am going to have an MRI done, possibly a scope, and the very real possibility of surgery to replace torn cartalidge. I have been to 5 differant stores to find a pair of crutches. The knee immobilizer they gave me is for crap, it keeps down, mainly due t the swelling going down. So much for my exercise routine. Anyways, I think I am gona go take a pain kiler, and lay on the couch and veg for a bit. thanks for letting me vent.
  8. My first ex is 55. my second ex is 34. I always seem to gravitate to older men. go figure.
  9. When my son was 5, he recieve the first of 3 hepatitus B vaccines. He had a very bad reaction to it. Come to find out, he was allergic to the suspension formula. Since then it has changed, and I won't risk my girls health by not getting them vaccinated becuse of 1 incident. Some studies say that vaccines have been linked to Autisim. I have family members who refuse to vaccinate their children because of a small risk. So their children have had whooping cough and mumps. Heaven forbid anything happens and they get tetnus. The thing about Gaurdasil or ANY vaccine.. there is no garuntee that there will be no adverse reaction.. Because every person is differant, there is always going to be some adverse reaction to something. It all breaks down to the individual parent's comfort level. I for one, will not have my children vaccinated with Gaurdasil. It only protects against a certain number of strains of HPV, and there is no gauruntee that it will protect them from geting cervial cancer. I do know of one way to prevent them from getting HPV, and I plan on teaching them about abstinence and condoms. I know this probably sounds a bit oxymoronish, I really don't want my girls to be off runing around an sleeping with anything that has a penis, but, If push comes to shove, I want them to use some common sense and use a condom. And I am sure this will not be the first or only time any drug company has ever with held info on a vaccine or medicine. the FDA is only as good as the information it has been given.
  10. what do you mean unscramble them? It could be that your cache needs to be cleaned. I dunno, kinda shoting in the dark here without knowing exactly whats going on.
  11. I got my fingers crossed for you hon. I am praying that all goes well for you and hubby. ((hugs))
  12. We have all heard of someone having a velvet touch. I have the velvet touch... The velvet touch bullet that is... I have tried several bullets in the past, single, doule, silver, colored, and the list goes on. This one however is truely unique, and has earned a spot at the top of my toybox. So, your asking me " what makes this so special from all of the others sold here?" First, it is waterproof. Yes, totaly waterproof, and believe me, I put this lil baby through it's paces, The bathtub, the shower,and a trip to the pool. Personally, I think ALL toy boxes should have at least 1 waterproof toy in them. Secondly, the coating on it. As the name suggests, it really is velvety soft. I for one love the coating, because when I used it, there was none of that "OMG IT IS FREEZING!" shock to sensitive areas. Thirdly, it is wireless. Yup, thats right, no wires, no remotes, no getting tangled up or having to move things to go from solo play to foreplay. Fourth, it is extremely simple to use. Just push the button and you are on your way to a great orgasm. Just remember to open it and pull out the small plastic tab before you use it for the first time. Now for the downside to it... Because it is wireless, it is for external use only. IF you use lube with it, you have to use a water based product, because as we all know, silicone based lubes will kill a silicone based toy very quickly. the other downside of this toy is that it runs on button cell batteries. While this may nt be a problem in everone elses eyes, to someone who has problems witht hem in the past, it could very well be. The batteries are easily replaced, and just as easy to find. They can be purchased at most "mart" stores, online, at Radio Shack etc. all in all this is a fantastic toy. super easy for beginners and more experianced players alike. It is great for solo or couples playtime. velvet touch
  13. Usually I have a cute lil snappy opening line for all my reviews. This simply is not the case for this product. I bought this as a surprise for a lover. I figured after haveing given birth to 5 children, I may not be as tight as I used to be. I have heard rave reviews from others on a similar product, and I figured, one is the same as the other right? WRONG!! So I got my box from TT, and as usual the shipping is super fast. I was like a kid at christmas time. I opened the box and found my order to be exact, gotta love that. I found my Tighten up shrink creme and could not wait to use it. So I look on the package, and there are no instructions printed on it. Ok, I figured maybe it was on the jar itself. So I opened up the package, look on the jar, and nothing... no instructions. Hmm, ok, so I figure I will have to wing it. I put a small ammount on my finger, and place it on my inner labia. I wait a few minutes, and nothing. So I figure maybe I didn't use enough. So I applied some more, waited a few minutes, Nothing. I figured ok, maybe the efects will kick in while I am reviewing a new toy. So I break out my hypersonic vibe and a bullet, and begin playing. Quite honestly, I did not feel any differance. The only upside i did find with this product, was that it is water based, wich means it can be safely used with all types of toys, and cleanup is simple. It is non staining, and has no funky smell. I have no idea if it has a bad taste or not, I never used it with my partner. This simply did not work for me, will it work for you? I can not honestly answer that, since everything works diferantly for each person. Would I buy it again? no. I did not see enough of a differance to warrent a future purchase. Tighten up
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