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*whining* It's so damn hoooooooot out there!!!!


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So, the last 2 weeks here, have had high temps, like in the high 90's, but then the heat indexes make it even worse with up to 110 temps!! It's been ridiculous!! I've put tinfoil on the majority of the windows to keep the heat out, and the house is dark because of it (I hate a dark house, but I hate hate hate the high electric bill even more).

Just taking the dogs out makes me (or anyone) sweat like crazy. It sucks.

I do keep a big bowl of water outside for all of the animals.

How's the weather/heat where you are?

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Well here today we have rain however the temperature is in the 80s and the humidity is high and the rain on your skin feels like you in a misty shower, warm rain, you can sweat just standing still hope it cools off soon 

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Many years, we will have had temps approaching 100 F and high humidity by this time in the summer.  This year has been relatively mild so far.  It's been pretty soupy for the past week, just not in the high 90's.

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Hmmmm...I'd rather shovel than sweat!!!!  (born in a snow storm....what do you expect! hahaha!!!)

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For those living in the southern states I get it. For me give me the heat. It is much better than 4 feet of snow.

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All I know is my ac in my living room is about dead and I am melting still at 930 at night 

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I like heat, a dry heat though.

It's going on about a month of this ridiculous weather!

First we had rains that Noah could understand, and now this! Thankfully, since it's been so hot, any of the puddles or small areas that mosquitos usually breed in are dried up, so they haven't really been that bad.

Red wasps, however, are bad this year. Those red bastards are mean as hell! They'll sting you for just being in their flight path!

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I think mother nature is playing with us here.  One day 90s and high humidity the next 2 days 70s and dry with a forecast of hot and sticky weather most of next week, I don't like the heat and wenwitch wants to move back to Texas in a couple years 

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On 7/15/2016 at 7:50 AM, l8niter said:

I think mother nature is playing with us here.  One day 90s and high humidity the next 2 days 70s and dry with a forecast of hot and sticky weather most of next week, I don't like the heat and wenwitch wants to move back to Texas in a couple years 

Texas would love to have you back! :-) But the heat is killer.  I thought I was go to melt at the flea market today lol

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Well WenWitch is from Texas but I'm from gods country the great state of Maine so the heat would be tough on me

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l8nighter, I'm from Maine too. When I first moved down here, I lived near Austin. It's a much dryer heat there, and enjoyed thawing out. Here in East TX, I hate hate hate it!! I use to do so much outside. Now, the humidity here makes that near impossible due to my asthma. It's insane. The only reason I stay in this area is because i don't want to give my ex husband an excuse not to see his daughter. If he moves to Galveston, all bets and considerations are off!!! This is ridiculous!

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I would love to go back to Maine but poor wen would freeze up there

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I do miss Maine. However, the cost of living and taxes up there, I don't miss it at all!!!

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And the lack of good paying jobs 

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ok so today we had hot humid morning, overnight temps never dropped below 70 , mid morning today we had a thunder storm and would you believe the rain water was a little warmer then a cool shower , WTF mother nature

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I think that Mother Nature is having hormonal issues!!!! Damn hot flashes!!! LOL

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Holy hot, we've had heat indexes around 110 to 120 degrees ,  started Thursday morning and wont be over until tomorrow night, Its so humid outside you can sweat just sitting in the shade

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