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The Hotel Room

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 I open the door to my room prop myself in a seductive pose wrapped only in a towel awaiting your arrival. I Review my plans for you over in my head  a grin spreads across my face. Suddenly you appear a vision I have never seen anyone more beautiful, I have lost my train of thought I stand there mouth open panicking. (Pull it together pull it together keeps running through my head).   You walk right passed me poised and confident thanks for dressing up you snip as you walk into the room! (Come up with something clever I’m telling my self). Well I thought you would appreciate me showering after our earlier adventure and I  didn’t think I would need to dress! You didn’t ? Well what do you think is going to happen sir? Silence (say something  your panicking say something) Just what I thought you snicker! Not much of a view you say as you strut your self around the room. Well there wasn’t until you arrived I manage to get out with some form of cockiness. And then it happened you blush and try to fight back a smile I have you now.                                                          Well let me show you the view I walk you over to the window that stretches from  floor to ceiling and point see we have a view of hotel across the streets pub.  Still not much of a view! You snip. It’s not our view that is great it’s theirs. I step up wrap my arms around you from behind and start kissing you neck and ear lobes, running my hands up and down your body. You try to struggle but I tighten my hold on you I have you now as I lower my hand and slide it under your dress you grab my hand with both of yours they can see us !!! Yes and their view is about to get a lot better, with my other hand I unzip you dress and unhook your bra all in one swift move. I spin you around and kiss you pulling you close and working your dress off of your shoulders letting it fall to the floor. You try and cover but I am going to have you and it’s going to be the way I want! I position you facing the window you reach for the curtains I grab your hands and place one on each side of the window frame, there you stretched out in my window for all to see. I begin kiss your neck my hands now holding and massaging your breast I drop my towel and press my naked body against you. Look I say you have an audience you look up to see 10 faces staring back at you a slight moan slips out of your mouth and you lean back against me giving yourself to me, I pick you up carry you to the bed and lay you down I stand there admiring you gorgeous body. I pull you to edge of the bed slowly slide your panties down you legs and drop them to the floor I now kneel in front of you and kiss your ankle one then the other. Working my way up your legs kissing and running my tongue along your beautiful legs. I reach your pussy the prize at end of your luscious legs I lean in and plant a kiss on you warm wet pussy. I now start running my tongue from the top to the bottom slipping it deep inside of you I feel you jump as I penetrate you I start licking and sucking you clit sliding my finger deep inside you moving it in and out thrusting it back in deep.  I get into a rhythm of licking, sucking and thrusting my finger into your  pussy your breathing quickens your moaning and pumping against my mouth you  arch your back and scream as you cum all over my tongue. I kiss your pussy and slide up between your legs kissing your breast holding you tight I roll us and you end up on top of me with a smile I say ride me cowgirl......

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Very hot.☀️

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lady ,i would watch you anytime,

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