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Please Think Good Thoughts


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I decided to post this here since not alot of you check the blogs. Mikayla thank you for your response, to all my other friends here at Tootimid please pray, or think positive thoughts for my little one he has been suffering with MRSA for awhile now and has been in and out of the hospital with it.


This is a wesite of what it looks like and tells a little about it for those that dont know. SO whatever positive thoughts you use or prayers will be highly appreciated. Sorry I posted it here but wasn't sure where to post. I know this has nothing to do with our typical post but he needs as much thoughts and prays as he can get to help him get over this.

THANK YOU ALL and I will keep you posted. :)

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I couldn't really find what that IS from the link you sent. The pics of it look awful though!! :o I hope your son's isn't as severe as some of those.

If it's not too upsetting, what is it, and what causes it?

I will think positively for you and your family. I hope all turns out well!!!

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MRSA use to be a hospital born Staph infection, it has found it's way out to the public. My son was bitten by a bug and he scratched it and staph got in and has turn to MRSA. His left side of his body is covered in red welts and blistards just like the pics. http://dermnetnz.org/bacterial/methicillin-resistance.html This link should help. Thanks.

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I ask that God do a devine healing on son and i truly believe he will do just that :)

when i first start doing daycare i had parent who brought her child to me from another daycare and i ask her what was wrong with her child and she thought it was a bite from another child at the old daycare and when she taken her to doctor she had something like you son. things turn out good

iam so sorry this has happen to you, i are going to get better please keep us udated on everything



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As I said to you in my post on the blog, I am confident your little guy will be OK. It is devastating when our little ones hurt and we can do nothing to stop it or help. If we could take their pain, we would do it, but we can't. God will be with you and with your son and he will be healed soon - there are many prayers coming your way - more than you even know!

Keep strong Katprr....

Mikayla ;)

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:( My son was admitted FRiday here at the ICU Pedistrics. THis is just a little update, his spirits are well though despite it all. THe think they have found the medication that will help to kill this. The ran a bunch of blood test and cultures to see what antibotic it is all resist to. Doctors are trying the last one they have and we are hopefull. I will keep you all posted. Since I can't have my laptop on in ICU, I will try to keep you all updated when I come down to eat etc..

Thank you all for the Thoughts and prayers. :)

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Oh sweety, i am so sorry to hear that. My baby girl was hospitalized with RSV last year so I know what your going through seeing your little one in the hospital. My heart and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted

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