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Dear iRide,

What a thrill it was to finally meet you in person! I have admired you from afar for a very long time, and was so happy when you finally came to my door. May I say that I'm a huge fan of your designer, Adam & Eve? Not to overly flatter you, but you do come from a fantastic company, and I'm so glad you're representing them so well.

You certainly gave me a shock with how big you actually are, however, it was a pleasant one at that. I mean, a little over a foot long and about 6" wide! You sure are a thing to behold aren't you?

May I compliment you on your pretty in pink-ness? I love the 4" shaft you have and the bullet for my clit right above the shaft. Made with ABS, TPR, (aka plastic) and phthalate-free, how much more can you offer? Oh, that's right, I should not forget the silkiness of the top of you. You're like satin, yet still very sturdy, all at the same time. The bottom part is the hard plastic for your firmer ride. Your battery compartment is also fabulous. But of course you know that. Easy to open and insert my 4 AA batteries, you sure seem like a greedy thing, don't you?

Your 2 buttons just turn me (and you) on. I'm so glad you respond to my touch, and have 3 settings, low, medium, and medium high. One button for the shaft, and another for the clit bullet? You over-achiever you. I must say that though your shaft is quite strong, your bullet could be a little stronger. However, I am a very picky gal, preferring a more stronger vibe than most, so I can forgive this small fault that is not your own. And since I can pleasure myself in different ways with you, the slight issue I have with your vibes disappears beneath my thighs. I can ride and rock you, spoon you, straddle you, or lay down and clench you. Either way, you fill me up and buzz me well.

You were very comfortable with me on every angle I decided to try you on. After rocking my way to a rather strong and satisifying orgasm, I removed your batteries, and cleaned you up easily. I want you to rest, and stay in your designated spot until I decide, soon, to rock your/my world once again.

Thank you again for rocking your way into my room.

Forever yours,



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OH EMM GEE! I had no idea how big that thing was.

Oh dear God. Thank you that Christmas is coming sooner rather than later.

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This review was A D O R A B L E!!!

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Did anyone else hear the YEEEHAW? LOL

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