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Normal Amount Of Cum For Women


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I guy I'm seeing said that I cum ALOT and said he never had been with anyone who came that much. Is there a "normal" amount to cum and what would be considered "too much"?

He thought it was incredibly hot and sexy but kinda has me a little self-conscious?

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Was hoping you or Mikayla would answer me - love you guys!!

Ahhhh, that is so sweet! Have you considered the possibility that you may be having a G-Spot orgasm? If he is getting an extra gush of liquid while fingering you inside, that most certainly can be from your G-SPot!

I am a woman who has a lot of cum as well, and as Howard suggested I believe it is half my genetic make-up and half because I drink about 10 bottles of water daily! Cum is mostly water - as he explained - so the more you drink, the "wetter" you can become. THis is why women who are especially dry should drink more water!

Thanks for posting and keep reading!


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Strobelite69: interesting name you have chosen- brings back many fond memories. I am glad that Mikayla and I didn't disappoint you. Please feel free to ask us anything you want to. There are many women out there who are just as nervous about their own bodies, and concerned that they might be some kind of freak, as you were about this. Even doctors don't know everything they should about sex, unless they make a special effort to learn more than what is in their medical textbooks and courses.

Part of the frustration the public has with all professions is that the professions themselves tend to compartmentalize the human condition, carving out their own " Turf ", complete with their own jargon to separate what they do from " common sense ". In the process, many throw the baby out with the bath water, and " common sense " doesn't seem to be all that " COMMON " anymore! , even with professionals. They are so busy learning how to diagnose and treat ILLNESS, that they forget to think about how people actually live their lives, and particularly don't concern themselves with how people have fun. There are not very many people going into ERs or hospitals, or doctor's offices laughing. From my talks with physicians, and nurses, its clear they are not really trained to advise people how to have fun.

What I try to do here is help people who are interested learn how to enjoy themselves and learn to play better, and more often with their life partners. To get there, we all can stand a refresher course in human anatomy, taking a particular look as how all these Gastro-intestinal, endocrinal, nervous, and muscles systems come into play when we get horny! It is really a wonderful process that takes place when people have orgasms, and its worth the time to learn how everything relates so you can do it better. It also is a lifetime study, because, like with so many other subjects we explore, the more questions we answer, the more questions are raise to be answered! Most people are not interested in the whys of how to have sex. They just want to climax, and the sooner the better. It takes real interest and understand that if you delay your climax by doing certain things, the climax(es) you have eventually will be huge!, and worth the delay and effort. That is when postpoing pleasure for a little while gets to be the most fun you can have with your clothes off! ( And, sometimes, if you are really good together, with your clothes on, too! )

Welcome, and thank you for the vote of confidence.


I agree with Mikalya about the water thing. Most people are in a constant state of dehydration, and it will show how well a woman can produce lubrication and how her skin looks. A friend of mine is a nutritional researcher and recommended people drink about half their body weight each day in water. My gf drinks ONLY about 12 oz water a day if she is lucky, and she needs a lube most of the time and her skin looks older than she is. That sucks. My background is in nutrition and sports, and smart hydration has always been part of my protocol for training while competing. Lots of water daily is the single easiest thing you can do to lose weight, cleanse your organs, eat less, not be constipated, have better looking skin, and more energy to name a few.


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