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Hi everyone! I thought I would give this forum a try. I was married for 30 years, and now divorced for 4. I've made my share of mistakes trying desperately to regain love that I lost. Presently I have a boyfriend who, in most areas is great! However. he just can't keep an erection long enough for intercourse. Yes, he does take an ED pill. The only way he ever comes is by masturbation himself. I enjoy watching but it is getting old. I am unsatisfied as far as sex goes. However, I love this guy very much and we have a very good. healthy relationship in all other ways. He is 49, I am 52. Any suggestions for me? B)

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Well first off, you mentioned that he can maintain an erection while masturbating. That is a good sign. What it means is it is not a physical issue (most likely) it is more pf a psychological issue. Have you ever managed to achieve penetration, or has he never been able to be erect at even the start? If you have been able to, could he just not maintain it during? Did it not feel good/could he not achieve orgasm?

If he is unable to even penetrate start on the psychological end. Whether we realize it or not, I would say roughly 80 percent of maintaining an erection is the psychological aspect. It doesn't mean he isn't attracted to you, but it is plausible that he may be stressed out. Often this is something with the subconscious, either a bad experience in the past, or a new environment. It could resolve itself and the best method for dealing with this issue would be to just talk. Also consider if he can maintain an erection during foreplay, and not just sex. It would help pinpoint where the issue he is having may be.

Now if he can penetrate but the erection is lost during sex. Then it could be a couple of things. He could be stressed about the desire to either perform or climax. He could also be stressed about something with the act of penetration (again the possibility of a past event). Or less likely there could be a loss of stimulation whether it is a bad position, too wet, or something of that kind of thing.

Heres an article on the psychological side of things. I hope it helps:http://www.healthcentral.com/erectile-dysfunction/qa-2987-143.html

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Hello there Newbie,

The dreaded ED can strike at any age. Be it physical, psychological or a combination of both, it doesn't stop you from getting frustrated does it.

I am presuming that your man wants to have sex with you. Purchase a hollow strap on for men. They come in a variety of sizes so you can select what suits YOUR needs best 6", 8" or a whacking great 10". -- They are available on through Too Timed.

I am 65 and suffer the same problem as your man, but I can assure you that my wife doesn't go short in any department.

Good luck and have fun.

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