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I just wanted to post this up. I've been so scared lately to make love cause I thought that I would get some kind of bladder infection. The last guy that I was with kept giving them to me and in the end he blamed me and told me to find someone to deal with my infections. I've never had any kind of infection before. After him I took a long break from dating anyone cause I keep attracting wrong kind of men into my life. I've finally been working on my self esteem and trying to get by in my life without any guy in my life and turned down dates even cause I wanted to completely concentrate on myself. Which is good!! ^_^

Finally I reconnected with someone again and we've gotten close. He's somebody that I can trust. Finally I started to pick up on him flirting with me and things been slowly building up. However I'm keeping up my end of the bargain and maintaining doing things for myself. My question is when I finally did make love to my friend, I didn't get any bladder infection at all. The more I think about it I think it's cause I had precancer on my cervix and just got it removed. I'm not sure. It was very painful for me when I had sex with my friend tonight. Sort of felt as if I was losing my virginity again and than I remember that it might be painful for me at times cause of the surgery. Good thing he went slow and he was very supportive and understanding. Before hand I told him how I was paranoid about the bladder infections, which I was. The only guy I've ever gotten one from was from the last guy I dated. Got STD's tested for everything and everything came back negative. So could precancer have something to do with my bladder infections? If you're not sure. It's okay. Just wondered about this.

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I'm sorry I can't answer your questions about bladder infections. Yet I do know there are some women who have adverse reactions to ejacutale and have physical reactions to it. While not common it does occur. On the other note, you spoke of the man you were connected to as not being very attentive. Blame never helps. I am happy to hear you took time to reconnect with yourself, build your self esteem and gain confidence. Pre cancer and having your cervix removed had to be a difficult thing for you, yet good you caught what could have been a terrible thing quickly and early. Taking time for yourself and taking things slow is a good thing. I was glad to see you found someone who is respectful to you. May you continue to discover and find happiness.

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It is called Honeymoon bladder.  Some women just get bladder infections when they have sex with certain men.  I did with one of my exes.  Almost every time we had sex I would have a bladder infection the next day, He was very clean IDK why it happened, but it almost always did with him.

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