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Dream Help

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Hey fellow TT-ers, I have a very strange question I need help with. The more input the better.

So, I woke up this morning feeling sexually satisfied from a dream. More specifically, I dreamt that I slept with one of my dancer friends, a female. I must add that I am straight. I've never kissed or hooked up with a girl in any way. Nor have I ever thought of doing so before. However, this woman I apparently had sex with in the dream, is a very close friend of mine now. She has been there for me in this past year and been such a support system. She is happily married. I had a dream that I was attending my brother's wedding reception and she was coincidentally holding hers at the same venue, too. [both she and my brother have been married for awhile to their SOs in real life] Anyways, next thing I knew I had broken away from the party with her and she somehow started questioning my sexuality and interest in women. I got all defensive because I'm a virgin and that just because I hadn't had sex with a man didn't mean I was a lesbian. From there, I remember a lot of kissing, a lot of sex and then us returning to the party like nothing happened. When I woke up I felt great and wanted to return to that dream.

This is so embarrassing because again, I'm not sexually attracted to women or her, like that. I'm not sure where this is all coming from. Is it because I have no sexual experience and am just looking for love? As most of you know, I have had/continue to struggle with very dangerous/abusive parents and struggle with trust issues. I just want to know if other women [even the guys] have ever had dreams like this? I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

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Hi, good to see you again.

First let me just say there is nothing wrong with you. You are perfectly perfect.

From my perspective, consciously you interpret sex as "the" most intimate personal act. However, subconsciously the relationship, platonic, is deeply satisfying and intimate on a level you may not have experienced before, hence the virgin comment. She sounds like a wonderful friend. Giggle at your subconscious interpretation, and enjoy this women's friendship.

Just my dime store analysis. :)

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I agree. There's NOTHING wrong with you. Being curious about your sexuality, even just in dreams, is perfectly normal. Sometimes, we have dreams that make NO sense to us, but somewhere, in our subconscious, we've asked ourselves a question such as yours. Your dream-self probably chose her since you ARE so close to her, and you DO love her, though not romantically. She, in your dream-mind, was a "safe" woman to do that with in your dreams. Generally, women seem to trust women more anyway, so, there's a few reasonings right there. You trust and love her. You have a hard time trusting others, so, your dream-self will put people that you DO love and trust in places in your dreams such as this. NORMAL! I wouldn't over=analyze this at this time. Now, if it comes to being a regular thing you dream about, there may be questions, but I think it was just a dream. *hugs*

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Whew, thanks ladies. That makes me feel better.

I have not had any other dreams of that sort lately--let alone with that lady/or any for that matter...so I know y'all are right! Regardless, I guess it's good I am at least experiencing some sexual fulfillment/exploration somewhere in my life ;) even if it isn't the real one! Hehe.

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I was thinking also, since you're a dancer, and mostly surrounded by women, that it's perfectly normal for you to dream about women, since that's your "norm" at this time, even though you aren't attracted to them. Just a thought. Stay cool!!

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I've had some whacky dreams of stuff I'd never do and have no interest in doing in real life. With a couple of them (almost a repeat of each other) when I woke up I was rather alarmed and disturbed that I would dream such a thing, to the point I will not even share the content of them with anyone.

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I was thinking also, since you're a dancer, and mostly surrounded by women, that it's perfectly normal for you to dream about women, since that's your "norm" at this time, even though you aren't attracted to them. Just a thought. Stay cool!!

You know, you have a point. We spend so much time together, I guess that'd make sense. I have NO idea why I didn't think of that before...

Strange because I definitely have no attraction to them, but that one is coming into my dreams...hm.

Dreams are strange like that huh?

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You know, you have a point. We spend so much time together, I guess that'd make sense. I have NO idea why I didn't think of that before...

Strange because I definitely have no attraction to them, but that one is coming into my dreams...hm.

Dreams are strange like that huh?

It might also be helpful to remember that dreams are largely symbolic. Maybe the sex is a symbol for intimacy on another level...

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