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Morganite Glass Dildo


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Morganite Glass Dildo

Glass, glass glass! I love glass toys! What's not to like with glass? Hypoallergenic, easy to clean, can be heated & cooled (though not at the same time), don't have to be worried about what sort of lube is safe with it, & it's soooo pretty! I think that glass sex toys are sexual art toys. Plus, Top Cat makes some fantastic toys…so, when I got this lovely, I couldn't wait to try it out!

Taking this 9"-er out of the box, I enjoyed the heaviness to it. Glass toys are solid, so they're stronger, and, with all of this length, plus being 1" in diameter, this toy was heavy. Taking it to the sink, I washed it well, when I stroked the length of it, I could really feel all the different sized bumps on it. Plus, this toy is also curvy, which is great to not only hang on to, but to try & reach that sometimes-elusive G-Spot!

My toy is pink, though I noticed on TooTimid's site that the black one is pictured. Either way, both come with a nice velvet pouch to put it in afterwards for safe, discreet, & soft storage. The picture on the site doesn't give you a clear picture of the wavy aspect of this toy either. There's slightly more curves to it than the picture shows.

After patting the Morganite dry, I settled in to have a little personal fun. Hardly any lube was needed, since I was excited & the toy's nice and slick. It felt GREAT! I loved how full it made me feel, and the curvature of the toy was, as I said, easy to hang onto and I believe that, if I take more time next time, I will be able to use this toy on my G-spot! However, after just a few minutes of thrusting, I felt my muscles clenching down on the dildo. This is where it was sort of an issue, because the bumps on the glass don't have any give to them, so I felt the bumps rather intensely thru my orgasm. They were slightly painful, which diminished my pleasure, since I wasn't expecting pain. Normally, I like "nubbies" on toys, but I prefer them on other pliable materials, so it causes pleasure, not pain (unless pain's what I'm looking for that night).

Next time, I'll be ready for a bit rougher orgasm, but there WILL be a next time! I give it 2.8 out of 4 Tyger Paws for a rating! :)


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  • Review Team

Thanks for the review, sounds very interesting!

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