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Orgasms With Erection Aids


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As always I'm curious.

If you are taking an erection aid (viagra, cialis, etc...) is there any difference in the quality of your orgasm. Is one better than the other, more intense etc..

Inquiring minds want to know. :P

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I'll inform should I ever have the need to use a pill....

As of now, I have no idea...

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I'm not sure of the orgasm itself, maybe it is more intense sometimes. Not sure that is a direct result of the sildenafil or not.

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I confess!! YES!! I take those drugs! Seriously, I did go to my doctor a few years ago and ask him about why I sometimes can't keep a hard-on. I also take a lot longer to cum than I used to (which could be good and bad). I pretty much keep to using the samples the doctors give me rather than paying 21 - 29 dollars/pill.

So, it helps me stay hard. As for the orgasm, I have orgasms of differing intensities. Don't think ED drugs intenify the orgasm...

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I confess!! YES!! I take those drugs! Seriously, I did go to my doctor a few years ago and ask him about why I sometimes can't keep a hard-on. I also take a lot longer to cum than I used to (which could be good and bad). I pretty much keep to using the samples the doctors give me rather than paying 21 - 29 dollars/pill.

So, it helps me stay hard. As for the orgasm, I have orgasms of differing intensities. Don't think ED drugs intenify the orgasm...

Interesting...Im not far behind you in age Stu, if you dont mind.... How many years ago did you first feel the need to the pill... I am aware each individual is different, just curious on my part for now...

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I confess!! YES!! I take those drugs! Seriously, I did go to my doctor a few years ago and ask him about why I sometimes can't keep a hard-on. I also take a lot longer to cum than I used to (which could be good and bad). I pretty much keep to using the samples the doctors give me rather than paying 21 - 29 dollars/pill.

So, it helps me stay hard. As for the orgasm, I have orgasms of differing intensities. Don't think ED drugs intenify the orgasm...

So you think the intensity of your orgasm is of normal variation that one experiences regardless of the ED drugs?

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I have tried Viagra a couple of times. While it made it very easy to get and sustain an erection, it did not address the lack of horniness that was the root problem. Took a long time to reach orgasm, and when I did it was nothing special, just a normal one from what I can remember. (Mainly just a relief that it finally happened. Although the wife didn't say anything, I think she was getting tired of waiting for me to go off.)

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it sounds as though the drugs will assure erection... however neither Sunday or Stu is sure if it increases the intensity. I love to hear from more men.

Square have you looked into hormone replacement for men (testosterone)?

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Stu - the $20 a pill isn't necessary. There are reliable offshore suppliers who sell them for a lot less. I get 100 mg sildenafil for about $6 and then cut them in half three bucks and I'm good (ahem) for a couple of days. Square is exactly right. It is a common misunderstanding about how ED drugs work. If you aren't interested in having sex, the pill isn't going to make you interested. Square - is it your wife that you don't have an interest in, or are you just not interested in the idea of sex? Testosterone treatments are only appropriate for a small number of men, since prostate enlargement is a widespread problem and testosterone promotes it.

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I had my testosterone checked and it was fine. Seems to be part just getting older, part lack of sleep, and part seasonal; I tend to get less horney (or horney less often) in the colder months, and more horney in the hotter months, and I've always been that way.

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I had my testosterone checked and it was fine. Seems to be part just getting older, part lack of sleep, and part seasonal; I tend to get less horney (or horney less often) in the colder months, and more horney in the hotter months, and I've always been that way.

some people get somewhat depressed during the fall winter months due to the lack of light. If you haven't already, google and, read up on the simple steps one can take improve the symptoms from this true disorder.

Does anyone think that their erection and orgasm is more intense with the aid of these drugs?

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LL, the erection is definitely more intense and it comes on with less stimulation. As I think about it, that might be a good thing - though it migh be hard to explain. For me it seems I need an ever-escalating level of stimulation for my little buddy to retain his interest. He tends to lay down on the job if he isn't getting more and more excitement. With drugs, that isn't an issue. The build-up of stimulation can happen much more slowly and at times I think that leads to a more intense orgasm.

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LL, the erection is definitely more intense and it comes on with less stimulation. As I think about it, that might be a good thing - though it migh be hard to explain. For me it seems I need an ever-escalating level of stimulation for my little buddy to retain his interest. He tends to lay down on the job if he isn't getting more and more excitement. With drugs, that isn't an issue. The build-up of stimulation can happen much more slowly and at times I think that leads to a more intense orgasm.

Thanks Sunday!

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Does anyone think that their erection and orgasm is more intense with the aid of these drugs?

I rarely check in on this site any more but my wife, elise, does keep up with the posts and discussions. She suggested I read this one and comment.

I have had erectile dysfunction since my early 40's. I used to ride mountain bikes very hard and had a couple of nasty straddle injuries, and my urologist said the damage to my erectile tissue from the cumulative pounding over the years was likely the cause of my ED at such a young age. Whatever, I tried several of the erection pills out there and found the only one I could tolerate due to side-effects (really bad headaches!) was/is Cialis. I more often use an injection therapy my urologist prescribed, which has no side-effects and really works well. I am still able to have a 'natural' erection sometimes, but mostly I use ED medications.

In any event, I agree with what Sunday posted, for the most part. I find my erections come up quicker, and I get very hard right away and I stay hard for the duration of our lovemaking. My wife is very (VERY) penetration-oriented, and she tells me she really enjoys this. 'Natural' erections, for me at least, take longer to achieve, and I usually only achieve about 80% of maximum erection until I am within a few strokes of orgasm. My wife gets her maximum pleasure in intercourse when my erection is at maximum hardness, so with a natural erection she only gets a minute or two of that before I cum. With Cialis or injection meds, she gets to have me as big and hard as she wants for as long as we both can stand it. Which means more vaginal/anal intercourse orgasms for her, and usually much more intense orgasms for me. Also, we both really enjoy anal intercourse, and I have to be rock-hard to penetrate her anus. So using erection meds has enhanced our ability to enjoy that important part of our sex life.

Are my orgasms more intense with erection meds? That's hard to say, but I think it has less to do with the meds and more to do with how long I'm able to stay hard. A longer-lasting erection means more time to thrust inside my lover, and more time and more thrusts means more pleasure for us both. My orgasms with a 'natural' erection tend to come much more quickly, because I know I'll lose my erection if I don't cum within a few minutes of penetrating her. But when I have a meds-enhanced erection, we usually enjoy 10-15 minutes of hard thrusting before I cum, and that prolonged pleasure means I'm at peak arousal when I do cum. So yes, my orgasms with erection meds are wonderfully intense and prolonged.

The other aspect of this is that when I use erection meds, I almost always am eager to perform two or three times, whereas once I cum with a 'natural' erection I'm done for the day. When I was in my 20's, I was always a twice-a-night guy, and both my wife and I missed that kind of prolonged lovemaking through my 30's and early 40's. Now that I use erection meds, we are able to enjoy intercourse twice, three times, even four times in a single afternoon or evening.

So let's see: which would most men prefer? Two or 3 minutes of thrusting with a single orgasm the 'natural' way; or two or three acts of intercourse, each lasting fifteen to thirty minutes, and each culminating in a prolonged blockbuster orgasm that leaves your wife's thighs wet with your cum for two days? Hmmm. I pick door number two.

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I pick door #2 also ....

Thanks for sharing. I have read about the penile injection for ED, this must have been hard to do for you to do. Even a man with extensive medical training would find it difficult to inject the base of their penis. Coo-do's to you.

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Thanks guys for all of that info. Sunday - do you mind sharing what website you order your pills from? I'd like to know of one or two that are reputable.

Paolo - thank you so much for that thorough response. My husband and I have been tossing the idea around for a while. He is finding that as he approaches early 40's, 'sustainability' can sometimes be a concern whereas a few years ago, it wasn't. I would be so thrilled for him to have more than one orgasm per session - when time permits.

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Horny - I believe it is generic-pharmacy dotcom. I think they have the option of buying a specific brand, but it is cheaper to order the "whatever" brand. I've been going the "whatever" route and I've found some are better than others. I've started using the subligual tablets and they kick in in about 20 minutes. I buy the 100mg size and cut them in half.

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Lady --- don't want to hijack your thread but...What about cock rings and other external things to help in a cocks staying power? Do they work?

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I pick door #2 also ....

Thanks for sharing. I have read about the penile injection for ED, this must have been hard to do for you to do. Even a man with extensive medical training would find it difficult to inject the base of their penis. Coo-do's to you.

ladylove... paolo is off doing man things today, so can't answer your post. So if I may...?

I am an RN, so giving injections is something I'm skilled at. Still, I wasn't comfortable injecting my husband's penis until I went with him to his urologist's office and they showed us the technique. I performed the injections the first couple of times, but since then paolo has done his own injections. He says the shots are a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but only for a few seconds. He says that 5 seconds of a mild pinching sensation is a small price to pay for an hour or two of sexual bliss.

We use very fine needles (30 gauge) and are careful about keeping the injections sterile of course. My husband's urologist does a lot of ED prescribing, and he says that injection therapy is by far the most popular and satisfying ED treatment for his patients... better than Viagra/Levitra/Cialis, and better than "the pump".

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Lady --- don't want to hijack your thread but...What about cock rings and other external things to help in a cocks staying power? Do they work?

:) No worry. In our experience a cockring will work for a time. When he first started to experience symptoms of ED it worked like a charm. As time went on, he got older his ED became worse and needs to rely on meds. We'll still use a cockring for some added buzz fun.

ladylove... paolo is off doing man things today, so can't answer your post. So if I may...?

I am an RN, so giving injections is something I'm skilled at. Still, I wasn't comfortable injecting my husband's penis until I went with him to his urologist's office and they showed us the technique. I performed the injections the first couple of times, but since then paolo has done his own injections. He says the shots are a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but only for a few seconds. He says that 5 seconds of a mild pinching sensation is a small price to pay for an hour or two of sexual bliss.

We use very fine needles (30 gauge) and are careful about keeping the injections sterile of course. My husband's urologist does a lot of ED prescribing, and he says that injection therapy is by far the most popular and satisfying ED treatment for his patients... better than Viagra/Levitra/Cialis, and better than "the pump".

Thanks Elise.

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