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I don't quite know where to post this, but I guess this is a good place.

So I've never liked performing oral on men. I just don't see the appeal. I tried to like it with my last boyfriend but it got to the point that it didn't do anything for him since I looked bored the whole time. But at the beginning he would beg and beg for it, and it really made me uncomfortable.

I know giving oral to men is one of those things that's just expected these days, so it makes me worried if this will become a problem when dating.

Any one else go through this? Any advice you can give? I am bisexual and lean a little bit more towards women, so I'm wondering if me not having as much attraction towards men will make it harder for me to love giving oral to them. Never given it to a woman, but the thought of it doesn't weird me out like it does for men, and I'm very confused...

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3 hours ago, GirlCrush said:

This is just my opinion...either you haven't found the right guy , or your more into woman.If Im  really into my man. Wanting to pleasure him..gets me hot. If thinking about going down on a woman gives you this same feeling. Woman it is. Nothing about sex should feel like work! Or a job!

Well put GC. If sex is a job your not with the right person.

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Oral pleasuring is an interesting thing for people. While many people like receiving, there are a few who have not the same interest in giving. Maybe you have not found the right connection with the right person to have pleasure in performing orally. I know for me it is about the connection that makes the activity great. Without connection it is just another act (an I LOVE giving orally). Maybe it is just that you are finding what you like and don't like sexually.  That is a grand thing. If that is the case celebrate it. There are so many other things to do to bring sexual pleasure with your partner. If it feels like a demand or high expectation that you give orally, that may be affecting your pleasure and desire. If this is the case I suggest an open talk with your partner about your feelings, concerns and desires. Lastly attraction is a funny thing. It can either bring great disinhibition or significant inhibition. Either way follow your attraction, trust your feeling and be true to yourself.

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