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Ok I'm not sure if this is where im supposed to put this but its the closest that MIGHT be. But this is my story and I hope it MIGHT help someone or for someone to kinda get to know me a bit and what i went through.

I was 15 when i met this girl name Sarah. we dated. 5 years... engaged. I loved her. So i thought. I tried to break up with her a couple times because she yelled at me all the time for the dumbest things and always told me i did wrong and just did a lot of hypocritical things. It hurt. Around my junior year in high school I met a girl named Rachel. I had feelings for her. She was a freshman. but i was taken. I am faithful to my girlfriend NO MATTER WHAT. Cheating is just so messed up it describes itself. Ive been cheated on it hurts. A LOT. My friend told me that Rachel liked me. I didn't believe him. But in the end i dropped out. I was done with school got my G.E.D. and started to work. Moved in with Sarah. But I always thought of Rachel at random moments. I would go to her myspace, start random convos and what not. But we were friend. I didn't think she liked me. Well Sarah and Rachel had a class together and became "Friends"

So they started hanging out a lot. And I was always with Sarah. Then I started to talk to Rachel alot more. I got to know her and she got to know me. People left her all the time, shes been hurt. I never leave my friends, im always there for them no matter what period.

Then i go to Florida. Me and Rachel play 20 questions to get to know each other even more. But it turns into 300 questions fast. Then I get calls from 5 different people... 3 in which i haven't talked to in 6+ Months. Telling me Sarah was doing some messed up stuff. Then I called her.... She lied. Her stories crossed and didn't make sense. We're done. Its over. She was my fiance and she screwed up. For the last year i wasn't happy. Neither was she. She used me for my money, car, and my devotion. I used her for sex. But i quickly realized i was in love with her companionship. not her as a person. I was scared to be alone. I liked coming home to someone and knowing someone was there. It was good... But i had enough.

So for the next week i was back i stayed with Rachel. My feelings for her were growing fast... it scared me. Really scared me. I knew something was different. We hid it from everyone because my stuff was still at Sarah's house. but someone told someone and then everyone found out. She got ALL of our friends to hate us. It was just me and Rachel for the next 3 weeks. It was amazing. Just having her around me is so incredible. I fell for her hard. She fell for me. Our friends came back to us because they didnt like the games that Sarah was playing. But we all survived. Rachel and My relationship was strong. We talked about everything, just drove around, talked at parks for hours. Im in love. I am truly in love with her.

Everyone has always left her. She is scared. She tried to push me away so she didn't get hurt. I reassured her that i love her way to much to just up and leave. There's nothing like what we have. Well there is but nothing either of us has ever felt. Its so hard to describe how she makes me feel. I get butterflies, its hard for me to find the right words. But somehow i find them. There is no word in the english dictionary that comes close.

My whole life I've been told that im a failure, and that i wont amount to anything and everyone focused on the bad. She helps me focus on the good in things, and helps me find my way when I'm losing control. She is everything I'm not but shows me what i can be and what i really am. not just my own perspective on myself. Shes a one of a kind person and someone that i know i can truly trust with my life and everything. I love everything about this girl and what she stands for and represents.

I Love Her.

No relationship is perfect. We all have our flaws. No matter what we've been through. And we know harder times will always come. We can still look at each other and tell each other we love one another. Trust, Faith and Communication are the 3 main keys. 1. Trust - Explains itself. 2. Faith - No matter what you go through you know you always have each other. Always have each others back and never have to turn around and see no one. Always someone to be your shoulder, your helping hand, your laughter, the person to catch every tear. 3. Communication - To know that you can tell each other anything and they understand whats going on. And if not they want to so they can be everything number 1 and 2 are.

Bottom line, If you have love. Just don't give up on it. Know what you two share and what you two stand for as a couple and as a people. Its a beautiful thing.


AKA - TheRealKingKoopa

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Thank you, I've about given up on my situation, but still hanging in there. Thanks for the encouragement that it can come out okay. Someday I'll give the whole story, but not right now.

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