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Sex hurts :/

Cinnamon 2112

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My husband and I have regular sex, and it still hurts for him to enter me a I bleed a little afterwards almost every time. I'm always good and aroused before we start and we use a quality lube. Has anyone else experienced this?


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My ex husband use to get soooooo insulted if I mentioned having to use lubes......However, he was really big and wide, and so, yeah, it could hurt!! But, there's nothing wrong with a little extra help with using lubes to make sex more enjoyable for the both of you.

If you're NOT using an sex toys or condoms, and sex is painful, then I would recommend a silicone based lube. It isn't absorbed into your body like water-based ones can be), and silicone lubes last a long time.

Being wet enough before hand, in other words.....foreplay for YOU, is very important. If you're not fully aroused physically, this can also cause pain.

After I had my daughter, I had pain with sex. Talked to my GYN about it and she did an exam. She said I had something to which I cannot remember the name of.....it's common in white women, and it basically caused one spot on the cervix, to stay dry.....like a dry spot. It feels like a grain of sand is irritating that one area, and yes, I did bleed from it. My GYN recommended a cream that I had to apply up inside of me. Then, she highly recommended lube as well.

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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 5:53 PM, Cinnamon 2112 said:

My exams are always normal, they just say the opening to my vagina is a little small, but shouldn't be causing me pain 😧

I am your man. The years have robbed me of a larger dick. Lost a third. Well at 67 yo I guess im lucky to be functional. Maybe try to slow your hubby down a little. I always found that taking more time with a woman's ass was the way to go for her. I enter real slow and stop and give her a long back rub while she relaxes. Then she  tells me when to proceed! Oh how I love that action. Maybe it will work with the pussy also. Good Luck Charlie

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Sex hurts for me as well. It hasn't always but one day it started. I went 2 years, telling my doctor and him saying "all your tests are normal". He finally did an ultrasound and found what I suspected,  endometriosis. After having surgery to confirm and remove sex got better. I know women who bleed during or after sex because of this disease. I'd be in pain for days after sex. It'd be worth asking your doctor to take a look. Its very common but often overlooked and misdiagnosed.

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That doesn't sound good.  Not sure what could be causing it if your exams are normal. I know at times a well endowed guy can make things sting a bit, but I think that's my cervix talking to me. And in those cases I like what it's saying. I guess sometimes pain can feel good, but I get the impression that's not what's happening with you. 

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On 10/1/2017 at 11:16 AM, Cinnamon 2112 said:

My husband and I have regular sex, and it still hurts for him to enter me a I bleed a little afterwards almost every time. I'm always good and aroused before we start and we use a quality lube. Has anyone else experienced this?


I have never had a problem with Dewey being to thick to penetrate me as long as we have a Lot of foreplay.  He has got a good thick cock between his legs, and the head of it is a lot bigger than the shaft.  My two sisters do have a problem with him penetrating them. Because they are a lot tighter than me and sometimes they will have a problem bleeding after he has had several orgasm's inside of them. They have told me that they can't get enough of his hot sexy cock. And always will come back for more.   So if your man has a good size cock in thickness,  that could be the problem with the pain and bleeding.

Just saying Mandy C and Dewey

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  • 4 weeks later...

Even though this is an older thread, I think it's still a great one!!!

Just because pelvic exams come back normal, doesn't mean there's something wrong that can cause pain. Most GYNs, when doing a pelvic exam, are just feeing for things to be in the right spot, and/or lumps that shouldn't be there. Plus those dreaded swabs, checking for any bacterial infections/imbalances & STDs. 

Be insistent with your gynecologist, and insist that there IS something not right down there, and that there's pain. Sex shouldn't be painful. If you're lubing up, fully excited, and aren't experiencing any sort of bladder or yeast infection, sex should NOT hurt!! Having a well-endowed lover can cause some pain or discomfort, to a degree. But, our genital area is meant to stretch a bit to accommodate that. So, if you've been with your lover for a while, and pain develops, go to the dr. 

If your current doctor won't listen, find another one that will!!! Sex is suppose to be fun and pleasurable for BOTH partners!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 11/6/2020 at 11:56 PM, Tyger said:

Even though this is an older thread, I think it's still a great one!!!

Just because pelvic exams come back normal, doesn't mean there's something wrong that can cause pain. Most GYNs, when doing a pelvic exam, are just feeing for things to be in the right spot, and/or lumps that shouldn't be there. Plus those dreaded swabs, checking for any bacterial infections/imbalances & STDs. 

Be insistent with your gynecologist, and insist that there IS something not right down there, and that there's pain. Sex shouldn't be painful. If you're lubing up, fully excited, and aren't experiencing any sort of bladder or yeast infection, sex should NOT hurt!! Having a well-endowed lover can cause some pain or discomfort, to a degree. But, our genital area is meant to stretch a bit to accommodate that. So, if you've been with your lover for a while, and pain develops, go to the dr. 

If your current doctor won't listen, find another one that will!!! Sex is suppose to be fun and pleasurable for BOTH partners!

Well put Tyger, once you have intercourse a few times their should not be anymore pain.  If you do their is something wrong and you need to talk with your doctor ASAP

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