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OK so we used my dildo last Friday for anal and then he slipped himself in....I would have to say it felt really good...we used a lot of lube...ASTROGLIDE.

Ok...so now i am having a hard time passing stools...

Sat afternoon I was having a bowel movement and after i was done there was a glob of blood....looked like a bloody snot from someones nose...Is this normal?? It also had a disgusting odor to it too....Normal???

Since then I have not seen any bloody stuff like that....but hard stools instead...or pooping rabbit pellets(no pun intended)

Can Cranberry juice cause this too?? Cause i have been drink some Cranberry Juice to clear up and infection i have along with the meds they have me on...Done with one perscription and now finishing up the other(Macrobid)

I know i will mention this to the Dr when i go in to see her....They were supposed to set me up with a GI specialist but they never got back to me on that...I would need to drink a barium so they can find a problem..


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The odor is completely normal! I mean, let's face it, poop, stools, shit whatever - it smells bad. However, when you mix a lubricant or a toy or both with the natural smell of excretion it smells pretty funky! This is why I usually try not to eat much if I know I am going to have a special evening - or if I am planning on anal sex. Sometimes however you just don't know.

There is usually stool in the anal canal - from a small amount to a fairly large amount. When you first start having anal sex and you are not used to it, the stools become compacted. I mean, you are sticking something up there and forcing whatever is in the canal - back. As for being continually constipated - I have never had that. Usually my first bm after anal is a little more, shall we say, solid - than the previous day.

As for the blood - you are using lube - which is GREAT - but you are still introducing a foreign object into your rectum. I little bleeding is not uncommon the first couple times - if you are bleeding a lot - then I would say you are too rough. The membranes there are very, very fragile. I mean, we have all passed a hard stool and had a little blood when we wiped, right? Or, it is possible if you have had children, are overweight, sit a lot at your job - that you may have internal hemmorroids. Those can bleed a bit during anal and you would hever know they were there otherwise!

So, get checked out, but I wouldn't worry!


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Yes i do have 2 children....not external hemorriods but I may have internal....Cause sometimes my anus will hurt....even if it hasn't been touched....Yes i am a little over weight and i am trying to manage that on my own without the aid of a DR right now. I was doing the slim fast diet but I always felt hungry....So i stopped.

So now i am just watching what i eat...

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Let's face it.. when you get past a certain age, especially if you've pushed a baby or three out your bottom end, things don't always work like they used to. A little bit of blood with bowel movements is not uncommon, especially after anal intercourse. You should have your doctor take a look, though, just to be sure there's nothing wrong up there. Hemorrhoids can be a problem, and polyps can be really bad. Ask your doctor, and if s/he suggests sigmoidoscopy, do it.

You need to take good care of your bowels whether you're into anal sex or not. Get plenty of fiber, take a daily stool softener, and drink lots of water. Mild laxatives are ok every now and then, but I prefer an enema if things aren't working well.

You shouldn't have much stool in your rectum at any time. The rectum is a passageway, not a holding tank. If you're worried about it, put a finger up your anus when you don't feel the urge to have a BM and if you can feel stool, you're not moving your bowels enough, or more likely you're ignoring your bowel's messages to empty. NEVER resist the urge to have a bowel movement. Find a toilet and take care of business. Too many women are taught to resist their bowel urge when they're little girls, and life-long constipation is the result. I see a lot of these people (I'm a nurse).

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Hi All,

In general, antibiotics often give adverse reactions in the GI track. However, nitrofurantoin, the active substance in your antibiotics, very rarely causes constipation. It is more likely to cause loose stool and diarrhea. As mentioned above, I suspect the anal penetration to be the cause for your symptoms.


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As far as the antibiotics go, I get severe bladder infections, :blink: and have probably been on every sulfer-based bladder meds there are, including Macrobid. I never had issues with my stool when on any of them. That's just me. And, I don't read the hand outs that most pharmacies automatically give out now, since I am so use to taking them.

The few times that I have had anal sex, there was a funky smell afterwards, for the reasons Mikayla said, and a bit of blood, but not much to be concerned about.

It will take time for your rectum to stretch a bit, to accomodate a penis, so go slow, use LOTSA lube, and relax! Happy playing!

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Tip: If antibiotics mess your GI track (or you suspect it) try taking lactobacillus (lactic acid bacteria) capsules concurrently with your antimicrobial medicine. Antibiotics also affect the normal flora ("good bacteria") in your intestine and lactobacilli help to restore the balance and the normal bowel function. This is good to know, in particular if you have frequent infections.


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