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Hmmm, not how I usually start, with a deletion...

But ok...

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LOL readytomoveon :). I just realized I was getting ready to ask a really personal question in a really public forum and changed my mind. Hey, do u know how to delete, delete a post?
First off, welcum to TT...I look forward to reading your thoughts or input on most anything sexual, and even some not so sexual...lol

Your screen name is unique for a female, "Love The Irish Draught"... nice...

As for your posting of something you may deem "personal"...Don't be shy ...

for one even though the post may show your screen name, it is still anonymous as to your identity...also, this is a sex themed site, so if your original thought was sexually natured, definitely ask or post your thought/s... No question or thought is personal if it is of a sexy nature...

As for deletion of the entire post/thread, I believe only a Moderator may perform such a task, not sure though...

Again, looking forward to reading your sexy thoughts, don't be shy... Its why were here in the first place... :)

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FYI, you have to be a member to view forum posts. But only post what you're comfortable with. This forum isn't a bunch of teens just wanting to talk about sex. We all are different age ranges, from different backgrounds, social statuses, and stages in life. We can be brutally honest at times.

If you have a specific question, you can do a couple of things:

Do a search of the forum you think that particular subject may be in, and it should pull up a variety of posts that possibly may cover your question.

Peruse the site. Find a member you like their style of, and think you may have similar interests with or one that you just "like", and message them. We're all pretty open to that.

Check out more on the forum, get more comfortable with "us". I believe that we're pretty rounded as far as the things we've seen, heard about, read, and/or experienced. We're non-judgemental & have shared a lot about ourselves personally, emotionally, and especially sexually.

I've been here since 2006, and have not only gleaned some great information, become a reviewer, but also made some great online friends that I regularly corrispond with off forum as well!

Welcome to the board, and I hope you like it here. :)

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Ok...thanks. Honestly, i was just looking at vibrators kinda out of curiosity, saw that guys had posted pics of themselves. Was kinda curious about that, and then joined and looked. Which made me feel a little frustrated. So that's what I get for looking. I'm not even sure I want to buy a vibrator, and I've seen that there are a lot of posts about them and reviews. I saw that a bullet is recommended for first timers. But I kinda think that I like something inside (that's kinda where it's personal), and I really wasn't sure whether to go bullet, vibrator or gspot. That really is my question, but I can't believe I'm on here posting.

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It can be a bit daunting, that's for sure. There are so many options out there, it's hard to choose.

If your looking for a dual action, aka vibrator, I would suggest keeping it simple. If the thought of something realistic is a bit intimidating for the first time, then go for something that doesn't have a real skin tone to it, though most rabbits are quite fun and whimsy. I'd recommend something that doesn't have a lot of fancy bells and whistles. One of the most basic rabbits I've used is called Thumbilina. It's not too big, has easy to adjust slide controlers, vibes ranging from low to high, and is easy to care for. It is a bit loud, but it's not too bad. Check that one out. And yes, those are made to be inserted.

Bullets are usually used for clit stimulation only, and aren't usually inserted, although if they're waterproof, they can be.

As far as the sexy photos, it takes a lot for someone to post those kinds of pics, and though this isn't a site to check out body parts/pornographic, we don't have people posting pics of sex acts. Sometimes we just have a little teasing fun. If you don't like that sort of thing, just avoid that part of the forum. We don't expect everyone to visit ever subject if they don't want too.

Sex toys are all about fun. Whether you're single or with a lover, they're about fun, pleasure, and release. They're not for replacing a real live person if you have a lover. They are for enhancing a sexual experience, and who doesn't want more? If/when you do get your first sex toy, I recommend just handling it. Feel how it feels in your hand. Remember, sex toys don't guarentee orgasm, they can help, but orgasm comes from physical stimulation as well as what's going on in your head. If you're too stressed, worried, or trying too hard, most people just can't orgasm.

You're not the only one that is nervous about sex toys. Toy virgins can be quite intimidated on their first purchase. It takes time to search and find one that you think you'll be comfortable with. If you do decide to get one here, let me tell you a couple of good points about this site. Mind you, I don't get paid to say any of this, it's my personal experience. This is the best toy site I've found, and believe me, there are a lot! The 1 yr guarentee, the quick service, very discreet shipping & billing, I've never had an issue with anything I've gotten as far as satisfaction. I've had to exchange a few toys due to them not working, but, it was without hassle, and the turn around was quick.

Let me know if I can do anything to help. :)

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Though I am but a mere heterosexual male, and really have no knowledge personally of vibrators, Iam happy you found the courage to post your question... And I saw or read nothing which you should feel uncomfortable with... For something that you are unaware, anything sexual, I believe you've come to the correct place to find the information you seek...And Tyger and a few other Ladies within these forums have always been willing to give honest opinions where these toys and even other sexy matters are concerned...

As, for pictures, they're harmless... and if you find you don't want to see any pics, even avatars, you may always change your settings how you view the forums, thus blocking out all pictures...

But look around and enjoy the different views people have, sexually that is...

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LL knows her toys. I would take her advice, and I'm not even a woman.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the things that you should look for when buying your first sex toy is:

What's it made of? Some materials are harder to care for than others. If you're sensitive to smells, stay away from jelly toys, because many of them are strong in the odor department. Personally, I would recommend glass or silicone toys. Those are easy to care for, disinfect, and are long-lasting. The only thing to remember is that with silicone toys, only use water-based lubes with them. Any silicone based lubes with a silicone toy will turn the toy to mush, rendering it unusable and wasted money. Silicone toys are a bit more $$, but they're definitely worth the investment.

Do you want something that vibrates, or just a plain dildo? That's pretty self explanatory.

Do you want something that looks realistic, or not so much? Do colors matter, or not?

How easy are the controls to use, and where are they located?

Do you want something waterproof for say, tub play?

Also, pay attention to the reviews, if that product has one, to see how loud they are. Even if you live alone, some people don't like a loud toy. It's distracting. Almost all of us include how loud a toy is in their reviews, so you get an idea of what to expect.

Another thing to consider is, if you're looking for a toy to insert, how big/wide do you want it? Pay attention to the measurements. Consider the length and width that you're use too, and go with something either a bit smaller, or the same size.

The last thing to remember is pricing. Of course you want to save some money, and again, they don't pay me to say any of this, but TooTimid is the best. They're usually cheaper, if not the same as many of the other companies I've come across. If they are a bit more $, it's not by much, and again, that's where the one year guarentee usually wins me over.

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Hey sweetie. I didn't buy my first toy till I was 40. So much to choose from. Hard to know whats gonna be good for you. Both Ladylove and Tyger are experts with this. Personally I didn't like the rabbit type, still don't own one. But lordy do I have lots of others. As they have stated read the reviews and get one made for beginners. You can and will get many different types for different areas. I know it's hard not to be really shy, but with time you will come to see that the great people here only want to help you. Good luck with your adventure into toys.

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