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I am hitting my peak sexually and my husband isn't. I am going crazy not enough toys to satisfy me. He doesn't last as long as he use to and I think I would be able to last hours on end. I got TC989 9Volt Power G-Vibe but am very sensitive to it. Any idea on the type of material I should get would help. Any ideas on what to do to help get him to last long. I should say he has had an accident causing some damage to his body but not that area. We are still very attracted to each other, he just cannot last as long as I need. I have even talked to him about me going to find another female for me and when I was comfortable possibly bringing him in. But I think NOT... I would love to have any advice

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he doesn't physically last (as in f'king) ?....is he opposed to spending more time with you in foreplay and using the toys on you himself? I love spending time with my wife and toys, when she does give me the chance. If he isn't opened to that, you may want to buy some more toys,,,


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thanks for response toy. No he doesn't last. He had injury and has cause a limp issue. Lets say 2-3 mins of f"king.. is max. He had tried Viagra and it doesn't work. So more toys is my option. I don't know if there is anything that can help him this. We foreplay for ever. He usually complains that he is tired before I get mine so its always off to toys..

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OK, my first thought is that there are more ways to have fun than just fucking. Oral? Fingers? He can help you with toy play. Complaining about being tired is a bit selfish on his part, however, illness happens, this is true, but you are a couple so he should be sensitive to you. Do you offer him oral sex? Have you tried cock rings and other stimulating products to help him?

Now, as for the toys, are you looking for clitoral or insertion or all of the above? do you want waterproof or electric or battery powered? Any allergies?

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yes we have tried the oral and fingers. I have even started with a butt fetish. Never thought I would. I am allergic to the jelly vibes. So any you know that are great please let me know. I was looking into the ones with all three spots at once. I guess my stamina is extremely high cause we can fore play for an hour and Im still extremely horny.

I do offer oral and we have done the cock rings. He likes them but it still doesn't help with him lasting long. I think I want to try the extender thing and see if that helps. Any input is welcome. Thanks

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"I guess my stamina is extremely high cause we can fore play for an hour and Im still extremely horny."

Are you saying you can engage in foreplay for an hour and still can't come? Do you need more intensity or what? I don't know a lot about toys for women - I can't help you there. But I've never met a woman who could take an hour of well-administered oral without coming a couple of times. Maybe your problem is technique?

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I do not think that is what she is saying, I read it as she is not sated. Which, I completely understand because I, myself, can have sex for hours and still be horny. It takes BIG orgasms for me to be sated. However, if that is true, then there are other issues to address as to her need for something stronger.

So, if you are allergic to jelly vibes, but want dual or triple action, I would suggest:

the G-vibe - http://www.tootimid.com/G--Vibe_p_5880.html

doesnt offer all three, but unfortunately with a jelly allergy, you will be limited

The Silicone Jack Rabbit: http://www.tootimid.com/pink-waterproof-silicone-jack-rabbit.html

Big fan of glass: http://www.tootimid.com/icicles-no-30-hand-blown-glass-massager.html

I like glass combined with a bullet too. I am sure you have at least one of those.

The thing to remember also is, include your partner in your play. He may have issues that prevent certain things, but, he can definitely help you and it is more fun and heightens the pleasure when we have someone helping us to play. I hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I am hitting my peak sexually and my husband isn't. I am going crazy not enough toys to satisfy me. He doesn't last as long as he use to and I think I would be able to last hours on end. I got TC989 9Volt Power G-Vibe but am very sensitive to it. Any idea on the type of material I should get would help. Any ideas on what to do to help get him to last long. I should say he has had an accident causing some damage to his body but not that area. We are still very attracted to each other, he just cannot last as long as I need. I have even talked to him about me going to find another female for me and when I was comfortable possibly bringing him in. But I think NOT... I would love to have any advice

I can feel for you as I am going through the same thing. My poor husband doesn't even want to try lately. He says it is his heart, but all his doctors say it will not hurt his heart. I have tried everything with mine, so I am afraid you need to by more sex toys like I do, though it is the physical contact I miss, though he was never affectionate either.

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It is hard as people get older, joints get stiffer, weight is gained (or lost). Yup. We all have these issues as we age. For me, being on top for extended periods of time is painful, so, I have to concede and let my partner take over for a while. Most doctors will say that sex is extremely good for the heart, as it is exercise, and as long as you are pacing yourself...but, fear of hurting is a powerful motivator (or de-motivator) when it comes to intimacy. There are many other ways to be intimate with him, and cuddling and hugging are important too!

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"I guess my stamina is extremely high cause we can fore play for an hour and Im still extremely horny."

Are you saying you can engage in foreplay for an hour and still can't come? Do you need more intensity or what? I don't know a lot about toys for women - I can't help you there. But I've never met a woman who could take an hour of well-administered oral without coming a couple of times. Maybe your problem is technique?

I cum plenty but it just makes me want more. I don't ever feel like its enough. Give me 3 hrs of oral and sex together and maybe I would be satisfied for the night.

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I do not think that is what she is saying, I read it as she is not sated. Which, I completely understand because I, myself, can have sex for hours and still be horny. It takes BIG orgasms for me to be sated. However, if that is true, then there are other issues to address as to her need for something stronger.

So, if you are allergic to jelly vibes, but want dual or triple action, I would suggest:

the G-vibe - http://www.tootimid.com/G--Vibe_p_5880.html

doesnt offer all three, but unfortunately with a jelly allergy, you will be limited

The Silicone Jack Rabbit: http://www.tootimid.com/pink-waterproof-silicone-jack-rabbit.html

Big fan of glass: http://www.tootimid.com/icicles-no-30-hand-blown-glass-massager.html

I like glass combined with a bullet too. I am sure you have at least one of those.

The thing to remember also is, include your partner in your play. He may have issues that prevent certain things, but, he can definitely help you and it is more fun and heightens the pleasure when we have someone helping us to play. I hope this helps!

Glass one is great don't have one with a bullet yet. I am finding out Im very sensitive to different ones for sure the jelly ones. I wont buy those anymore.

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I can feel for you as I am going through the same thing. My poor husband doesn't even want to try lately. He says it is his heart, but all his doctors say it will not hurt his heart. I have tried everything with mine, so I am afraid you need to by more sex toys like I do, though it is the physical contact I miss, though he was never affectionate either.

I think that's why I am thinking of finding a female to play with. He is ok with it. I told him it would just be me and her. He doesn't look at it as cheating since its not a male.

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I think that's why I am thinking of finding a female to play with. He is ok with it. I told him it would just be me and her. He doesn't look at it as cheating since its not a male.

I thinks everyone writes there own rules for there relationships, however be very careful about inviting anyone into your relationship, man or women it could have a down side.

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