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Being The Strong One


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My circle of people I talk to seems to be going down. You know, I try and take the time to listen to others if they need to talk, or are having a hard time. Even when I'm super busy, I really take the time to listen. I may come across as a bitch, but that's only because I don't take people's shit, and I also am pretty blunt when it comes to some things. I tend to get to the point, and not flower stuff up when you ask for my opinion. And, I actually use my filter enough so I don't totally alienate people. LOL

This week, there's been so much going on for a lot of people. I try to listen to as much as I can. This one person this week, who whines about everything when she comes in (and I do mean EVERYTHING), and I listen, came up and started again. Then she asked how I was. I started to tell her a little bit of why I'm down right now. (Godmother is dying, I've had 2 kids I know of loose parents in a week, my daughter has mono, and I just found out that another friend's brother just passed. Not to mention that it's been a very unproductive week this week, and the crazy parents just seem to be getting crazier!! Stress, emotions, and I'm not even PMSing!!! LOL)  She literally, like actually walked off on me because my problems far exceeded hers. I was like, really? And I didn't even get personal or in depth! Wow. Ok. Thanks for not listening.

That's actually happened to me 3 times this week. 3. I will not be making those people much of any time the next time they try and talk to me.

So, if someone tries to come to you to vent, disclose, or just unload, take the time to listen. Even the strongest need to vent every so often. I keep so much to myself most of the time, and I deeply appreciate those that take the time to listen to me as well. It's very rare that I actually delve deep and want to talk to someone. Usually just 2  people get that privilege. But I know that if I need them, they are there. But, jeez, I was just saying a generalization as to what's been going on, and the bitch just. Walked. Off.

I'm not whining, or asking for attention, just making an observation, asking those to think, and take some time to be thoughtful. Someone may just need that.

I'm normally a strong person, and come across as not needing anyone much of the time. But, everyone needs someone to talk to. Thankfully, my GF is awesome like that, but she's had to stay at her house for the last 3 nights, so I am missing her even though we talk on the phone every night.
That is all.

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  • Members

*hugs* I am sorry that happened hon

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Review Team

Tyger I'm sorry to hear that all this is falling on you , its never easy loosing anyone that you are really close to and I hope your daughter is feeling better, It sounds to me like you have been treated poorly and its not right, If you ever need to vent you can vent to either Wen or I we always listen. its a shame that some people want you to listen to there issues but wont give you the time of day when you need to vent. its just not right.

Wen and I are finally getting to the time of year that our jobs are slowing down and we can be on the forums more often.

Doctor L8 & Nurse Wen Prescribe just for you , get some fragrant bath salt, a nice bottle of wine, A soft sensual bubble bath soap, Light some candles , turn down the lights, put on some soft jazz  and immerse yourself in a deep water hot luxurious bath and let your troubles melt away, Pamper yourself with a night of you time



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  • Review Team

As far as the not taking anyones shit, well that's the Maina in you lololol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all of the support guys and gals!

I had to laugh!!! Last night, the woman that just walked off on me called me for advice. They had created some committee for the activity my daughter does, yet chose not to include me. THEN she called me for legal advice, knowing I've dealt with that sort of thing before. I kept it brief, and general. Then I got off the phone because I was moving stuff. Too bad, so sad.

Is it wrong of me that doing that felt good? LMAO

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