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Given the proliferation of cell phones and text messaging, when people go on dates nowadays, do they

(1) spend their time texting their various "peeps" and mostly ignore their date

or (2) actually put down the devices and interact with each other?

If I were to ever end up back in the dating pool, and the answer is number (1), I think I'd pass on the whole experience.

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I agree! Why even go on a date if all your going to do is text people on your phone. That would be just silly and rude.

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I'm going to be on the dating scene soon, & I know I won't be texting unless it's to my daughter's babysitter. I find that texting or chatting on the phone while interacting with others very rude too.

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I think the difference is maturity level. In my own case I dont have a cell phone but for a while I had a prepaid and when I was interacting with others or in an important situation phone was down. My girlfriend doesn't pick up her cell phone when we are out at a restaurant unless someone texts her and I don't mind it as long as she is not having a conversation with them while ignoring me. Others I have met are quite the opposite, I have even heard of dates texting each other. If someone is immature enough to rely on their cell phone on a date then they aren't worth dating, they will learn quickly enough.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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The only time I have found this to be an issue, is during a lunch date, as either myself or the woman I'm out with may still be within our work day...

While out on a dinner date, I usually leave my phone in the car, or turn my phone on complete silence, no vibrations, nada...and if I do need to contact someone, I'll excuse myself to make the call, briefly of course...

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I will, however, admit to being guilty of texting or checking my phone on the last couple of date nights my soon-to-be-ex had. I think we'd both known it was over for a while, and though the date night was a nice gesture on his part, we both weren't truly into it.

But, if/when I do ever go out on a date again, I will have my phone with me, because, chances are, it'll be on a night where DD is with her father, and I will want to be able to be contacted 100% of the time when it comes to DD. But I won't be texting like crazy or not paying attention to my date. At almost 40, I'm sure most guys I will possibly date will have a child as well, so hopefully, this will be accepted.

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